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Everything posted by Dima

  1. hi! If you are a vipassana practitioner and also a tech person who writes code - please let me know - i'd love to share an idea that can become an app. Well, if you are a business person or smth - also welcome )
  2. https://www.dhamma.org/ imho the most authentic one. And I would recommend not to do it by yourself or learn it through video - take a 10 days course
  3. hi Leo, thanks for what you do, appreciate it. You mentioned your sensitivity to psychedelics caused by genetics etc (just an example, there are many other examples of your interaction with 'objective reality' that contradicts god's realization states). It sounded as truthful as talking about imaginary birth etc. and there are both true (just by being parts of a 'whole'). So my question is how much you think you've embodied to your sober stage of what you'd realized under 'catalyzed' states? How much of god's realization has penetrated your 'mundane' reality? thank you
  4. @axiom thank you, haven't heard about it, but that reminds me 'aniche' (everything changes) a lot.. i guess what I am trying to say is closer to implicit vs explicit. implicit order (aka god) contains all explicit ones (aka our perspectives) and the question is what (who?) makes this choice to pull out a particular explicit one and why (and what makes it even more complicated - its holographic principle - every explicit one contains the entire implicit one..) I'll be happy with 'it can not be understood' answer (as one can just live through it, not understand), but we can still elaborate on this in terms of metaphysics.. anyway, thank you, it gave me some food to digest..
  5. thank you for this. that is close to what i am trying to put into words.. once you've got a realization of what god is (yourself and everything else as ONE) there are still some instances (realizations) that are not symmetrical. the question is why god is dreaming itself in this particular way. 'Events happen and thoughts occur' is not enough to explain it...
  6. please, don't take it to nonsense.. the question can be formulated how much of turquoise Leo has.. in terms of system thinking, connecting dots etc. Leo is way beyond an average yellow.. though what turquoise requires (from personal experience and studies) is pure compassion, unconditional love and 'lack' of ego..
  7. what is more interesting (and i would be grateful if you shoot a video on this) what are the prerequisites for choosing this instance of 'physical reality' instead of any other as they are all symmetrical and imaginary. In other words - why reality is so diverse and complex (symmetry again) (hope it makes sense)
  8. it's all clear (it's really is)), everything is in harmony already (because It Is), everything is love, and I am a god same as you are (though of course I just imagine you, but why my imaginations should not be a god?)) and as everyone else is. Same as we have infinite options for our behavior models in the 'mundane' reality (you can be an asshole, a sage, or mother Theresa) - it's all one and thus 'symmetrical'. Despite it's all symmetrical we still chose an instance(s) out of an indefinite set of possibilities. So why we don't choose to act as a 'god' in the 'physical reality''? I was thinking of psychedelics work as a getting a blueprint that you can embody in 'physical world' in order to 'become a whole you' (instead of being between two states - sober state (which is more like your stage) and 'catalyzed' states). Do you see it differently? (assumed i (you) work 'enough' on my (your) ego to escape surviving mode in 'physical reality')
  9. i understand that comparing to infinity doesn't make much sense.. but I am not expecting exact numbers. Let's say what is your idea on how much you love people in a sober state now compared to your love, let's say 5 years ago? And how much psychedelics experience helped with it?
  10. +1. And being frustrated with those shallow dating services I've come up with my own startup: allkindsapp.com
  11. nothing wrong with getting stuck anywhere.. ??
  12. I haven't been lucky so far to meet one. But they should be somewhere, right?
  13. agreed. Another simple sign that can distinguish green is conditional love.
  14. being aware of it (ego) - that's a lot already! =) So how you've done it? What was your path? Do you consider yourself a system thinker too?
  15. good questions, thank you for it! will try to elaborate on them. 'radically different' - I think yes, it's radically different. You can 'understand' things, but you also need to 'embody' them. and imho it requires 'physical' changes (eg - 'the brain' of an industrial-grade meditator, yogi, Sufi, etc. (or even a system thinker) will be significantly different and probably can be even measured (if needed)); 'it's possible for an individual to have several combinations of vmemes infused into their personality' - yes, at tire 2 you understand that you've got them all - the questions is which ones are dominant at the moment (eg - get yourself in the circumstances of surviving (war) - red vmemes can get dominant). Also why it's 'dynamics' - it's in constant movement caused by internal or external reasons; 'what if such a person is not truly aware what tier they're at' - of course 'it's not required' to be aware of these tiers or models, but the model can help you significantly to progress in your personal development (on the spiral) as structured knowledge can solve the puzzle (though before that you need that puzzle pieces). 'what sort of parameters would you use to scale them across the spectrum' - Leo's covered it well in Yellow&Tourqoise videos with great examples. Simple check regarding the spiral dynamics model - it will not trigger you, you'll treat it as a possibly valid model (but not an absolute truth))
  16. @Preety_India Well, spiral dynamics breaks a bit when we talk about women. For instance, they can be very green but due to nature red or purple vMemes can be very strong too and coexist together (well, it doesn't actually break, it's just more nuanced - we need to consider different 'lines' in a person and particular vmemes (Leo touches this in his videos, but you can find out more in books)). And it's not about my expectations, it's more about if the person feels herself a tier 2 person. if we still try to distinguish what is tier 2 (imho Leo's described it well in his videos) - you see the entire spectrum, you don't judge other perspectives (you understand that your perspective even if it includes other perspectives is still a perspective, thus there is almost no ego), you are on the 'path' and don't need any external stimulus for it, etc-etc-etc.
  17. Leo, first of all, I am happy about your beautiful experience. ) Though you seemed to be sort of confused. Which is totally understandable. What's next? Is it pointless? Shall I teach? How can I experience at least what I've just experienced? Is DMT the only way? Leo, you've got all answers through your journey ) What made buddhas, jesuses, etc themselves? - Natural super skill of compassion. Love. So what to do - develop that skill. How? By practicing, of course, how else ) You know that everyone moment you've got an opportunity to love - with DMT or without ) And about teaching. Leo, as you now know that god is perfectly conscious about these games we are playing here (or you are playing with yourself if you want) - it all makes total sense. Why? Because it's also god of course and it's beautiful ) And by teaching you to teach yourself of course, but also you interact with implicit order - think about it (to me you've missed something in Holographic Universe). So please continue for.. the god sake ) Resume: everything is quite simple ) As you now understand how god is infinite and always more - the only thing is left on a table is a process. A way. An infinite way of learning and growing in love. And shining for others with these love and light of knowledge ) And we, of course, will support you ) Thank you for what you do! Love you )
  18. hi, @caelanb ! There is this book https://www.amazon.com/Holographic-Universe-Revolutionary-Theory-Reality/dp/0062014102 that might have answers to your questions. Explicit and implicit orders - that what you might be interested in. Though it's just another perspective
  19. hey, Tim, in a completely chaotic unstructured way (sorry for that) a few ideas for your product. I am not a heavy youtube user, but when I landed to your channel I asked myself these questions: Why shall I trust this guy? How can I know that he is the one I should spend my time with among many others (more famous)? The title of the channel was promising, but I could not find immediately some deep profound content. Some physical exercises at accelerated video? What can I learn from it? And again - so much of structured detailed content about every subject - how are you different? Think about who is your audience. If they are orange etc. - think about how you can reach their consciousness, use orange things (studies, numbers etc.). If your audience is green (which is probably it) - think about how you can outstand from others. So in general - what's unique about your channel?