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Posts posted by justfortoday


    59 minutes ago, vladorion said:

    What drugs were taken and at what dosages to get these insights?

    Marijuana 30% THC, some mushrooms. Years of experience.

    1 hour ago, One Day said:

    Aka just saying the same stuff that Leo says to come across as awake in this forum. Dream on. If solipsism was really true why has not any religion or spiritual tradition talked about it untill now. But suddenly now there is a guy called Leo saying to other people that solipsism is real (which by itself is already so ironic its sad) and suddenly the people on his forum also experience this "truth".

    Show me people from outside this forum who think the same way.

    You are threading in dangerous waters with this post. More cult like behavior will not be accepted.

    Why do you just parrot the shit that Leo says? Because he is awake and now you are too? So basically that would mean this forum/community is the only one with the truth. That would be some major cult shit.

    I think independently and although Leo has helped me, I actually did the work.

    I did the work to deconstruct myself, and you clearly haven't as you are still accusing me of parroting stuff that is actually true. Rather, you keep your delusions and lash out at me.

  2. 4 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

    How sure are you of this "Insights"? Especially "Other people" and "Death".

    Please be honest. If you say 100% , I expect you to no Lt be scared at all of death and be absolutely loving to other people since they are you and you will live their lives as God/Nothingness, right ? 

    And if you don't say 100%, then we are just playing the never ending game, some mystical states here and there, and then some interpretations mixed with non dual theory and Leo's teaching, shake it, apply some belief intention and we are good to go to feel like we have sorted it out, but of course we keep behaving like scared little devils because deep inside us there is still doubts and we are NOT REALLY sure.

    So, please, give it a rate. Have the balls of saying "100%" ?


    I am 100% behind what I said in my original post. I have had an NDE, multiple mystical states and I am applying logic and reason to the origin of reality, nothingness, zero.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Fran11 said:

    @justfortoday I have had the same insight about "solipsism", for me it has been the most mind-blowing and hardest to accept by far. What psychologically and emotional impact did it have on you to realise you REALLY are all alone?

    Becouse it feels very different than still having the "I'm God but God is experiencing other things right now" delusion.

    I ended in a crisis unit when I realized my true nature. It wasn't easy for me at all. I had a complete and utter meltdown. 

    But now I am in bliss.

  4. @kag101 In this way, God is democratic. See? No solipsism.

    Every character in the game gets to be God and experience ALL OTHER CHARACTERS' LIVES, but it is happening one frame at a time. There are no other "on" bubbles, just yours right now, but when you "die" you will live your mom's life.

    Get the concept? God is democratic.

    Everything already happened, you are just in a replay right now.

    You have zero free will until you recognize this and awaken to the illusion, so that you can start acting counterintuitively and achieving the results you want in your life.

    Otherwise, ego will trap you in Solipsism and that leads to nihilism. I've been through it.

  5. 14 minutes ago, kag101 said:


    How can you be so sure?

    I hope not. That would be freaking boring, lol. Reminds me of the movie Groundhog Day.

    What do you mean by "magic"?

    1. —

    It's neither solipsism or materialism, all possibilities exist super-positioned (like quantum mechanics states), you are simply forking your way through the game as you play it. Solipsism is just some concept you are imagining right now, it carries some truth, but the truth is WAY more radical than solipsism. 


    I have personally seen through the illusion, and without much use of psychedelics. Only used marijuana on a weekly basis and some shrooms once or twice. But once you see the illusion and are able to "see" consciousness and observe it, there is no unseeing that.


    Sorry to break it to ya, but it's true : )

    You are all that exists right now. It does not mean other POVs aren't real, it just means you haven't lived their lives yet.

    That's right, you will live every single life of every thing you have ever encountered in your life. Because you are them, and this is a VR experience, and you are the single player.


    Magic as limitless power to modify reality to its will. Consciousness/nothingness is magic itself. You are divine.

  6. 9 minutes ago, kinesin said:

    I call this the 'sermon on the mount' phase.  Keep going (not that you have any other choice) and this desire to explain it all to others will fade away.

    I actually already went through that. So get off your high horse. I am not exactly newbie to spirituality. The desire to share this is to help other incarnations of myself achieve breakthroughs. I do not post much on this site, but when I do it is because I truly believe it.

  7. Hope this post helps you on your journey. These insights and learnings have been gained through a lot of sweat and tears.


    Part I: What am I existentially?

    Close your eyes. Imagine having no vision at all. Not even the ability to perceive darkness. Just complete loss of vision. Yet you remain. Cover your ears. Imagine having no hearing at all. Not even the ability to perceive silence. Yet you remain. Now imagine having no body at all. Yet you remain.

    What you are, metaphysically, is a complete void. A zero. Infinite. You see, nothingness is uncreated, it is required. 

    Imagine nothing, since it is nothing, it needed no creator. It always was. Nothing is equal to zero, which equals infinite positive numbers paired with infinite negative numbers and infinite combinations. A system of balanced energy that always equals to zero. This is called frequency. All color, sound, touch is nothing but frequency, number.

    Nothingness is infinite in all degrees. Everything is mind.

    You may also replace mind with spirit.


    Part II: The Universe

    Complete fantasy. There is no physical, external universe with "space" in which you move. 

    The true universe is the present moment you are experiencing. It is a mindspace, not a physical box full of matter. 


    Part III: Time

    Time is actually running "backwards" but we perceive it inversely. 

    Watch the video below. The "matter" or "objects" seem to control the human, not the other way around. The matter or objects you see are just refractions of your infinite mind.



    It also renders gravity useless. Another invention.



    Part IV: What is reality?

    Reality is a VR experience created with infinite intelligence by nothingness itself, so that it could experience itself from a multiplicity of viewpoints for eternity.

    You see, reality is a possibility pool. Basically everything, every possibility has already happened outside of time and space.

    That means this very moment you are "living" has happened an infinite number of times, and will continue to happen as it is infinite.


    As you navigate your "life" and make choices, you are forking your POV, recalling these moments that have already happened outside of time and space, and they materialize as reality for you.

    The "universe" is rendered as needed by the POV. Much like in a dream.


    Part V: Other People

    This is going to be controversial, but I can assure you it is true. This right now, this instance of consciousness that is reading these words is the only POV in existence. This present moment is all there is. 

    Imagine that you record yourself for a full day playing a bunch of characters. You do 30 impressions and you record them on video.

    You then decide to wipe your memories of making the videos, and decide to watch one movie each day for 30 days, yet you don't know that it was you playing those characters. 

    All other people are unreal, because again, *everything* happened in eternity. Your life is the infinite forking of possibilities in this pool.

    In this case, your life is one of these movies, and once it's over, there is another movie to play.

    You and I are not conscious at the same time, it's an illusion.

    That means that this field that is conscious of these words, is the same field that held Jesus' life, Buddha's life, etc.

    You are walking in some big shoes.

    It is literally the same consciousness.


    Part VI: Your Senses

    You believe that you have a brain that renders colors, sound and touch to get you your "reality", but in true reality you are hallucinating everything around you.  Your imagination is so powerful that it is indistinguishable from "reality".


    Part VII: Magic

    I can personally attest to the fact that magic is real. I have had a NDE + multiple awakenings. Magic is a feature of nothingness as there is nothing to oppose nothingness.


    Part VI: Death

    Doesn't exist. Death has always been a first-person experience you are having of others "dying", but no one has died ever, because no one has lived, ever. Again, it's an illusion.

    When you "die", you are reborn as another POV. 

  8. I've posted extensively about this.

    You are the entire scene, not the body "walking through the world".

    What you are experiencing is a complete and utter projection emanating from the void you are. Your visual field has no depth, there is nothing behind the appearances you see.

    Only you are conscious. In this entire mindspace I call Being VR.

    You're not walking through the world, you're imagining everything around you.

  9. 11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Nothing can exist outside of consciousness because consciousness is infinite and all things can only exist as imagined by consciousness.

    The end.

    You guys make it too complicated, you get tangled up in your own minds.

    There is no such thing as non-existence. Only existence. Nothingness is existence, not non-existence.


    Also, every "person" you interact was just created by your imagination, which is so powerful that it retroactively goes back in time (because it is pure magic) to justify the existence of that person, hence creation happening just by being.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

    Cute. But The movie theory is just more stories of the mind to not feel alone, it's not really different from my theory/story ?


    You're totally not aware of non dual states, because if you were, you would realize this is ONE BIG MOVIE. 

    Force of Light + Force of Sound imagining reality eternally.

    We are all squares on a giant zoom call. You have your square which is a part of the screen, and I have mind. It's one flat layer of consciousness imagining all the individual experiences.

    Have you even had a mystical experience? 

    Come on. 

  11. 16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    You are God/Infinity right now, imagining that you have slept and dreamed in the past.

    God is always here right now, imagining some other state, or some past or future state.

    You will never realize God as long as you are getting trapping in past or future experiences. God is NOW, THIS!

    @Leo Gura Yep, this was the most shocking realization for me.

    I just "came" back from a 3 day trip to New York, and I am here realizing that I went nowhere, and I am imagining it right now.

  12. @Javfly33

    Sorry to break it to you, but as God, you have absolute consciousness.

    You and I are not "alive" at the same time. Both of our lifetimes were imagined at once and then God decided to watch them like films, one frame at a time.

    You are god imagining everything into being, retroactively past and future. The present moment is one and has always existed.

    Think of this.

    Where did the space that the universe "expanded" into during the big bang come from?

    Nowhere. Because the universe itself is an illusion.

    You are inside of a singularity of pure mind, dreaming that it's being a human, you.

    Pure fantasy.

  13. On 4/27/2021 at 6:08 PM, onacloudynight said:

    What decides where you go to next? If there is a next. My body is getting very sick, not sure how much longer it will last. I'm looking forward to being in a more conscious place hopefully. I'm just not sure what will happen. I guess one of my concerns is actually going somewhere a lot worse than earth. How am I supposed to know what happens? What can I do to improve my odds of going somewhere better.


    My friend, here is what happens when you "die". You leave your body and you become infinite, meaning you don't have a body anymore and you are like a floating speck of consciousness, you can zoom in and out of places in the scene while hovering your body, for example.

    So you stay floating as a point unless you desire to ascend, which means to reunite with the Godhead, which you will be presented with that option. Ghosts are simply instances of consciousness that desired to remain in the earthly plane. 

    How do I know this? I experienced both NDE and OBEs during a breakdown about 1 year ago. All that I am describing above is what I experienced.

    Also, the light you hear people talk about? That's totally real and it's the godhead merging you back into itself.

    You then de-polarize and experience another life.

    Your "presence" never dies. You simply delete your old memories and start fresh as a human baby.

    It's all a game of consciousness — the physical world is just an illusion if you care to study it.

  14. Very simple. You are comparing events in your direct experience (which is a dream/hallucination, by the way), to the moral compass you were raised with. It's a concept matrix defining itself against your direct experience.

    I am very sorry if your consciousness experienced these events, but just understand that you can let go of them and pretend they never even existed, because ultimately reality is a dream happening right here, right now. All bad things in your life were imaginary. 

    There is only love because love is the substance that keeps consciousness together and projects the reality in which you abide.

  15. 27 minutes ago, Andrewww said:

    How does one experience the internal happiness dramatically as they state it. Making things such as accumulating items pointless.

    It is not possible to experience internal happiness for even a slight majority of your time. Anyone that tells you otherwise is diluted.

    Mono Aware, the sad gives birth to the happy. You will experience happiness in your life, but it won't last forever, because you are still identifying as a self, or an ego. You are living in an augmented reality full of concepts and symbols, and you don't even realize it.

    You're like a rat dumped inside of a maze chasing cheese. You will find bits of cheese and be happy about them, but ultimately, you are still in the maze.

    How to escape the maze? Well, that's a totally different topic.

    So, savor happiness when its there, because it is beautiful, but understand that sadness is what gives happiness its meaning.

  16. 2 hours ago, Demeter said:

    @Dunnel , the loneliness must have been excruciating. Hence, creation!

    This is the ultimate truth. Since God or the (S) is infinitely omniscient, it saw all time at once and comprehended eternity, thus, in horror of eternal loneliness, it split itself off into infinite POVs to experience itself for eternity.

    There was never a time that reality did not exist. Reality technically does not even exist, it's just a concept. All there exists is imagination.

  17. 11 minutes ago, Moksha said:

    The Creator has no beginning, and has no end. Welcome to the Mystery 9_9

    There is an answer to this. Reality created itself by observing itself from a dislocated POV thus igniting a chain reaction in all directions.

    In other words, the future breeds the present which breeds the past. It's like pure light decided to record itself as itself, thus creating a camera, which then created the justification for the existence of the camera, which then created this whole thing I call Being VR. 

    Infinite intelligence created this VR world we exist in. Your bubble of experience is pure imagination.

  18. 1 hour ago, acidgoofy said:

    Did you smoke cannabis after the shift? If yes how is it different now?

    I use cannabis once a week for deep introspection, it just amplifies the experience.

    I don't do psychedelics yet, unless you count weed as one. But I'm looking forward to experimenting with psychedelics in the future if I can retain this nondual state.

  19. 1 hour ago, eliasvelez said:


    Did you experience fear during the process, or during the shift?  And what was your motivation?

    I did not experience any fear because I have had many mystical experiences over the last year. I wanted the truth, whatever the cost.

    14 minutes ago, Fran11 said:

    Wow that's paramount progress, great to hear! 

    - Do you still experience suffering? How is you experience of physical pain now?

    - How did you go from experiencing that state only in meditation to making it permanent? I can go into non-dual consciousness during meditation (and yes, weed makes it A LOT easier), but I lose it as soon as my concentration breaks, any advice?

    - Did it improve your perception of the subtle planes of consciousness? I mean things like subtle energies, disembodied beings, occult powers, etc.

    1. I experience suffering but I've re-contextualized it as just a projection of my own mind. Physical pain is still experienced, but it's more like "whoa look at that cool shit happening on my finger WHOAAAAA DUDE"

    2. I imagined that I have no head ( I don't) and simply vanished my own body so that I am just a point in space traveling as infinity. You actually have no head, no brain, no face. God being projected from where you think your face is, that is your visual field. It's like a void of pure consciousness. So I would practice going to the supermarket and walking down the isles, and realizing I have no face, no eyes, nothing. Just the projection emanating from me. So I've slowly grounded myself into this new experience and it is now permanent, so I experience having no head, instead the world. I understand that the world is my own schizoid god mind.

    3. I can see auras if that's what you're implying. I also can perceive feelings when I touch people, as it's my own being. 

    You are literally imagining EVERYTHING. That TV in front of you? Yep. Imaginary. Your body? Imaginary. Your face? Imaginary. 

    All there is, is the light in your "eyes".

    You are like a genie trapped in a lamp endlessly playing inside the lamp as there is only it in existance.

    Like I mentioned, I call it Being VR.


    17 minutes ago, Demeter said:

    "@justfortoday , have you read the book "Enlightenment Ain't What It's Cracked Up To Be: A Journey of Discovery, Snow and Jazz in the Soul" ? It speaks of enlightenment as you describe it. 

    Here's a video of an interview with the writer. 


    Thanks for sharing, will definitely watch this.

  20. 2 hours ago, Adamq8 said:

    Zup brother nice to see its going well!

    Do you feel lonely after a realization like this or are you perfectly comfortable with knowing that you project everything?


    It makes life 10000000000000x more hilarious, I am just laughing internally all day long because I hear other people talking and realize I am the dialogue holder, the conductor by which these people are communicating, and I laugh at the stuff they talk about because it's so hilarious.

    Everything is God, and other people are just fragments of its cosmic schizophrenic mind, including me. 

    It makes reality seem extremely hilarious and beautiful, like a giant comedy show.