Villager Albert

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Everything posted by Villager Albert

  1. @Superfluo You'll get 80% of results by eating whole foods but if you wanna optimize your health and feel really good then the ratio does matter. You generally wanna eat 0.4-0.7 grams of protein per pound, depending on your age and how active you are. The optimal carb:fat ratio for you will mostly depend on your genes. You can get your genes tested from something like 23andme or just try both highcarb and highfat and notice which one you feel better on.
  2. @Karmadhi Check this out he'll resonate with you man.
  3. Seems to be a way to go about nutrition I'd say 75% of the results come from eating whole foods. The rest comes from choosing the right diet and micromanaging stuff. You will agree that there is no one optimal diet that will work best for every person. The best way to find the healthiest one for you is to monitor your body, stuff like CRP and cholesterol. That way you will know for sure how you react to food. But it's also very helpful to know your genetics. You can get them tested with AncestryDNA or 23andme. My genes for example make me terrible at metabolizing fat so a low carb diet is one of the worst ones I can be on and I'll do much better on high carb.
  4. @PurpleTree It's a magic pill. And it doesn't even feel bad.
  5. Teachers in my school sometimes do give nutrition advice and it's always like start your day with a healthy cereal, cook on a healthy vegetable oil.. maybe it's better that there are no nutrition lessons But I agree with you, this has to change.
  6. Approved, he's awesome.
  7. @Superfluo rs1799945 risk: G (if you have G,G it's the worst) also rs1800562 risk: A
  8. It won't ever become a problem with food unless you eat a very high amount of liver. That'd cause your copper:zinc and vitamin A:D ratio way out of balance and you'd become deficient in zinc and vitamin D. 25% or so of people also have a gene defect that makes them unable to flush out iron so it accumulates and causes iron toxicity. You can donate blood once in a while or get your genes tested to make sure. Also too much calcium from dairy is a problem if you don't get enough magnesium.
  9. You will hate me but microwaves are incredibly dangerous. Not a big deal if you use it once a month but you're getting exposed to a significant amount of radiation every time you eat food from a microwave. But you can get a mini oven that works the same and produces way less radiation.
  10. I'm no expert but you don't need DMSA unless you have a serious buildup of heavy metals. Sweating is probably the best way to detoxify yourself so exercising and saunas are awesome. I've heard water fasting also is great. From supplements, the most effective ones I found are spirulina, liposomal glutathione, Omega 3, vit C, activated charcoal, glycine and NAC, you might wanna look into them.
  11. Eminem's rap is turquoise. He's talking about ego death all the time. That's why one of his songs is called Lose Yourself. He also drowns himself in the Role Model song. He's beyond survival.
  12. I used to be a fan of Dr. Berg but the more I know about nutrition the more I dislike him. He probably helped more people lose weight then any other person on youtube but if you're serious about your health then there are better teachers. A huge red flag is that Dr. Berg believes keto is for almost everybody. As much as I love keto I don't think most people should be on it.
  13. Matt Kahn is a miracle.
  14. All the stuff mentioned is great. I would add mouth taping, it made my sleep 10 times deeper and it also cured mouth breathing for me. Floor sleeping also is incredible but it will take a few weeks for you to get used to it.
  15. I have no problem with veganism but look up Rob Greenfield if you think that veganism is the most sustainable diet. If it was, Rob would be doing it. You will get it when you hear him talk.
  16. I don't think there's a single person on the planet who's more green than Rob Greenfield. He's the ultimate example of stage green. He even has green in his name lol
  17. I've been on OMAD for over a year now and I highly recommend it. It'll take a while for your body to get used to it but almost everybody who tries OMAD thrives on it. Eating twice a day is also great though.
  18. @herghly Absolutely. Also Chris Masterjohn seems incredibly knowledgable on the subject and I assume sessions with him would be cheaper. But I doubt Leo is gonna see this post, he said he gets annoyed when we try to give him advice on health
  19. @Average Investor Hi, the supplements you should take highly depend on your diet but this is a decent stack if you're a vegetarian. When it comes to cod liver oil the brand really matters. I don't know about the brand you mentioned but Carlson brand costs the same and many health gurus (like Peter Attia and Rhonda Patrick) take Carlson. The B12 supplement and glucosamine seem great. What I'd also consider vitamin K2 and creatine monohydrate, these are almost a must unless you eat a ton of grass-fed animals.
  20. @The0Self I agree with most of what you say but it seems that people don't absorb magnesium sulfate at all. But it shouldn't be harmful either if it doesn't cause you diarrhea. The problem with too much zinc is that there's a copper:zinc ratio (ideally 1:8) and too much of one will deplete you of the other.
  21. Same as @Username F.lux is incredible and allows you to go to 1200K but even then BLB glasses can improve your sleep quality, especially if you have your lights on at night which most people do. But many cheap brands are not that effective, some don't seem to work at all. TrueDark is a really good one.
  22. I'd love to but I don't think he speaks English Good luck!
  23. Yo I don't wanna promote my vid but there sure are many people interested in darkness retreats. I've done my first one last week and I can't recommend it enough if you're doing some consciousness work. I think darkness is great not only because it cuts out a huge % of your senses and because you produce DMT but also it's easier to meditate and do yoga and stuff in the darkness than it is on a regular retreat. It's hard to explain why but I'm sure you will notice it. Would love to see your reports, too.
  24. Sure most fighters are fighting to express their anger but there are some who do it because they actually love the sport. I don't know about boxing but most professional MMA fights are really respectful. It doesn't seem unloving to me when you and your friend decide to fight each other and you both enjoy the fight. Peter Ralston is a great example of a fighter who didn't do it for money or fame right.