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About wordsforliving

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  1. Letting Go of Toxic Relationships
    Just got out of a toxic relationship, what now?
    Now block his number and stop talking to him.
    Now don't get back together with him, even though you two will both want to.
    Now give yourself time to rethink your life.
    Now take time to work on yourself and move on to the next chapter of your life.
    The pain of loss is an illusion. It will pass within a few weeks. So hang in there.

  2. Forgiving the Self
    Trauma Release Exercise
    @Zec Just do the exercise on yourself.
    Forgiving self and forgiving other is the same exact thing. Since self and other are one.

  3. A detailed explanation of the infinite
    A detailed explanation of the infinite
    To me this is the most detailed and impressive human explanation of god nearing Leo's insights. Definetely check if out if you want to learn about the cosmic cycle,eternity,duality,infinity etc.

  4. Sexual energy
    Sexual energy
    @Preety_India  Kriya Pranayama is a similar technique.
    Adding maha mudra to this is even more powerful.
    In kriya Pranayama you breath from your lower chakra to your highest chakras and exhale from top to bottom. (Rising your kriya upwards) not like the traditional breathing i.e. nose to belly. 
    It's a kriya yoga technique.

  5. David R. Hawkins consciousness scale
    I read a book about Pornography, it left me thinking: Why it's even legal?
    Back in 1986 or so the U.S. Dept of Justice had a commission on pornography and released a report. This research or report was quite extensive and I read the entire thing since I was a DOJ employee and worked for a federal prosecutor at that time. I was quite shocked at how pornography was tied to the background of so much violent crime. After reading the entire Dept of Justice official report, I never again viewed pornography as something unharmful. The New York Times released an article with the headline: JUSTICE DEPT. PORNOGRAPHY STUDY FINDS MATERIAL IS TIED TO VIOLENCE. A tiny blub about it is here - https://www.nytimes.com/1986/05/14/us/justice-dept-pornography-study-finds-material-is-tied-to-violence.html
    The actual Dept. of Justice report was hundreds of pages and quite extensive and included statistics and details on federal cases. 
    The DOJ commission on pornography was dismantled in 2011, but the DOJ's legal attention remains on child pornography. But other than that, of course it will never be made illegal. 
    Anti-pornography interests want to push the DOJ to enforce existing federal obscenity laws - https://endsexualexploitation.org/doj/. But the DOJ is far more interested in frying much bigger fish or political interests. No crackdown of any sort will ever happen other than child pornography. 
    Other research is compiled here for those interested - https://pornharmsresearch.com/
    If one has a desire to raise their consciousnesses and move towards enlightenment aggressively, pornography will not assist that process. Neither does crappy food, but fast food and junk food is easy and convenient to consume so most of us fall into the bad food trap. But pornography calibrates quite low (100) on the consciousness scale so that is quite a bit of gravity downward into lower consciousness and the addictive quality can make it much harder to go back up the calibration scale towards enlightenment if consumed too much. 
    David R. Hawkins has done quite a bit of research in the area of consciousness calibrations which is quite fascinating. 

  6. LSD vs DMT for long-term consciousness work
    LSD vs DMT for long-term consciousness work
    Why not alternate between both so you taste more of the rainbow?
    Use one as a foil for the other to deepen you understanding of how consciousness works. That's why I try many difference substances and not just stick to 5-MeO.

  7. How can we trust our direct experience?
    How can we trust our direct experience?
    In those cases you don't know the truth. For survival purposes you are forced to speculate, assume, project, believe others, and make up stories.
    Survival puts you in an existential bind. As long as you want to live as a self you will always have to make stories and hold assumptions about the future.
    You see, Truth is so radical because it doesn't care about survival. But you do.
    Safety is a concern of the ego-mind. You are asking me questions about what is best for your survival. But Truth doesn't care about that because survival is an illusion. By asking survival questions you drive yourself deeper into the illusion of ego-mind and seperation.
    Yet at the same time you must worry about survival otherwise you'd ve dead and awakening would not be possible.
    So you're stuck between falsehood and Truth.
    This explains why Truth is so rare amoung humans. Truth is not useful in the way a human wants it to be.
    The truth in the above examples is simply that you do not know until you try it. Now you matbe object, "But what if it's dangerous to try it?" That's right. Many things are dangerous to try, but that isn't truth's problem, that's the ego's problem.

  8. How can we trust our direct experience?
    How can we trust our direct experience?
    But here's where you are overlooking the obvious: you in fact DO know that! When you see one side but not the other, literally what is TRUE is that one sides exists while the other does not. The other side only exists in your mind.
    This is what's literally true. Take a closer look at it. It's so obvious.
    What you see is exactly what there is. That's raw truth while the rest is a story.
    Realizing these things requires clinical and objective observation. This is not a thinking exercise. Distinguish observation from thinking.
    Sit down and OBSERVE what is literally true.

  9. Neural Network Potential for Leo
    Neural Network Potential for Leo
    There is no one to awaken but yourself.
    When you fully awaken, that's it. The end. No one else is left. You have total omniscience of the whole universe and all this Elon Musk shit will look like a joke. You are hallucinating Elon Musk and Joe Rogan to distract yourself from awakening.

  10. Questions about the New Video
    Questions about the New Video
    @Forrest Adkins The highest consciousness I have experienced transcended souls, levels, densities, years, books, Buddha, and Ra.
    It is a pure singularity of Love. The end.
    But whether you can/will actually abide in that consciousness in this lifetime, I have no idea. But you can get a peak of it for sure.