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Everything posted by AminB501

  1. Honestly I don’t know what kind of awakening you have if you don’t have enough empathy for infecting people and making the economy go to hell, and you encouraging corruption because you have weird beliefs about all this, which is selfish. He is here thinking just as stupidly and radically as those anti-vaxx people from the videos Leo shares.
  2. @Inliytened1 So, don’t try to differentiate yourself from me to much with non-dual comments hahaha
  3. @Apparition of Jack but you better start investing in things so you get all your money out of the dollar.
  4. @happyhappy But in reality what we have is not real democracy. For example take this example of COVID, most people against vaccines or mask previously, spoke for democracy while behaving dictatorial to other people who choose to be protected, (like you choose not to, they say they believe in choice right?) by breaking for example mask rules on planes and all that. And democracy is limited to People’s intelligence, Osho once said “democracy is government by people for the people, but the people are retarded”. Democracy really doesn’t exist it takes too much self sacrifice, and even forgetting about what you think is democratic or not in favor of others, to be actually democratic. For most people democratic means, I agree and undemocratic it don’t or makes me feel good vs doesn’t. Most people are just using democracy as another tricky selfish undemocratic strategy. Im mainly referring to the democracy of the people you see on the street. One thing people don’t realise is that according to democracy, every store or place your enter to, your actually being invited to, but people are too unaware to realise this, they take for granted they’re entry, why don’t you let people enter your home and use your stuff the same way you do on store or other public places? Someone had to make that public and allow everyone to be invited. And when you’re not invited anymore if you happen to be a loser ignorant you will complain and say this is dictatory and act yourself like a dictator and try to enter anyways. See? unconscious selfish democracy is what we have now. Devil democracy.
  5. I have heard this idea, which comes from seeing that capitalism is hierarchical and that all power gets funneled and locked up. Now I don’t see how this perspective could stand, unless one ignored all the infrastructure, innovation, information and speed that gets generated by the guys up. I see wealth as taking many forms basically for us is like seeds available for us to plant and cultivate, using all the infrastructure generated by the big guys. I have an online shop and I’m self-employed, I use Shopify, PayPal, Pinterest, Facebook, my suppliers, the shipping companies, the internet etc… this not even knowing one person face to face. I can’t even count even if I wanted to all the riches that the guys at the top have bestowed on me. So unless one lives with a concept of wealth that requires for the guys at the top to give you cars and stacks of money by hand, I don’t understand within perspective. And it’s implies ignorance, and having ignorance but having the desire of what you’re ignorant about is pretty much like entitlement. I don’t mean that you should take responsibility like a libertarian would say, I say asymmetry of power is very illusory and very relative. For me it doesn’t exist at all, I don’t feel limited in this regard, and I cannot see the limitations anywhere. You are limited by your ignorance, the inputs in your mind and your memory… Also look at how poor countries are using the infrastructure to improve they’re lives. There’s many cases of explotation, yes of people outsourcing for pennies on the dollar. But also there’s people I know from Morocco, I’m a Moroccan that are making money online like me and some even have they’re YouTube channels in Arabic. They started with very little money like me, I started with 2k. You all know very well that the rising countries are not going to take as much time to grow as the first ever countries did to become 1st world countries. That would be like saying that the flying car (hypothetically) is going to take as much years to reach 150mph as the car did since it was created. So really there’s only a assymetry of power if you only conceive wealth in the final form, and not as created through tapping into knowledge, infrastructure, etc… Remember everything was much more difficult and long 100 or even 50 years ago.
  6. @Gregory1 where can I get LSD? I love lsd because it’s very portable and very easy to divide and micro dose. I have never tried it.
  7. @Nahm Most if the times when you want something and cannot get it, is because your mind rejects that goal, because it has anxiety associated to it. The anxiety may be limiting beliefs, or simple being to strong of an identity shift. But once you’re used to the thought, it feels good and it stays and you have a rampage of creativity.
  8. What I don't like are its blue aspects, libertarianism, nationalism, (even though he is an immigrant) and even shows fundamentalist tendencies. And of course a shit load of conspiratorial thinking with no epistemology.
  9. @Leo Gura What I criticize is its republican, libertarian, American nationalist thinking. I would say it's a blue problem. The whole point of everything he does is to somehow convince himself how libertarianism, conservativism, are the best. He converts every piece of data into a pro-republican, libertarian, American, or right-wing argument. Man, this guy believes that Biden stoles the election from Trump. And he says that he wants to unify America by paying 1 million to Trump and Obama to sit together, and "unify America". You would think this is stupid, but the reason is that he only wants to convince himself about the ideologies he likes.
  10. Use self-help to improve your emotions and get your vision, try everything and see what works best. but then also choose a skill and master every component of it. For example, you could start graphic designing today make a prop portfolio in 1 month, and start pitching people. For example, I have a business and I understand graphic design, you don't need that many results, I could know if your work is good and hire. Also, you need to be absorbed into what you're doing or learning, massive concentration on your work and vision, it needs to be all you think about if it's not concentrate more, close yourself in an empty room and nurture your vision and knowledge.
  11. @Max8 What changed my life as it relates to self-help is I realized that there was no problem, that the problem came from how my mind was interpreting what I was learning. I got over this by total concentration, for example when I read I let go of thoughts and go back to the book and relax my body and muscular tensions. Then you will start perceiving truly how things work and use things accordingly and you will feel extremely focus and your thoughts will be all about your goals. The problem is now you're not actually listening to anything you're reading your listening to what your ego tells you about what you're reading. This is where the cycles of confusion or frustration are coming from.
  12. I was trying to wrap my head around this guy a couple of times. Why would I? why would I not just ditch him as a dumb right-winger? Because he made videos about money that helped me a lot throughout the last 2 years. He is basically a dogmatic fundamentalistic about capitalism and libertarianism. He basically misinterprets everything you can put in front of his face to construct his dumb survival beliefs of traditional values, and advance libertarianism... Total absolute 0 integrity to truth and direct experience. If he had he would first experience how full of shit his sources are most of the time and his circle, pretty inconvenient for him. Through him I also discovered my stage blue shadow, because for 1 year I was a bit fundamentalist and deluded, 3 years ago, now I can't stand any fundamentalism or lack of integrity to truth or empiricism. He reads a lot of books even...Watch out for you who read books or are intellectual because all of that is useless, without the right epistemology and metaphysics. Jiddu Krishnamurti or other gurus always said that books are useless and I frowned at that until I learned what he meant.
  13. @Preety_India What are the axioms that led to your beliefs?
  14. Isn't selfish to allow the rest of the world to be your guinea pig?
  15. @Flowerfaeiry Loving things is feeling loved.
  16. When I use spiral dynamics I separate stage orange into the business stage orange and the scientific stage orange. I don't see how this can be considered the same. For example, imagine a stage orange like the wolf of wall street protagonist, Jordan Belford do you think he has anything to do with a stage orange scientist like Neil Degrasse Tyson, Stephen Hawkins, or any scientist that discovered anything? I think the business stage is much more individualistic and less ordered than the scientific stage, which can even be considered a bit altruistic in its endeavors, and it's more ordered, there's a higher sense of collective purpose. In the average business mentality, one tries to maximize his own good as much as possible. Then stage green I would say there are many stage green scientists, but this Is clearly another stage with other priorities. Maybe the stage green scientist will work reasoning from an intention to improve the planet, but a stage orange scientist may think pragmatically, and sometimes may build things that are destructive because of reasoning from a pragmatic or human bias perspective. Note that I mean the business that tries to maximize one's own gains, the one that doesn't care about innovation, progress, or collectivism, the one that even fights against those things. The oil business, tobacco, fast food are great examples.
  17. @martins name What I have more disagreement is around the concept is that I don't consider science individualistic, business is, and the purpose on science is also not individualistic, In business orange it is. Science orange will work with purpose, collectively if needed, and using what others learned to build a model that helps other people, it innovates, seeks advancement for the future generations. Business orange seeks to be famous for having a Lambo, and to benefit itself, which there's nothing wrong with, but one of the differences is that business orange will attack innovation and progress and maybe cheat to get its fame and fortune. And science orange in business would be any business that does things based on science, and based on progress or innovation. A science orange business for example will start a business selling healthy food, or do things based on scientific evidence, helping to innovate, and It has a more leadership perspective, more collectivist. Anyways, I may also be overcomplicating this too much... Maybe is not that significant.
  18. I went got Pfizer vaccines. I feel the same way I felt 1 month ago, 2 years ago, or 3 years ago. Definitely, all people say about the vaccine is absolute BS, the problem is that these times because it involves everyone and sadly most people are ignorant you hear more about the majority. Ignorance goes together with fear and aggression and being very noisy. Truth is never noisy like bullshit. And truth does not care at all if you follow it, bs cares a lot. Which reminds me of the ego and how it feels empty and incomplete and seeks to be filled with something outside of itself.
  19. Actually sadhguru even though is a great guy, I see in him certain defensiveness about hinduism. For example of you went to J. Krishnamurti or Osho and critiziced something about India or hinduism they would have not given a damn, they even even critiziced it themselves to the point of humilliation all the time. You better believe sadhguru would get offended, and he has debated people for this topics. He may not be offended but it will attack with some sarcasm or laugh at your side back in some way.
  20. Have you seen them meeting with the taliban a few days after they toke over the country? What's your opinion on that?
  21. @diamondpenguin Honestly, I just try to be as humble as I can and look forward. I'm aware that you can become very decieved through what comes as "love", just look how some gurus have nationalists tendencies and believe themselves superior to other traditions. They're teachings are beautiful yes, but you never know. For example this week I just was hooked on realizing how much the teachings of the buddha have made me create unnecessary suffering. I was helping a little insect to recover from an injury (very random, I know) and I realize how some of the struggles in life are later look with happiness and joy. Some of the more unhappy moments in my life, I wish I could had I have toke them fully with presence. I change my opinion on the buddha's teachings from now on, negative emotions and experiences are to be enjoyed and lived through as well. The only thing that is suffering is if you lose a leg, or and arm or get in some serious accident, the rest is not suffering, to call it suffering is being very negative and very resistant. That's one thing I learned, and I loved buddhism, but it made me very unhappy in the last year in a half, so I don't love it anymore just appreciate it. But blind love could have never showed me these problems within the buddhist dogma. That's what I mean.
  22. @diamondpenguin @Leo Gura Joe Rogan it's just the typical lover of stage red. He loves MMA, loves muscle cars, love beer, loves tattoos, loves being aggressive and vulgar. All his sometimes smart sounding words do not at all override where his love is. I think there can be no Spiral Development when one idolatrizes parts of any stage.