Villager Albert

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Everything posted by Villager Albert

  1. @Nak Khid Thank you! I did have some mild hallucinations after doing WH breathing or Kriya yoga but very mild and I get these even without darkness. The man would probably seem normal to you but I never met anybody like that. He seems mostly turquoise and I never met anyone above green before so it was a really cool experience to talk to him. Thank you for sharing the Ganzfeld method, it sounds really strong!
  2. @okulele Actually you're the one who got me interested in doing a darkness retreat! I found your report really fascinating.
  3. I'd work out from your home. Gym might be slightly superior if you wanna maximize muscle growth but you can get a pullup+dip bar for 100 bucks and you'll be able to target all muscle groups very effectively. Plus the air at the gym is typically horrible, same for the lightening and EMF exposure.
  4. That'd be a really valuable video for all of us who've been watching your past content. It'd also be very popular. I created What I Was Wrong About a few days ago and it has like 15% CTR which is impressive imo.
  5. @Twega Thanks man, nice post!
  6. There are supplements that will make you healthier and there are supplements you wanna avoid. Saying that all synthetic supplements are bad for everyone is black and white thinking. I spent quite a lot of time researching supplements and for most people the most powerful ones are: Magnesium (in the right form), Vitamin D3 and K2, iodine, other vitamins and minerals that will fix your deficiencies, omega 3, creatine, and resveratrol. I don't see a reason not to take these unless you know you're getting the optimal amount from the diet, which is actually impossible with some compounds. Omega 3 is controversial tho, I might be wrong about that one.
  7. Leo trying to get guys into kriya yoga
  8. I wouldn't worry about the sugar in bacon unless you're on keto or carnivore. 1g of sugar really doesn't matter but beware most brands of bacon that contain sugar typically also have a lot of carcinogens in them. I think bacon overall is suboptimal but you can find a hq brand, it'll just cost you a lot.
  9. Careful with modafinil and racetams and chemicals like this, most of them will cause pernament damage to your brain. Nothing serious but probably not worth it. I'd stick to safer nootropics like CBD oil, L-Theanine, herbs like brahmi and ginseng. Most people also lack some nutrients like vitamin D and K2, they're really important for your brain. Creatine is a great nootropic also.
  10. @Nash I don't know about any man but there sure studies done on antioxidants that you will find in coffee and they are shown to be beneficial.
  11. @Jordan94 I'm a fan of white noise. It shouldn't produce EMF unless it's plugged to wifi. You can buy a white noise machine from china for a few bucks
  12. Thanks for sharing man! Be careful with celery juice, I'm sure it'll make you feel better in the shortterm but it's also the most polluted vegetable on the market so make sure it's organic.
  13. Hey, I think the best resource on this is Ben Greenfield. His whole life is about optimizing health and cognition.
  14. @Elton I think it's actually a sign you're doing it right. These headaches are a sign of 3rd eye awakening.
  15. @herghly Yeah cause there's a lot of promising data behind coffee and tea. I don't know about coffee but green/black tea really seems to increase longevity, at least slightly. The question is whether or not it's worth the productivity decline. But I know some people feel much better on caffeine than without it. I guess you have to experiment and see if caffeine is worth it for you. So it's a good idea to try a caffeine fast at least for a month imo.
  16. I agree with the rest man but don't fall for the myth
  17. How bout cave style? Not even light There are places where they will lock you in a pitch dark room for a week. You can also choose to fast if you want. It's also pretty affordable, gonna try it this summer
  18. Keto with a lot of veggies and carb cycling. I now have high energy pretty much all the time but it takes a few months to actually adapt your body and thrive on keto
  19. @Wisebaxter YES! I'm big on this Same type of shirt every day Same socks every day Morning routine Evening routine Same food every day Eating at the same time every day (I do OMAD at 8am, helps a lot) Same weekly exercise routine (same exercise on Mondays etc.) Decluttering your house (you might not realize this but when you see anything, it can start occupying your mind) Doing things at the same place every day (work, eating, ..) Only drinking from one cup Only reading emails in the evening I'm sure you'll come up with more
  20. @Shiva99 I promise it is related, might last for 2-3 days.
  21. Yo if you're interested.
  22. Hey @Leo Gura, I'm making a series on YouTube where I talk about health rules from selfdev influencers. is it ok if I shoot an episode about you and use your face in the thumbnail? I'll mention you in the comments and shit, just have to ask cause I don't wanna get sued or something
  23. @Nash You can order modafinil from India I believe. I get it if you wanna quit coffee cause you don't want to bother with making it but coffee is much healthier and better for energy (long-term) than caffeine supplements if that's what you care about. You can just have L-Th with coffee
  24. Limiting distractions and decision fatigue will improve concentration.