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Everything posted by mdg333

  1. This movie isn't solely about awakening, but there are several scenes of Bill Murray waking up.
  2. @Danioover9000 Well if that isn't selfish. I tend to get worried about people I think are suffering, it's called empathy.
  3. I feel like non-duality is very similar to The Ring in that once you hear the message/teaching you have a finite amount of time before you die, analogous to the tape. Now you won't be getting killed by a girl from a well, but you'll probably kill yourself, unless you get the message off your chest by sharing it with others or a therapist. I feel like Leo heard this message long ago and has egregiously overshared the message to hundreds of thousands of people who are now screwed.
  4. @Danioover9000 I don't think being ready in this context is a choice or an achievement, being ready to die is called depression and it's a mental illness.
  5. @Preety_India Why is Leo telling people that they are God, if this is a place of sanity? Also, there is sanity in numbers not in cult-like groups.
  6. @Danioover9000 I don't believe it's possible to be ready to kill yourself.
  7. I want to get a general consensus on what people think the true meaning of quantum mechanics is. Leo often says that quantum mechanics debunks realism which simply is not true. Niels Bohr created a specific, minimalist interpretation of quantum mechanics that is anti-realism (Copenhagen interpretation) but there are several other possibilities about the meaning of quantum mechanics. Here is a convenient chart (I am assuming counterfactual definiteness to be equivalent to realism). Personally, I agree with the determinism Leo speaks of and with the relativism he also speaks of, but in terms of metaphysical realism, I am having a hard time agreeing. Logically, it does not make sense to support relativism and then pretend like there is one possible truth that quantum mechanics is evidencing. Also, in Leo's perception video he very quickly contradicts himself when he says that perception does not exist and that it is an illusion. What the hell is an illusion if perception is taken out of the equation? If you guys want to support or reiterate Leo's logic that would be helpful, or just share your own ideas about what you think quantum mechanics means.
  8. @Leo Gura Science is not about manipulating reality, it is about predicting it. You even said in your free will video that you are a proponent of determinism, therefore science can be thought of as the discovery of the underlying deterministic laws that govern the universe.