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Everything posted by Lindsay

  1. ? This hit me. This frustration is so relatable. When I’m interested in a subject I am willing to sit through a 2 hour speech. If someone else is excited enough to share something with me I try to devote some time to understand out of respect for the person and to be open to what they have to say. Maybe they are not knowledgeable enough to simplify it in a few short sentences. Sometimes the complexity needs 2 hours to understand. When I share things with my brother on Facebook (I respect my brother and always looked up to him and believe he is intelligent.) he would brush me off and flat out tell me he didn’t have time to watch the 45 minute ted talk. My disappointment was incredible. It’s like people don’t have the time or the attention span to engage. It really does feel lonely when you think about complex problems and have no one to bounce ideas off of. I’m thankful to have discovered on youtube. It opened a lot of doors and connections to people who have the attention span.
  2. He’s popular to me because he IS brilliant. And for me he explained conservatives in a way that I was able to forgive them for their ignorance. I was born into poverty and resented Republicans. I Used to have a hatred for them. I was a toxic stage green in my teens and early 20s. It wasn’t until I worked for a catholic republican family who treated me with kindness and generosity that I was able to include them in my “circle of trust “?. They inspired me to try to see things from their point of view. That is why I would listen with an open mind. Because their values didn’t match up with their politics. So I wanted to understand the disconnect. Jordan Peterson articulated the disconnect. So I listened to him even though he was justifying values against my own values. Because I desperately wanted to understand how the fuck did my god loving catholic clients justify their beliefs. I wish Jordan Peterson would practice what he preaches. Rule number 9, “assume that the person you are listening to night know something you don’t.” -12 rules for life by JP. Peterson is valuable as a bridge between understanding the left and right. This is not a bad thing. Like ken Wilber would say, “Transcend and include. Not Transcend and ignore.” Slovoj Zizek was interesting in the same way. But in reverse. But good luck getting a conservative to be open minded enough to listen without judgement.
  3. @Apparition of Jack Thank you! Yes this was so helpful ? @Opo lmao I couldn’t agree more. I was hoping he would accept that debate because I’m a big fan of Richard Wolff as well. I agree. I thought it was unprofessional when the channel 4 news talking head was nice to him before the cameras were on, and then morphed into a new persona while on camera. It’s disgusting how fake people are on tv.
  4. Americans are asleep ?. Indoctrinated and distracted with consumerism. The USA is a diverse group. It’s hard to bring everyone together. I really like Yanis Varoufakis for trying to wake people up to the harsh reality of capitalism.
  5. Thank you all for commenting. It was interesting to read through your answers. I wish I knew how to quote people and respond. The process frustrates me. I feel old and left behind technology. I’m not even 30 yet.
  6. @Yog lnao you are right. I didn’t not regret watching those sound bites out of context ?
  7. Just when I thought I had a grasp of reality, I connect something and become hyper paranoid. I’m calmer now compared to last year when this boiled up inside me and I start believing in out eagles conspiracy theories. Especially with the elite family conspiracy theories and the child trafficking business ect... the masons. The career politicians. I’m calm on the outside. Last year I started to think this and i got hysterically paranoid and had to be hospitalized. But right now I’m calm but concerned. Does anyone have some analysis that can put my paranoia at ease? Please tell me The elite are not drinking Children’s blood and stuff. Please tell me we are not systemically enslaved by capitalism. Please at least convince me it’s just metaphors And it’s not as Literally gruesome as these conspiracies are leading.
  8. Jordan Peterson’s personality lectures on his YouTube channel helped me integrate stage blue and orange. Get passed his bias, he does a great job at explaining the strengths and weaknesses of certain personality types. Conservatives are useful to run a business and open creatives are good at expression and creation. Every stage is useful. We just need systems that balance the powers out. Too much freedom will backfire and too much restriction will back fire. It’s not about communism vs capitalism. It’s about balancing our working system that’s grossly skewed to help the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Government in My opinion should be a stage yellow+ mediator. But good luck convincing the people. They don’t understand what life is like outside of their bubbles.
  9. I highly recommend Yuval Noah Harari’s book, “Sapiens: A brief history of humankind” It was a very interesting wholistic story about our development. Interesting big picture insights about government. “
  10. Instead of saying collapse, how about saying transition to the digital economy ect...
  11. Thank you both for responding. “Trust evolution” thanks for reminding me of that. And thanks for pointing out the love counters fear.
  12. Apple collects 30% cut of all purchases. Totally gross way to control the supposedly free market.
  13. I don’t like the sneaky things they do to create demand in the supply and demand chain. There was a recent article that fortnite caught them in a trap and exposed how sneaky and petty they are. They pulled the fortnite app from iTunes after fortnite gave gamers an alternative method of buying virtual currency. Apple collects 30% cut of all purchases. Totally gross way to control the supposedly free market.
  14. I know this was 2 years ago and maybe you guys already discussed Putin in the past. I’m just curious. Is Putin as evil as the media makes him out to be? Or are they correct for not trusting him? Why didn’t they publish the full interview? Why was Megan Kelly trying so hard to get him to say they are in a another Cold War arms race? Is he speaking truth? Or is he a mastermind manipulator and knows how to deflect all the questions on America’s decision to pull out of the treaty in 2002? To what extent should we trust Putin? Is Putin trying to point out that Americans are in denial about their own crimes?
  15. Is mike pence a sociopath that wears a blue mask? He’s starting to remind me of mark zuckerburg
  16. Wow this guy is brilliant. Sorry for posting just the videos .im happy discussions like these are taking place. I’m going to order his book. He’s an economist who worked with Don Beck. I joined his group on Facebook. I hope his ideas go mainstream.
  17. This guy, M.A. Carrano claims that he discovered coral and got Don Becks approval. He interviewed high profiled people of power like the executive board of giant corporations and people in the highest offices of government. He says that basically tier 2 is parallel to tier one but with the complexity of wholistic systems thinking. Stage yellow is similar to beige, Turquoise is similar to stage purple, and stage coral is similar to stage red. He says that these coral thinkers usually have a 50% chance of being a psychopath or A antisocial personality. Coral views tier one as resources. Coral feigns to share power but actually orchestrates systems that will cause competing powers to collapse. I kinda got confused reading through his comments on another video that coral views tier one as resources to be manipulated to gain power. But also sees tier one as part of the whole self and doesn’t choose to damage itself. So that confused me maybe it all we t over my head I’m a stage green. He says Henry Kissinger, micheal j morell, and John mccaffee are stage coral thinkers.
  18. My limiting belief is that I think it’s too late to regain my health. Feels like It’s just a matter of time until I catch coronavirus and die of health complications due to obesity, heart failure, and high blood pressure. My second limiting belief is that the USA will suffer another Great Depression in the near future and that it’s too late to get the hell out of dodge. My third limiting belief is that global warming will cause rising sea levels, mass migration, catastrophic forest fires, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes that will destroy our aging infrastructure. 4th limiting belief is that the USA is becoming a totalitarian country. Mean green SJW want to limit freedom of speech and the conservatives want to cling to power through desperate means. 5th limiting believe is my doubt in existence after death. A part of me bought into the idea that life is a universal consciousness which fragments of a unified soul experiences reality through the limited processes of the brain, and once the body dies the fragment of the soul is once again unified with the whole until the next fragmentation. The other part of me believes the possibility of absolutely nothing after death. ?
  19. Call it propaganda if you want. I thought it was entertaining. Biased? Sure. Wrong? Nope.
  20. I listened to Mary Trump’s audiobook, “Too much and never enough,” during my commute to work. I do agree the Trump children were emotionally neglected, verbally abused, and psychologically abused. Donald was in competiton with his older brother for their father’s attention. Their mother seemed like she was emotionally unavailable. More interested in shopping and passing out from illness. In that sense I feel sorry for all the Trump children. Donald is a full blown malignant narcissist. He has the mental capacity of a toddler. He lives in his own little fantasy. I have a toddler myself. I love him unconditionally. It helps that he’s so cute. It’s easier to forgive him when he puts his dirty hands on my food, clogs the toilet with hot wheels, and colors on the walls when I’m trying to wash dishes because he’s my son and I love him no matter what. If I think of Trump as being mentally stunted during childhood from lacking love from his parents then fine. I can allow myself to forgive his stupidity. I just need him out of office because he’s incompetent.
  21. Thank you both for your opinions. I really appreciate it.
  22. Yea. The patriot act has a nice video about how we could conduct more fair elections.