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Everything posted by Lindsay

  1. @commie What? It went over my head. What are your beliefs? Capitalism is a fucked up system without healthy doses of socialism. Healthy (heavy) taxation on the billionaire class and those tax dollars should be put into social programs that help build communities and lift people out of poverty. I believe it would do us all justice to try and rebuild communities in our metropolitan areas. The churches used to do that but religion is in steady decline. Family oriented values are in steady decline. Grandma gets put into expensive nursing homes because families don’t have time to take care of their parents. In China, it was a cultural norm to support your aging parents until death and in return the aging parents would raise their grandchildren while they go to work but that is also declining in China as the new generations are born into orange society in urban areas. Capitalism is an exploitive system. Laborers do the work and the investors and managers get to send jobs over seas or automize and eliminate jobs. I like Richard Wolffs ideas of democratizing the CEO positions in large companies. Or co-ops. Where the unions or workers get to vote on leaders who will keep the laborers best interest in mind. Capitalism as it is right now does not care about humans. It emphasizes profit, growth, and efficiency over people. It’s sad cuz Jeff bezos could not run his corporation alone. All the workers, even the people at the bottom helped him get to where he’s at. The least he can do is invest in his employees. Capitalism rewards exploitation. And they have all the wealth to control the “free market” and they have the wealth to buy politicians and Lobbyists. The rich class has been chipping away at the unions, regulations, and taxation on the rich for decades. The boomer generation has generational trauma or ptsd from communism and socialist ideas which is bullshit. That’s the key way to maintain a healthy capitalist social hierarchy. Please explain to me your point of view. Capitalism is on life support. I work 60 hours a week at $17.50 an hour as a CNA. My rent is $1400 a month for a two bedroom apartment 750 sq feet in Chicago Illinois. The public schools I went to were low quality. I was privileged to have experienced highschool in rural Wisconsin and it was like a whole other country. Culture shock for sure. Class sizes were 12 kids compared to 32 students in Chicago. The small school had brand new computer rooms and gyms. The quality of education was extremely different. It’s very complex.
  2. @commie I have a conservative client who listens to right wing audiobooks, gets his news from Fox, CBN Pat Robertson 700 club, and EWTTN live Catholic. I was an atheist democrat most of my life. After working there I’m more of a independent socialist agnostic. What I agree with Sam Vaknin was how civilizations osalate back and forth between Feudalism and Capitalism. Under Feudal systems the peasants become reliant on their family and religion for survival. Capitalism promotes narcissism and selfishness and concentrates wealth at the top until it collapses back into Feudalism from wage stagnation, social immobility to move up in class in the social hierarchy. Capitalism is more secular and it emphasizes individuality over family. Work more hours and have less time for family and religion. Richard Wolff is another economics Professor on YouTube who makes these claims as well. This is why it was logical in my brain. This is why I love Spiral Dynamics. I like to think of human social/wealth structures/ hierarchies. I’m family oriented and society is like the macro level family. Capitalism just goes against family values. In Feudalism, family and religion is needed to cope with the harsh reality of not being able to improve your life and move up the hierarchy. We are headed into a Neo Feudalism. I recommend this book. And I thought this little pic was cute ?.
  3. Lmao thanks. I guess I just like to brainwash myself every once in a while . Na. I enjoy perspectives and ideas. Thanks to everyone for commenting. Whoa! I had no idea, thanks for doing the research for me .
  4. This video of Sam Vaknin changed my mind about narcissism.
  5. I’m only a few chapters in as it’s above my reading comprehension. But so far I’m very concerned about the future of the Western World. Has anyone ever heard of this book? Anyone already read it? I would appreciate another opinion about it.
  6. I’m watching the Fox News coverage while I’m at work. It’s kinda funny listening to my client’s father’s comments. He’s always talking shit about Antifa and Black Lives Matters. This is just too funny. I am sad for the woman killed. But jeez. Maybe it will be a warning to the politicians to actually deliver on their promises instead of giving the people the run around and taking care of their donors and friends first.
  7. @Preety_India nice avatar ? I’m not a hillbilly I’m psychotic help me I can’t stop laughing and crying
  8. Poems* children love music and art. I wonder why thinks in incubus science lol gotta love incubus evolution
  9. #im the Jesus Christ super star! With a twist. lol ? antichrist superstar marlin Manson is brilliant and tragic. Nialists unite. feeling defeated and disappointed ? narcissistic wound hurts like hell. It kills the body. Im 450 pounds. I thought I was repeating the cycle. I just had to break out of the cycle to see clearly. But the people I love pull me back. And they are mulling me softly. #beegees? Not the 70s disco group. Oh yeah the fugees. strumming my pain with his fingers
  10. #if you see this help me cuz I’m going off the deep end here. #misunderstood #childhood-vows #toxic family dynamics #im lonely ? #in the realm of hungry ghosts #SOS
  11. #2D thinking ? #4D thinking ? #introverts come together and rise up #wake the fuck up #if you see this, I love you #if you see this I bless you #if you read this I understand you #am I ADHD? #MakeAmericaTrustAgain #MakeAmericaLoveAgain #MakeAmericaFreeAgain #Laws of attraction #am I a highly sensitive child? #I have abandonment issues #attachement styles
  12. Locate me, locate me, locate me. I REPEAT.... LOCATE ME. See me. Look at me. Americans are narcasists. They think they have it all figured out. No telling them how to feel. Only you can tell you how you feel. Don’t let others project their meaning onto you. It’s just a label. The principles of math. In an emotional witch doctor of the 21st century. #I’m not heard. Let me rephrase that! I don’t FEEL heard, I FEEL invalidated! Invalidation causes anxiety and fear inside of me. #I think I’m bipolar, #I think I’m borderline personality disorder #I think I’m autistic # I think I’m schizophrenic. #i think I have complex ptsd. #i get it now # boomers fell behind #no child left behind #george bush #word salad # Solve my puzzle ? # I think I’m mentally ill ??????????????????????????
  13. I’m not grounded in fear. I’m grounded in love. I surrender my fear and I’m ready to embrace love. God is love. DOG is God backwards and Dog, God, Love are interchangeable. It’s basic algebra. Principle of algebra. Western world is dumb in math cuz they don’t embrace both divine masculinity and Devine femininely. Never give up! If you do anything make sure it’s in the name of love! Chivalry is not dead. God is not dead. Autism speaks. Biological chemical organic algorithms. That’s what our brains are. Visual story teller. Senses . Public education is the best education free hand of formation. Fuck the free markets. Cuz we are the renegades of funk lmfao ? I havnt slept in 7 days. Am I psychotic? I’m asking for a friend lol. Na, it’s just me. Authentic me. Minding my own god damn business. Please don’t let Qanan assassinate me or some shit like that. I’m not ready to die. I have a lot of helping to do. I’m a valuable piece in the game of chess. The queens gambit. I speak in riddles. I speak in puzzles. Is it word salami? Or word salad? What is word salad? What is? Basics here. Michael here. YouTube algorithms programmed my brain ? isn’t it grand! It broke down my barriers man. “Sapiens” game changer. Big history, game changer. Story telling. Game changer. Spiral dynamics game changer. Noam Chomsky manufacturing consent game changer Slovaj Zizek game changer. Manipulate the manipulators Manx free love ❤️ learn the lingo of the hippies man. LeRn the slang. Chicago. The best city around. A beautiful ? experiment. An alien experiment. A divine experiment. If you live to dance than dance. Law of attraction. Merian Williamson, learn to think. Neil Degrasse Tyson? Black astrophysicist. He’s a woke ass ? of a bitch. #woke #ForceTheVote #radical acceptance #stop resisting #learn the language of the generation, #zietgiest #23&me #Surveillance and hivemind are not dangerous ideas. #stop corruption through Transparency. #be open minded #respect the other side
  14. @Bojan the digital economy, gig economy, like video games? Get paid to stream live! like podcasts? Get paid to speak! like to ? think? Get paid to solve puzzles! like engineering? Get paid to design! like marketing? Get paid to be an influencer! what's your talent? Get paid to use your talent!
  15. His lectures were thought provoking. I cherry picked what I liked. And appreciated his other views. Actually he helped me ease my disgust for the right wing conservatives. I thought he was a decent bridge for me to right wing conservatives. Maybe because I ground myself here. When I’m confused about something I check in with this forum. And read the answers. Also I went through a holy phase, and atheist phase, and an idk phase. His Maps of Meaning inspired me to appreciate religion and symbolism. Because I rejected everything religious between the ages 14-28 years old. I also latched on to Yuval Noah Harari which also helped. Maybe I am indoctrinated. But also less hateful and more understanding.
  16. @Javfly33 Why? Don’t take for granted how intelligent you must be then. Most people don’t understand history the way Harari does. I’m thankful he wrote a book to sum it all up for me.
  17. @Cireeric I absolutely loved all three of his books, Sapiens, Homo Duos, and 21 lessons for the 21st century. Loved the way he told human history like a grand story. I believe it’s a very important book for all walks of life to read. It’s almost a must. It really connected a lot of dots for me. I was educated in a low income inner city in the USA. I barely know American history let alone ancient world history. The brief overview of human history presented in this book indirectly went along side with Spiral Dynamics. It reinforced all the stages in SD. It also reinforced all the symbolism and importance of religion that Jordan Peterson’s lectures on YouTube conveyed. Sapiens is such an insightful book of wisdom. Honestly I believe kids should be taught big history like this in the form of stories. And then go in depth with all the details of war and economy and politics once they are in middle school and high school. It just really helps with the dot connecting lol. I personally learned history way out of order. It was a confusing hot mess after I graduated highschool. I didn’t like how segregated and out of order history was. I didn’t make connections between 1700s America and 1700s Europe and 1700s Asia. It was taught to me separately and out of order. It just makes the big picture more difficult.
  18. Someone shared this in a SD Facebook group and I thought it was the coolest advertisement for
  19. This Morgue guy is fascinating. What an interesting character and he’s smart. Is this ontological mathematics/ hyperian stuff legit? I’m new to this guy and I’m curious about what he says. I searched the forum for his stuff and some of you talked about it last year. What do you guys think of this guy and his theories? Is he misguided?
  20. @peachboy thank you. I have not watched that love episode yet. Hopefully you didn’t corrupt my opinion too much before I watch it.
  21. @Axiomatic thanks for the quick overview of your understanding of the Soviet Union, Stalin, and Lenin. This is probably my first exposure of the roots of communism. Now I’m interested in the history.