@kag101 thank you for your advice. Your story resonates with me as i was drawn to personal development and spirituality because of dissatisfaction with my life and wanting to heal myself from things like social anxiety which are deeply rooted, i have had it since first grade. They also want to give me Wellbutrin but i said no, because i think it is not a long term solution. You take it, of course you feel great but only for that much long. then after a few months you up your dose, then up and up and after a few years when you reached the highest dose it stops working and you are back where you began but worse, because your brain adjusts to the medication, and is dependent on it. It only treats the symptoms and not the deep roots of the problem. That is my biggest fear. Do you think otherwise? Depression can be cured and i know it because many people have done it. A reason why i like Actualized.org is because Leo is interested in deep root solutions rather then quick fix solutions.