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About Museful

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  • Birthday 07/30/1954

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    Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, BC Canada
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  1. Thank you for this reminder! I took Lee's 'Superhuman' video course a few years back, with that other Italian mystical guy, forget his name. And now I get weekly or so emails from Lee with useful tidbits and some Qi Gong exercises. I started a weekly Qi Gong course when I moved to Vancouver Island but found the teacher lacking, so stopped. When I practice what little I know, I find it a valuable adjunct to breathwork and a life-long meditation practice. I am grateful for it. Thank you again. Ted
  2. Recent discussion: Also: (psychokinesis talk at a remote viewing conference) Monroe Institute Applied Precognition Project MindPossible Dr. Joe Gallenberger Psi is a natural part of being human. If you have a pulse, you are psychic. Some are naturally gifted, most have to work for it. It's not otherworldly, not 'over there', it's right where you are. Psychedelics not required, though not a hindrance. Follow the breadcrumbs ...
  3. Though I haven't done any formal courses in Lucid Dreaming (Monroe or elsewhere) I have definitely had a few brilliantly lucid dreams since adolescence, along with more recently several 'out of body experiences' (some overlap here). It's hard not to suspect of this waking reality that, like one memorable lucid dream, I could someday poke my hand, then my head through the wall and discover the machinations (and the Dreamer) behind the façade of this waking reality. For me, LDs and OBEs have made for a more light-hearted life, despite still having to show up to tend to my business and family. Hopefully a bit more compassionate, patient, playful - possibly with a larger perspective. Here's another nice guided Lucid Dreaming audio by Luigi Sciambarella who trains the Monroe Lucid Dreaming programs: The 'signals' included in these public audios (hemi-sync, a form of enhanced binaural beats) are a bit watered down from some of the paid audios and courses. Here's an inexpensive Lucid Dreaming guided audio which I've used for years: Here's a podcast episode interview with Luigi on the topic: In general, the overall approach pioneered by Monroe of 'mind awake body asleep' can lead to OBEs, Lucid Dreams (Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming / WILD) and numerous other expanded awareness states - some of which you can function in, and several of which you are completely tripped out. One friend of mine much more active in lucid dreaming than me told me that he is able to use the LD state as a kind of school or dojo to train himself at certain skills: e.g. piano, languages, golf swing. On this Actualized site, I have also read most of what 'Greenwoods' has written on Lucid Dreaming / Dream Yoga: quite the overview, for which I am grateful. There's a cross-over between Remote Viewing and the Dream state ... for another discussion. I hope you can pursue this fascinating aspect of consciousness and life, as your curiosity propels you! Ted
  4. Last week, I bent some cutlery - most people did, for the first time, and some in much more creative ways than me (multiple curls in handles, fork tines ridiculously askew). Not bent by force but by raising one's and the group's energy ... by co-operation with the metal, by Love? After bending, clearly the metal would not bend back without significant force. Another exercise was lighting fluorescent bulbs by holding them. Remarkably spooky, in a dark room! Anecdotal report by trainer of someone once lighting a pack of incandescent bulbs at a distance, whatever. There are ongoing studies there conducted by University of Virginia/Charlottesville Department of Perceptual Studies on PK (psychokinesis) effects with a cosmic ray collector in another facility on Monroe lands, about 1.5 miles away from where we were. The group, and several individuals separately, were able to affect the rate of collection of cosmic rays at the collector to a degree significantly above random; by intention, focus and by raising 'Heart' energy. I was able to influence the outcome of dice on a craps table such that my throws were significantly above the number of expected throws in a series of a target number (e.g. throwing a 9), as well as the number of expected doubles (2 4s, 2 6s, etc). I had had some experience with this previously at a series of weekend workshops in Las Vegas over the years held by the same trainer (Dr. Joe Gallenberger) at a friendly casino. Normal, random expectation by the casino is to continue the roll of dice (basically, for explanation) until a 7 occurs or about 7 to 8 minutes. My wife and I separately held the dice and rolled continuously for 40 - 50 minutes on several different occasions - way above random. On 2 trips our winnings covered the costs of the trip plus more, and on another trip not quite. She is a Reiki practitioner and said the elevated energy around the craps table felt like a 'healing session' for the crazy diffuse energy of the casino (from which diffuse human energies the casino prevails, as normal human 'luck' is neither consistent nor persistent). That's the most fun I ever had in Las Vegas! At Monroe last week, I received numerous random gifts and opportunities (small though meaningful stuff/events), and I suspect others would say they received the same, even by my hand. It felt like a series of kindnesses/synchronicities. For me, it's a good example of a community whose energy lifts me up, provides periodic 'food' for heading back into standard culture (even in a place as beautiful as Vancouver Island, British Columbia). You could consider all of the foregoing as 'party tricks' which they are, to be fair. BUT - the whole point of the exercises is to give a 'gut punch' experience that energy and intention and Love (for lack of a better word) is a real part of the natural world, if beyond the boundaries of the general received values of westernized culture, and typically beyond what normal 'scientists' are willing to stick their necks out to study. And accessible to normal people (or at least to the open minded and curious). The same power that bends cutlery, lights bulbs, grows seeds rapidly, influences dice and cosmic ray collectors is the power that can be focused to heal physical bodies and their related energetic systems - and also to direct focus and synchronicity (and magic, basically) to processes of human endeavours (business ventures, arts, research, relationships). My takeaway is that for some people for whom meditation is difficult, and psychedelics inaccessible or scary (and also for those of us who easily embrace those) - these explorations can bring you closer to a contact/communion with All-That-Is / God / Higher/Total Self - whatever. Much more nuance there, but enough for now. Remote Viewing. I have been involved in RV for 7 years now and got training at Monroe and elsewhere from some of the original 'psychic spies' of the CIA Stargate project, including Joe McMoneagle at Monroe, so-called 'psychic-spy 001' and a world-class psychic. I gradually had pretty good contact with remote targets in written and sketched descriptions - Controlled Remote Viewing / CRV. My main interest was in Associative Remote Viewing / ARV. Used to predict outcomes of financial market movements, sports betting and in my case - horse race betting outcomes (my business). I proved to myself that I could predict binary targets, above random enough to make money, indicating a future outcome like Team A wins, betting favourite horse B loses (others, predicting market indexes up/down, forex spreads, etc). Monroe helped spawn an 'industry' of trained Remote Viewers, some of whom today provide predictions for hedge funds betting on financial markets and sports, doing market research, locating lost children or objects, and (I'm sure despite protests to the contrary by CIA) still spying on foreign governments. Everyone is psychic. Everyone can learn to - if not 'control' energy, let's say dance with or co-operate with physical reality creating. To not impede 'magic' from happening. Everyone is more than their physical selves, as is commonly accepted here, and so can live in co-operation with higher energies. Everyone can connect with the 'higher' realities. For me, these audio tools are a useful adjunct to a regular (50 year) meditation practice and occasional guided psychedelic investigation. Ted
  5. I was at the Monroe Institute in Virginia last week for a week long course (psychokinesis/manifesting/healing). Over about 8 years now, I have attended most of their residential programs (except the Lucid Dreaming program, sorry - that's 2023), so, ask me anything . Energy healing, remote viewing, out-of-body, 'between-life', Guidance, cosmic consciousness - manipulating dice in Las Vegas . Their sound-science audio tools for meditation and enhanced perception are pretty powerful, though with practice, subsequently not needed. Ultimately, another toolset to explore and Play - and find - the largest sense of You which you give yourself permission for. Ted
  6. Not to nit-pick, but "All You Need is Love" and 'Nowhere Man" were written by John Lennon, not Paul McCartney. Got to admit though, that watching Paul create "Let it Be" almost out of thin air on the recent "Get Back" documentary was magical, and as a musician and poet, truly inspiring. These guys were/are the music of my youth. FWIW, George Harrison's "All Things Must Pass" is pretty up there on my list. You never know where, or through whom, creation/inspiration will strike next ...
  7. Fold a corner of the paper until the tip meets the pencil in the centre of the circle. Move the pencil away from the centre-point along the back-side of the folded corner until it is out of the circle. Unfold the paper - voilà.
  8. The assumption is you have to stay within the matrix (of 9 dots). Perhaps it's the benefits of a 'certain age', but both these puzzles are rather old. The doctor puzzle has also been used to illustrate default gender-bias.
  9. Just bought a home in Nanaimo this week! Moving Spring 2021 from Huntsville Ontario.
  10. Everything is the same thing expressed in (an infinity of) different ways. So, yes!