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Posts posted by justfortoday

  1. 11 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

    That’s how I saw colors my whole life until I went to University. They told me that colors are photons that travel into the optic nerves, rods/cones, and then the visual cortex in brain to be perceived as colors.

    How did you come to the realization that colors are Being and not perceived. I get it conceptually, but I need to recontexualize my experience.


    That’s called Materialist brainwashing - in your direct experience do you see photons, optic nerves, rods / cones, a brain?

    Your experience as reality is direct. Without any intermediaries. You and the color green are the same being through two forms. These forms or colors are appearing in you.

  2. 1 hour ago, seeking_brilliance said:

    @justfortoday @Leo Gura (not leo) 

    They were good reflections of what came before, but like in a fun house mirror where when you look closer things are completely distorted and strange.  The main character was absolutely forgettable, even if while you're watching it you like her. That right there is enough to tank the trilogy.  I can't even think of one interesting or memorable thing she did or said. 

    Kylo ren was not a fun bad guy at all, imo, and mostly whiny and annoying. Definitely not a good reflection of darth vader. The other big bad was tossed aside like trash. Then we get the emperor in last movie but it was so shoehorned in, and coupled with how crappy Kylo Ren was as a baddie, the entire thing fell flat for me.  Forgettable leads, forgettable baddies, forgettable trilogy. 

    You know what it is? My expectations were so low after 1-3 that I just thought it as mindless entertainment.

    Everything you point out here is a great analysis. The characters did fall flat - especially on Chapter 8. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Lucas stole all his ideas from real life.

    Nothing in Star Wars was original, from the opening title to The Force.

    If you want to look like a genius, steal from God and pretend it was your own work ;)

    Yeah seems like he copied a lot.

    Consciousness is so fucking epic - thanks for reminding us of it.

  4. 1 minute ago, r0ckyreed said:

    Here’s how I see it. Reality is like a dream. Everything you experience in your dream: people, cars, conversations, trees, planets, aliens, what have you, they are all a product of your own mind. When you wake up, you realize that it was all you and was all your imagination. It never happened!

    But the question is, how is this not the same thing as when we dream?

    Yeah I like that analogy.

    Also, when you “dream” how do you know that the characters you dreamt up did not have an existence of their own, just like you do in this dream?

    A dream, couched inside a dream, inside a dream, etc.

  5. 6 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

    I don’t know. The only world I have ever know has been “my own.” 

    I believe that we may be experiencing the same color differently, but I really do not know. I am imagining this.

    Fair enough.

    There is ONE instance of the color green and it’s not happening inside your brain. 

    Everything you hear and see is exactly as it is. The colors you see are suspended in nothingness. 

    The “universe” is perceiving itself. Neither you nor your friend have an instance of the color green. 

    The color green is just floating in the vacuum of empty space. 

    You aren’t experiencing sounds and colors - they are BEING for themselves.

    The reason you know them is because the “air” or the “space” around you is what is actually conscious. Not your ego.

    When you “walk” or move your body, it is not your body that is experiencing reality, it’s the space that wraps around you. 

    You get it? 

  6. Just now, r0ckyreed said:

    I get that conceptually, but it feels like I cannot experience that in Actuality because it feels like I am inside of a fish bowl of perception (The fish in water). 

    Any world outside of Direct Experience is conceptual in nature and cannot be known to exist. But then again, I don’t know that either.

    The world of the senses is the only world I have ever encountered. Every thought and imagination is based upon the senses. 

    Let me go further, this could help.

    You and your friend are looking at the same leaf, for example. This leaf is green.

    Are there two instances of the color green? One yours and one in your friends brain?


  7. 1 hour ago, Mvrs said:

    So within this time rn only I as an observer exists but I’ll do every lifetime of everyone but isn’t at the same time? Since doesn’t exist this is kinda shit I love about how paradoxical and mindfucky reality is 

    But my question to u is : does that mean that the only observer Rn in this story is me (my ego) at this now 

    The observer or self in you, is the same self as in me. Lets drop your ego for a second. Ego is not real.

    Infinity means that every possible thing that could ever happened, happened - independent of time and space.

    So you as god are going through each life and playing it like a movie.

    So yes, if you are reading this, the “self” in you is all there is. That and your imagination.

  8. 1 hour ago, Mvrs said:

    When you enter a non dual state is the observer and the observed combined so that there is only observer or no observer ? Like are you aware that duality collapsed or are u not aware of what happened till after your out? And that’s when the insight comes?

    A true non-dual state feels like you “popped” out of reality and you see what’s in front of you as a projection.

    So imagine the scene right now, suddenly you realize it is a painting, and you step outside the painting and look at it directly.

    You can see the “void” around your bubble of perception, and then you realize that everything in your direct experience is a flat, dimensionless projection emanating from you, nothingness.

    Its like realizing you’ve had a 360 degree screen wrapping around you your entire life.

    I’ve experienced this many times, and it is incredible. Truly remarkable.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    A thought. An experience. A sensation behind the eyes somewhere. Does that make the ego true or false? Or maybe it's true and false considering that this sensation comes and goes?.  And so whatever Is present is true. If it's not presently experienced it's false. 

    You’re saying the ego is an “experience”. The ego is false. Therefore, it is possible to experience falsehood.

    Unless you think the ego is truth. 

  10. @Mvrs Everyone you encounter in your life is simply a past or future incarnation of your own being, but manifesting as the now.

    So yes, it's just you, but not the "you" that thinks it is a human being. You are pure subjectivity.

    All people you meet have egos and internal monologues, if that is what you're asking.

    Solipsism in the absolute is true. That pure subjectivity could not bear to exist by itself in a void, so in its infinite wisdom it split off into infinite parts to experience duality.

    Infinity created this VR experience for itself.

    Non-existence is impossible. It IS nothing. It's required.

  11. 1 hour ago, Someone here said:

     LOL you have to do it this way right? ?

    I guess you are wrong then (you didn't explain your position anyways you just said go contemplate it)

    .   You tell me who is it that knows and where is the boundaries between the knower and the known? What I'm saying is there is only absolute knowledge which is direct being itself. There is no knowing via duality or a medium of separation.  That's what nonduality entails.  That's absolute knowledge that cannot be false because it's direct.  If we assume separation then all sorts of "how do you REALLY know" nonsense questions start arising which are just based on false assumptions. Aye 

    You’re getting too caught up in concepts that will lead you nowhere good. Same with your thread about how to have a “mystical” experience.

    Are you trying to get somewhere in your inquiry? There is nowhere to get to.

    Your existence alone is a mystical experience. Everything around you is magic in motion.

    Knowledge is not truth. 

    You can get this intellectually, but it doesn’t seem like you’ve experienced truth.

    Truth is shocking. It will stop you dead in your tracks. You will not seek anything after experiencing truth.