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Everything posted by Lindsay

  1. They use religion to speak to stage blue and that is another jab. Our constitution was created by stage orange and it’s like somehow stage blue ignored separation of church and state. Stage orange let it happen because stage blue is so much easier to manipulate and control. Now a Cold War with China? Our new enemy? The driving justification of spending so much on the military? Just like he says, communist Russia collapsed from within. It imploded because there was no balance. A bad mixture of authoritarian radical left communism that demonized the rich and dehumanized and revenge oppressed. Stage blue majority Christians demonized all other religions and science. Stage orange science demonizes all religious people. I was listening to Krauss interview Chomsky and it bothered me that he interrupted Chomsky when Chomsky said “human design.” I think Krauss is intelligent, I was just annoyed that he couldn’t allow Chomsky to authentically explain what he means just because Krauss is anti God and can’t let the word “design” be used. It’s ok To believe in partial truths. I don’t care how you got your ideas. As long as the core principle is the same.
  2. I didn’t say AOC was the win all. I know she’s stage green. But she is demonized by the entire right and she’s demonized by moderate Democrats. Most Americans think socialism is evil. Corporate America convinced the population that it’s evil and they started to do so in the 1950s so there are multiple generations that have been brainwashed to fear Marx. “It doesn’t work In practice and looks good on paper.” I’m so tired of the arguments with all or nothing thinking. I’m so tired of having to explain the need for a balanced system. I’m so tired of having to avoid using trigger words like socialism because that automatically closes republican and moderate Democrats minds. It instantly invalidates your whole arguement because they are so afraid of communism that they don’t even want to understand what communism is about. And I’m not trying to say communism is the solution or that it’s better. Extremes of anything is dangerous because we are all at different levels. And I’m not against democratizing the top ceos of large corporations. I’m not against term limits on ceos, Congress, and other authority figures. Corporate America had the media on their side since the 1960s. They are the ones who broke up the unions. That’s what he means by the lefts inability to organize. Corporate America sold the idea that free markets is equivalent to freedom. But like Chomsky says, it’s just not true. If we really believed in free markets we wouldn’t put tariffs on Mexican grown tomatoes that are cheaper than tomatoes grown domestically. Our system has been decaying since 1950s. It’s people like AOC that point out the root problems and because she has socialist ideas she is automatically invalidated. I was saying that maybe the older generation is so brainwashed and unable to think about the pros and cons of the other side that it would be better to just wait it out until they naturally die and no longer vote. Just seems like republicans are so desperate.
  3. I’m so happy that he’s being political lately. Our system is going to implode if nothing is done about it. All the intellectuals who spoke out about the corporate corruption were demonized starting in the 1960s. That demonization got steadily stronger throughout the years with propaganda. Now people like Chompsky are called a “socialist” and there for everything he says is dismissed because the people are led to believe it’s evil and leads to communism. People don’t want to challenge their beliefs. People don’t want to think for themselves. They just hold on to their ideology and limit their sources to just Fox News and other right wing propaganda.
  4. It’s free, google usually lists it at the top of the search results. Anyone can contribute. Constant updates. Wide range and variety of information,
  5. He predicts in 20 years our dollar cease to be the international currency. I was hoping that the old republicans pass away from old age and the new generation would make radical change. If congress was more like Alexandria Cortez. Is that delusional thinking?
  6. I wasn’t expecting Israel to be the one messing with our elections. ?
  7. ????????? this was a hilarious comeback i didn’t expect to see on here. I agree with Leo. It’s like your life goal is revenge.
  8. Thank you! We are currently listening to “Alienated America: Why some places thrive and others collapse” by Timothy P. Carney. he’s a moderate conservative and he has some great insights backed up with examples. He follows the same patterns of spiral dynamics without using spiral dynamics.
  9. I work for quadriplegic with locked in syndrome. He is an intellectual and loves to listen to audio books. But all of his books are political and economical from the stages blue and orange perspective. I want to ease him into stage green and then into stage yellow. I made it my mission to gently ease him into it like Leo gently eased me from Red/orange/green to green/yellow. (By red I mean Leo’s earlier videos helped me deal with past trauma that held me back which caused a domino effect of resolving other issues like insecurity, low self esteem, pessimism, and rigid black and white thinning) Are there any books that can help a hardcore catholic republican move up the spiral with out triggering him to end the book?
  10. @seriousman24 He strictly gets 4 high fiber, high nitrogen, high nutrient drinks, Gatorade, prune juice, cranberry juice, coffee. That’s it.
  11. Do you think we would find something else to fight with each other about?
  12. Work on self esteem, self love, self worth, and confidence. Be fun to be around by being your authentic self. Take care of your appearance, personal hygiene, dress nice, smell nice. Have a secure attachment style or work on improving yourself if you are jealous, controlling, or needy.
  13. Seriously agree. A lot of women feel vulnerable about intimacy and usually they associate sex with love, trust, and the desire to feel close. I feel like sex for most guys is more about pleasure, excitement, and release. In science, women can only get pregnant once at a time and it’s a long drawn out process. While men can impregnate an unlimited amount of women on any given day. In the case of natural selection it makes sense for a woman to be picky of her mate if she wants her offspring to thrive and survive. Select an attractive mate (signs of health and good genes) while keeping in mind their ability to help provide. If it’s just sex you want. Lower your standards and flirt with women with low self esteem who are over weight. ? I don’t want to recommend that, it’s a heartless approach.
  14. Maybe you have low grade depression? Try water fasting for 72 hours to let your body regulate its hormone imbalances, give your digestive system a rest, and trigger autophagy (cells recycle and replace damaged cells). Fasting will give you mental clarity after a few days of no insulin spikes.
  15. My cousins are cheering for the destruction of the confederate statues. I feel like they should be moved to a museum or something. I was accused of glorifying slavery. What do you guys think?
  16. You have a point. He probably doesn't want to change. I was wishfully thinking he would be interested. I’m personally tired of his fathers rants. I accept them for who they are. But last month one of his CNA’s quit because she was tired of his dad’s “racist” comments about the Black Lives Matter Movement. She just literally told them off and walked out after working there 7years. He and his parents don’t understand why she got so triggered. I understand. But since then I just want him to stop supporting Trump so unconditionally. I just really want him to open up his mind to the problems we have. I know he is intelligent, generous, and kind. I just think maybe he could also find enjoyment in seeking enlightenment. He is perpetually bored. Imagine living life for 20+ years without the pleasures of food, sex, verbal communication, independence etc... if I was him I would wish to die.
  17. Thank you! I appreciate the recommendation. I’ll see if it’s on audible. I enjoy Allen Watts myself. I tried to tell him about spiral dynamics and his friend (his wife’s old college statistics professor who stayed in touch because of their mutual faith in god) chimes in and brushed it off as new age beliefs and even warned me about it. It’s frustrating because I know if I could get him interested in spiral dynamics he would find more entertaining perspectives to learn from. All he has is his mind so learning and thinking is all he has left. Fox News and the political books he listens to are so exhausting and their rants about stage green are so played out. He listens to maybe 5 audiobooks a week, watches Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Judge Jeanine Perro, Laura Ingram, and 700 clubs daily. ?
  18. @Yog Thank you for the recommendations. I will look into those. But yes it is difficult to dance around the rigid Catholic beliefs. I believe he was more grounded in stage orange before his accident in 1994. He was a 2nd Lieutenant at the Air Force Academy in Alabama. He used to be handsome, fit, confident, and I heard he was a ladies man. However he dove into a pool and had a stroke at the base of his brain. He became paralyzed eyes down. He can’t talk or eat. I he communicates with looking up for yes and down for no. I imagine he’s already good at meditation since he is at the mercy of his caregivers and there are times where he sits in silence unable to distract himself with tv or radio. I feel like he regressed back to stage blue after his accident. When I first started working for him 6 years ago he would cry at night and spell out letter for letter on the spell chart with his eyes saying, “I’m going to hell, God has punished me for being the antichrist.” His mother told me he used to be rebellious and stopped attending church regularly when he was 18. So I feel like his belief in god was solidified because he thought he was being punished by god for his stage orange lifestyle in his teens and early 20s.
  19. @AtheisticNonduality I would have agreed with you last year. But after watching and following along with Leos videos and learning more about spiral dynamics I now don’t agree. I watched a Ken Wilbur interview that made the point that stage green is oppressing stage orange instead of integrating stage orange. And then I thought about Leo’s relative video, survival videos, and his devilry video. It just started to click in my head that nothing is good or evil as an absolute. Whether something is good or evil is relative to whom. Another example that clicked with me was would you punish a toddler for not knowing what you know? Slavery is not good or evil. It just existed. It was good relative to the white supremacist and evil relative to the slave’s survival and wellbeing. Also knowing that stage green occurred only 200 years ago. Compare that to 40,000 years ago homo sapiens were at stage purple. It took a long ass time make it to where we are now. I also don’t demonize ancient civilizations that sacrificed children to the gods. That was just their level of development. They didn’t know any better. I now understand that humans are still evolving. Our consciousness is still evolving. Probably exponentially now because of technology. I think we should preserve the history of the human experience. Move the statues to a museum or in storage. We don’t have to publicly glorify them. But we can acknowledge that they were milestones to where we are now. I feel like I have a toe in stage yellow and the rest in stage green.
  20. just wanted to share in case you guys didn’t talk about it yet. I like how he breaks down his personal experiences that lead him to his enlightenment. After learning about spiral dynamics it’s really interesting to listen to his personal experiences.
  21. I think this was one of the first videos I watched in November 2018. I was going to therapy as a requirement for weight loss surgery. I got depressed digging up the past and triggered complex ptsd. I would watch Kris Godinez’s, “We need to talk” and Kati Morton on YouTube. After watching their content for a few months his videos started popping up in my recommended. I’m so happy it did.
  22. Do philanthropic efforts from billionaires do more harm than good? Do you think they are slowing down the process of human development in third world countries? Are their intentions truly altruistic and honest? Or do they have a hidden agenda or other long term gains? Are they corrupting American democracy? What are your thoughts?