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Everything posted by Paan

  1. @moon777light Ive been doing kriya yoga for over a year with the endpoint being at the third eye
  2. what time do you guys think you should move your endpoint from the third eye to the crown chakra?
  3. @tedens yes ive seen that vid
  4. @Alex thank you for the video tip! Ull check that out
  5. @okulele yes thats the one Ive read also the one about kundalini.
  6. Ive been doing Kriya yoga for 1 year now. My routine is right now: Kriya bow(will be starting supreme fire soon) 3x maha mudra 24-36 Pranayama ( Gamanas method with Om at the third eye) 5min concentration. My question is about the pranayama, can you make it your own style? I would like to try doing the breathing without the oms and with end point at the crown. Instead of applying oms at the end point you focus on moving the energy up the spine. More like regular spinal breathing. And my second question, can you after a year of practice move your concentraction point from the third eye to the crown? Any one who has done the shift? Also, While doing the pranayamas do you apply the mula banda?
  7. I want to start something on my own, i love writing so possible ill want to write a book or maybe ill teach what ive learned in books and in life by videos on youtube. But there is something that always stops me, and that is the thought that theres already someone doing it. Also, how can I sell something that is someone elses discovery or idea? To be fair, I give my take on it and make it something else. And why are they gonna listen to me when they can go right to other direct sources? Okay, my big question then, why do I have this standpoint that no one will be interested in listening to me when what im doing has already (kind of) been done?
  8. @Focus Shift Great vid! love it, gets me inspired to do better!
  9. I am always looking to buy new things. I dont actually buy very much but my mind just gets really tangled up when something pops up in my head. Especially watches, i love watches and I could have had a lot of them..But same here, I get caught up in buying the next watch and then my mind gets so tired and my desire fades away. Sometimes I buy a watch and then enjoy it for a few days and then realise it didnt make me happy and I get anxious for not saving the money instead. Ive come so far to realise that material thing will never make me happy, not even a big paycheck or a great achivement. It all will fade away eventually. But still my mind plays with me, mostly when it comes to watches( it gets the most traction) but also other things to. And as i mentioned before, its not always that I buy something, often i dont but its the mind that really gets caught up in the buying phase. And I try with all my effort not to buy because I know the outcome. What I notice with watches (for me personally) is that I put alot of my own identity into what watch I buy or want to buy. I want a watch because it tells me and others something about myself. You can say that its kind of a indentity crisis were one day I want a to have a sportswatch and the other day a dresswatch etc. I want to break this identification with material things, mostly watches for me personally( I dont have the sam problem with clothes and other things). Its not that I want to show off to other people what things I wear, its more of my own identification of myself, the watch tells alot for myself who I am. It might also be that I actually have a genuine interest and want to collect watches, but im scared of deluting myself. What have you done to escape materialism? Can someone recognize themself in my story? Ive studied spiral dynamics and putting myself in orange but begining to approach green, trying to get more emotional and compassionate towards others.
  10. @Rebec great material, ill look into that thank you @SgtPepper To be more specific, I dont have a watch collection but I could easily have that if I would have caved in on my minds desire. I dont think owning material things or have a collection is a bad thing. I speak for myself and to me it it gets me out of track, I can change "who I am" buy having another watch. And I always build this image of the happy life if only I just have this one watch, always to be disapointed.
  11. @Dan Arnautu Thank you , i will do as you say at pick that book up
  12. @pointessa Exactly. Ive even been buying and resell it because of the reason that I dont need that. Ive come to recognize also that for every item I buy, the other item ive got get decreased in value. Because you have other options. Lets say you only have one good shirt or one good watch, how much more value are you gonna put into just that one item. A lot more than if youve would have had a whole wardrobe with shirt or a whole watch collection.
  13. @pointessa Thank you , i will try mentally going through that process. Its like you discribe, its that rush you get when purchasing and owning it. The item will tell something about you, who you are, when purchasing that I will become this new person. Eventually it all wears off.
  14. I tend to force my breath and shrugg my shoulders while doing pranayama. To just get the last breath in. I try not to and just keep my body fully relaxed while inhaling/exhaling
  15. Im having problem with uddiyana banda while having air in the lungs, anyone that have some technique tip?
  16. How is the progress of Kriya pranayama? Do i do 24 of KP 1 and then 24 of kp2, lastly 24 of kp3? I saw Leo commented about his routine in this thread, he did 24 KP.
  17. @YogiLogan Do you use all three bandas during Maha mudra?
  18. Do you use the three locks, mula, jalandhara and uddiyana duriing pranayama? Or are they separate Hathayoga practises?
  19. isnt there any online course or something to learn Hatha Yoga the right way?
  20. @Sadhak_David Thank you so much for reaching out and answer my conserns! As you say it can be my breathing that I need to practise more on. I might look up if there is a teacher for me who can look out for me. I might cut down on the repetitons for a while and see what happens, maybe I do to many reps in a wrong matter. Right now i do KP1 24reps KP2 15reps. Before that I do nadi sodhana and maha mudra. Ive recently ordered a bunch of yoga books from leos booklist so i can read and understand more what this yoga and kundalini is about. How was it for you? why did you have to stop yoga for 3 months?
  21. After 4 months of kriya i feel totally exhausted during the days, completly drained. Also sometimes i feel dizzy and nauseous. any else feeling the same way?
  22. @moon777light i havent had any experiences like that yet. I think it comes after practising yoga for a long time
  23. @YogiLogan Thank you for the reply! Im also gonna order some books from Santata Gamana and read to understand more.
  24. I have two questions. 1. Has anyone done the inner enginner online course from sadguru? Whats your opinion on the course? 2. What is Hatha yoga about? Im doing kriya yoga right now but I still have some questions if I should do that or something other like hatha or kundalini yoga. Maybe it doesnt matter, every path goes towards the same "goal"? Or should I try them all out and see what works best?
  25. @YogiLogan yes ive seen the episode dark side of meditation. Ive noticed myself being more and more confused with everyday choires, like im going insane. And alot of emotions coming up