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About Nathalie

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  1. @Hero of Time yes you're totaly right.. I just think that if I ask him I will never know the truth.. Maybe I first need more informations and ask him than.. Thank you :-)
  2. @Ether you Seem to be absolutly bored by my asking.. Why do you answer?
  3. @Ether maybe just the need to speak with somebody neutral because I don't find the answer on my own..
  4. @Ether don't know but even if it's so I would like to know the Raison, at the Moment I feel like in my own detective Story.. I just would like to understand Why.. ANd I ask it in this Forum because maybe it's a typical men behavior.. and someone could exlain.. But maybe I waste my time?
  5. @Ether we are living together for years and in many aspects we are really happy and and do a lot together. In many occasions he's also a challenge for me (and I suppose he feels the same) I even like the arguments we have because afterwards I have the feeling that we both transcend and grow.. So it isn't an easy relationship but somehow always exciting in different ways..
  6. @Spiral At the Moment, he would surely accept if he can manage it with his job. We are Living together and on the one side he really seems to care about me and this is exactly what is so strange. So maybe he wouldn't see her than but it wouldn't exclude that he dates her (or try to) a few days or weeks later.. Should I always try to controle him? Seems silly..
  7. @Ether I would if I thought he would tell me the truth, but he often tells "people in general can't cope with the truth".. I mean he's telling stories all the time. And so I'm afraid it would take me the last chance to know what's going on..
  8. hi every Body what would you think, say or do if you found a message from your boyfriend, telling a woman you don't know, that he his in Germany next month.. Knowing that she has a german Name and a german tel number.. and we are living in Germany and just leave it for vacation..? So I think he's lying to another Woman, but what for? Dating? Testing his attraction?? How would you react? PS: I watch his phone after he reacted strangely as I wanted to download something to mine (Things we often do normaly)
  9. Why not give it a trial like you already do (without buying anything).. I think the error would be to give your life (so to speak) in Leo's Hand, like one would do with a guru.. Just keep the responsibility for your doing and try the things which feel good for you. Finally you have to find your own pad, nobody can do it for you.. there's no short cut for nothing if you want to do it well.
  10. I start to make exercises to practice foreign languages writing them down with my left Hand (I'm normally a right hander..), just because it always seems to be so boring to write all this things with the only objective to learn the vocabulary better ..and now it's really fun :-) so I can also apply here the fact that: "the journey is the reward"
  11. @Friend interesting idea .. Somehow it reminds me Einstein who always wore the same things so he didn't waste time by choosing.. However, this way, one has just to make sure he/she gets all the vital stuff for the Body.. (vitamins, mineral nutrients, protein...) .. maybe just a little boring after a while?
  12. @Toby I primery refered to : I don't mind if you eat animals or not.. maybe it's possible to be aware of what you're doing and accept it.. Don't know.. for me it doesn't work.. What I meant was: I think it's incredible to pretend that they have to be happy for their life !! Or are all this reportages faked where you can observe how they are treated until..?
  13. @kieranperez What about the rest of the day, do only "bad things" happen to you or are you just more fixated on them ? Could you perhaps give little good things more importance and give them your attention and your gratitude ? Forget what other people say, conscient and intelligent persons would never call someone an asshole.. It's just stupid, no need to think about it..
  14. don't let a test tell you if you're intelligent or not, the most IQ tests are nothing but bullshit really !!