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Posts posted by justfortoday

  1. 2 minutes ago, Consilience said:

    Well that's pretty cool dude :)

    3 months of daily meditation seems like nothing... How many minutes were your sessions? And do you mean to say you've ONLY been meditating 3 months for your whole life?

    I've been meditating on and off my whole adulthood, but the last 3 months I would meditate for 2,3 hours a day. I did self inquiry in the process too. 

    Weed also really helped me "snap" out of the dream and become infinity. 

    Now, when I am walking through the street, I don't perceive the world as a 3D material universe that I am inside of, but the world comes to me. I am the screen upon which reality appears. Even as I am typing this, there is now a gap between "me" as infinity, and the human body, I can see the edges of the projection inside this void.

  2. Hey friends, after a 3-month, daily meditation practice and the help of some weed in the process, as well as various other consciousness exercises as shared by Leo, I've permanently stopped seeing the world as a 3-Dimensional space.

    I now perceive everything in my direct experience as a projection of light emanating from me, a sort of void with a movie playing in front of it as reality, so everything in my direct experience is me.

    I'm projecting everyone, every thing, every color, shape, or sound. It's incredible.

    I can't stress how HUGE this shift has been for me, but it's something I've strived for for a year after first experiencing non-duality.

    I call this, Being VR. 

  3. Today I experienced my deepest awakening yet and felt shaken to my core by the revelation.

    1. There is one instance of consciousness in existence. If you are reading this, your instance of consciousness is all that exists in the entire universe.

    2. You and I are not alive at the same time. It’s like God wrote a book, and in chapter one he wrote the story of your life, the people you would meet, your entire life arch. In chapter two it wrote mine. Then decided to live each chapter one at a time, but God is only alive in each individual chapter. This is relativity.

    3. All other people are imaginary, yet they are chapters in this book God wrote and after it is done living yours, it will live each character.

    4. You are all that exists right now.

    5. You aren’t the body. You are the entire scene. Every sound you hear, every color you see, it’s all you. This bubble of perceptions are not perceptions, but absolute being, without any substance to it.

    6. Existence is a dream. 

    7. I am God, and so are you, and everyone else.

    8. Again, one instance. In the entirety of existence. One instance of consciousness.

  4. I will lay it out as simply as I can.

    You are an eternal MIND.

    Everything you see around you is sluggish mind, a product of your particular wave patterns that interacts with the world and is deeply intertwined with it.

    Yes. The tree exists, and it’s not that you have a brain and you have your instance of the tree, and then your friend has another instance of the appearance of the tree.

    There is one instance of the tree and you and your friend are experiencing it simultaneously as minds.

    Reality is nothing but a mirage created by wave patterns generated by pure mind.

  5. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    No, it doesn't work so simply.

    "Atoms" are entangled with your state of consciousness, with your neurology, with your DNA, and many other such factors which you cannot simply change at will.

    If you could change your state of consciousness, your neurology, and your DNA -- then yes, atoms would become something else.

    Neurology? There is no brain in direct experience - how can that be reconciled?

  6. 3 hours ago, Alfonsoo said:

    Hello! I found on the internet, apparently some people are manipulating incense smoke with their mind. They make it go in a straight line or go left and right. Also they make an unbalanceable object (like a pen on its tip) balance. I need some help understanding how to do this. 

    Dude, you are creating the world you are immersed in with your mind.

    The world is your mind - you manipulate reality all day long.

    How do you think anything is possible at all?

    Pull out your hand. You just moved the entire universe just to do that. 

    Magic is real, it’s called reality.

  7. 19 hours ago, The0Self said:

    Welcome to an incredible ride! In this hologram, anything is possible. There is even an apparent infinitely loving God-being, within which we are totally all just exactly the same, one being, God, existing in duality, which is the only existence there is... Except that's not all: existence, being duality, is NOT EVEN REAL :D It also isn't unreal! It's literally so amazing that you "die" right before/as you believe it.

    The hologram is the only thing that is real.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Shin said:

    So you're not even moving, it's like the Worlds moves in You, and you in it.

    @Shin Of course. You’ve never gone anywhere, ever. You’ve just been witnessing colors, shapes and sound shifting in your consciousness.

    That is what they call the illusion of “Maya”. 

    Whats even more amazing is that if I asked you right now to close one of your eyes, and then ask “what is behind you”? You cannot are what is truly behind you, because if you turn your body the visual field is still in front of you LOL.

    What is behind you is pure nothingness. And that’s what you are.

    You’re literally a magical being. Magic is real, that’s how reality was constructed.

  9. 21 minutes ago, inFlow said:

    @justfortoday could you say you are past that point where these insights you had are way beyond what you even had imagined to be possible?

    What I experienced goes beyond words. It’s like you’re an immovable screen and the world appears within you.

    Thats why you can’t see your own head in your direct experience.

    Instead you have the world.

    You can’t unsee it once you do. ☺️

  10. 3 minutes ago, Moksha said:

    @justfortoday Some here share your view, but I'm not one of them. Just because matter, energy, and time are relative doesn't make them less real. My perception is part of the calculus, but spacetime is not imaginary. No desire to go into a long debate on this, I just wanted to share my "perspective".

    Well, then you’re completely fooled by the illusion.

    Matter, spacetime, energy, time are all hallucinated.