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Everything posted by AminB501

  1. I scaped wage slavery, and I make my own money. When you do you'll really be disgusted with how simple it is... Basically it's reaching people with the right offers and making the whole process congruent, for example Nike sells sport shoes, has his slogan and his philosophy in harmony with the mindset of sports and has imagery and graphic design of sport and puts himself in places where sport people are, thus sells. Then in every industry it has metrics of sales per 100 people and you meet the average then outperform it by hanging elements that are pretty commonsensical and everyone in the industry knows about like the images, the copy, the information etc... There's so much mythology around business, it's really reach people with the offers within the things they buy, and learn to interpret data. If you show to 1000 people with an ad (costs around $10) then you interpret if no one clicks or even sees, no one wants if the click and don't buy change that page or price.... You can basically test a business in 5 hours or even less... And in truth there's no secret but there is also, but in the way most people conceive a secret, there's none. Because basically skills a leader has to train and outsource to have a team doing, so the techniques are not hidden and cannot be hidden.
  2. New age looking spiritual people are making content saying that there's a great awakening, that people are "waking up" to society, to government and all these things. I mean, they're making stuff up in shocking way, people who've been uploading videos about spirituality for years and even know Ramana Maharshi and many legendary gurus. It's crazy to see how they make stuff up after having studied epistemology, spiral dynamics specially conscious politics... And of course the overlord of this "niche" is the Russell Brand. Now my question to you is this, how much you believe this people make stuff up? Is this intentionally to fish people searching for this or they really believe what the say? And if the do believe it, is this the result of doing spiritual practice unconsciously, not seriously at all? All these people meditate and do yoga but they don't seem to get any improvement.
  3. @knakoo @Nahm @KennedyCarter yes the world will awaken from this, only that from what we see we have a to an extremely longer time that one could ever have believed.
  4. @Nahm @KennedyCarter But we got to be a tiny bit realistic. I had fantasies of the whole world going at least stage yellow in my lifetime. But my ego will never experience a world that even has 20% of the population at stage yellow and it's a bitter pill. My ego is hurt by that, yes... And now it's regressed to stage blue, yes my ego doesn't really like a blue/red world.
  5. I want to share an experience I had during self enquiry. I have done self enquiry many times and I have a discernment by now of what pure consciousness is, and how to remove what is not through neti-neti. So I was seeking with questions like, what is that is aware of my experience? What is left if i remove every objective element from my experience? What is the nature of the knowing with which I know my experience? As I asked the last question of one very similar I sort of came to a memory of my experience and saw as if my existence was so because of the existence of the things I was experiencing. Like if my experience go flipped from something inside experiencing out, to outside experiencing inside. It's like i went from living in a position seeing the outside world to being the outside. Like things outside where eyeballs and I was empty, I'm sure this is what is meant by "the universe is experiencing itself". It's like if I told you looking at a wall, what is the nature of the knowing which knows the wall? That is the wall, in terms of the awareness of course is empty but is the wall and everything you can see around you, anything can know. From there of course you see that you're nothing. What do you think? Is this a genuine insight? It kind of feels apparent to me now but i want to get some external opinion.
  6. I was contemplating why beliefs are what they are and how so me people arrive to absurd beliefs and conspiracies, and i found out primitive people and the polytheists of Greece what they're goods are. Turns out that most of the goods from the mythic stage or stage purple are related to coping with things that humans can't control. Gods related water or wind that influenced whether you will grow food, or in it's natural disaster version whether they were going to destroy you food and shelter. On situations of stress people get so depressed that they can't remove the thought from they're minds and they cannot function normally. The way the mind deals with this is by inventing something, for the purpose of being able to have the mind free again and keep living without being super depressed because of whatever thing may threat you survival. So you imagine something and you can go along enjoying your life again. By the way I don't really attribute this fenomena to God, I have studied all religion and I already know that the nature of God as a belief comes from mystical experiences, and how reality actually is. But it certainly applies to certain polytheistic beliefs, to almost all ideologies and of course conspiracy theories. They help people get out of a depressed state, characterize with total fixation with what is feared. If we look at a model like David Hawkins scale of consciousness, people move from grief to anger through this method, which is a step up. So we can empathize more with the suffering from which conspiracies and wrong beliefs emerge. Let me know what you think, I never share any insight with no one after 3 years of personal development. I was just experimenting.
  7. @Leo Gura I just painted his face because I don't want to difamate people. All of us have believed false things once in our lives.
  8. @SriSriJustinBieber Do you think that love, truth, and unity are what are prevalent now? This is obviously a time of division and falsehood.
  9. @Endangered-EGO wow this is actually quite dishorienting, sadhguru and shunyamurti saying this, i actually was listening to shunyamurti just now. I actually was refering to some new agers and law of attraction people I don't want to name, only named Russell brand. But as a student of reality I care about the truth not about this BS. The reality is that there's a raise of populism and stage blue, I would even dare to say red. There's no "great awakening" this actually shows this people are holding egoic values, not truth. Maybe there's raise of anarchy, libertarianism, and rebellious exploitation, a devil green person may confuse that with humanitarianism.
  10. @Flyboy this is very cool, where can I find the spices of this concepts? Are they in some Buddhist texts? I would love to read them all.
  11. @Endangered-EGO about this I think I can help, in this situation you have tension between going to "ordinary life" and "ego mind" this creates a duality, but more practically means that you're not too good in ego mind. In my experience this is produced when the mind unconsciously tries to jump from a current state into a desired state and sees that is not working. I recommend you to sit in meditation, bring these feelings to mind and stay with them until you lose the negative response of your body to them, it's like exposure therapy. When you get to the point that you body is not tense towards this fact then you'll be indifferent and can reach the state easier. Although It can happen that them you're tense for another reason and have to focus on that, can happen multiple times more. I hope I have explained well. @Endangered-EGO @Flyboy
  12. @Endangered-EGO More than the emptiness, which I realized before, what I mean is the inversion in my reality from believing that i'm the one who looks to being what I'm looking at. I don't know if i'm explaining myself well it's difficult to explain, but besides emptiness, this experience really doubles or quadriples down on the depth of the emptiness. As I researched about it's called, insight into the nature of objective experience, or the world of objects, which comes after the insight into the nature of consciousness. Rupert Spira talks about it very beautifully.
  13. I recently began to apply the technique of counting breaths and then leaving the mind do whatever it wants to do for a couple of seconds then coming back to the breaths again. It's been working pretty well for my issue now which is an overactive mind, I tend to curse a lot and hate in my mind unconsciously and then I feel guilty about it inmediately, this brings me huge headaches. And this technique works very well to gain distance from my mind and being able to see that it doesn't matter. The thing is for some issues or contexts a specific technique seems to make a difference that other techniques didn't.
  14. Look how dumb this video is from this republicans, they're setting the scene the whole video to look like angels to themselves. And they never make arguments against what Arnold said, which it told them all the covid measures where collective efforts for the good of all, and going against that hurted other people's freedom, and screw the freedom of the person who does that. I think them taking this like a threat to actual human freedom and citing countries like Afghanistan, Iran etc... acts like an anchor to then interpret information differently, and manipulate themselves and their viewers and cover the attack Arnold made against them which they wouldn't like to admit actually, not even look at.
  15. I have heard this term a lot, in fact it appears a couple of the leatest leo videos. I have read the tipical ancient classical texts about spirituality and know all of the old schools of hinduism but I still don't know the neo-advaitans. Which youtube personalities are Neo-Advaitan?
  16. @hamedsf @something_else I see the irony, the man is begging for open-mindedness from others while he has become an ideologist, and he doesn't open his mind to what other says. And it's in a forum about spirituality while denying to do spiritual work to see if his deeply held beliefs have any reality to them.
  17. @hamedsf Of course, because you feel it's an attack on your so much loved viewpoint isn't it so?
  18. For me the ones on conscious politics part one and two really increased my awareness of society, politics etc... a lot. I remember the insights very very often after so much time.
  19. @hamedsf No that's being open minded actually. 1 year of spiritual practice on your own self probably will grow you more than 1000 years of studying this kind of theories. And actually most of this theories are unfortunatly rooted in resentment, envy, guilt and regret. You first get into non-acceptance, then you become hateful, then resentful, then you interpret something and a conspiracy theory is born.
  20. Let's say you're given 2:30 hours a day for spiritual practice, how would you distribute those along yoga and meditation? Would you do 1h of meditation and 1:30 of yoga? or the opposite? or 30 min of yoga and 2h of meditation?...
  21. @Nahm I understand what you mean. I don't really think about wanting to awaken, what I think about is being empty and in "living without a center" as krishnamurti calls it. I was doing like 2 hours of meditation and 30 min of yoga but i have so much discomfort in my legs now that Im tired of meditation, and i no longer reach that calmness of being aware only. So that's where I'm coming from, now in my life I need to be almost empty or very conscious all the time because of stressful demands. 2 hours of meditation and 30 mins of yoga gave me amazing days before, but now I can't do 2 hours of meditation and i feel it in my days very strongly. I'm feeling very limited by my thinking, and my awareness is no longer behind my thoughts but comes filtered by my thoughts.
  22. @Pallero i think it should be obvious for you that I don't really understand in which cases to use which method.
  23. A very interesting question came upon me today while doing awareness of the present moment. So what is the problem we have as human beings and we meditate for to awaken. Is that we can't get to being/emptiness/pure consciousness or that we don't know what that thing is?
  24. @Moksha @Tim Ho @Rilles @Breakingthewall But what you're doing as a meditator and someone who wants to awaken? are you meditating to being "being" or to know what "being" is? I see this as different sort of goals, because it's like if you want to be "being" you get more distracted, but when you're "being" It's literally to empty. So how does awakenings come? are they the result of seing the world through through it? Let's say I want to know what is pure being, why do it not know that? Is because i haven't been pure being or I haven't been pure being enough? I don't know if i make sense here.