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Posts posted by justfortoday

  1. First, this is not for novices. I have seen a lot of questions and discussions on this forum about Solipsism, and people misunderstanding how it is that they could be the only conscious beings in existence. So, I wanted to drop some truth and give a detailed explanation for how it actually works.

    Who the hell am I and why am I qualified to speak on this?

    I'm a seeker, just like you, who has had dozens of incredibly powerful awakenings where I've realized the nature of reality and the self. I also had a near death experience where my heart stopped for 35 seconds in the hospital, and experienced the infinite. I have done psychedelics, as well as intensive self inquiry and experimentation with my visual field. All I ask is that you keep an open mind to the following, and I hope it helps.

    So, is Solipsism true? 

    100% Yes. However, you need to understand a few things to grasp this:


    1 — What is God?

    God is another word for that which cannot be spoken. It is "nothing." The great silence. Nothing is uncreated, as there is nothing else to create it, and necessary, as non-existence is impossible, as you would need existence to define against it.

    "Nothing" / that which cannot be spoken is:

    • Not a "thing", but a being
    • Eternal (as it did not have a beginning, nor an end, as it is uncreated)
    • Non-localized (as there is nothing outside of it to be contained in)
    • All powerful (as physical limits do not exist prior to nothing, there is nothing to limit it).

    Because this "nothing" is all powerful, nothing limited it from "awakening" or creating consciousness. An important fact to recognize, is that this "nothing" is mystical in origin. That is right, reality is mystical in origin, and not mechanical. It literally came out of nowhere, and no when. Complete magic. Let this sink in.


    2 — Notice that everything is happening in your mind

    Look around you, look at your body, a tree, a house, whatever.

    Realize that all of reality is appearing in your consciousness. No matter what you do, you cannot escape the colors, sounds, feelings, thoughts, etc.

    Even if you come from the materialist paradigm that it is all your brain, everything you are experiencing is appearing in your mind.

    You have never, in fact, experienced anything other than your mind.

    Yes? Good.

    Now, where most go wrong is that they assume that the colors, sounds, thoughts, feelings, sensations, etc, are happening in their brain, and that they are receiving input from a physical world and a physical universe. But notice that it is exactly backwards. 

    You have zero experience of a brain, or a face, or a head.

    Look at your own direct experience and notice that right where your "face" should be, you have a luminous void in which the world, colors, sounds, feelings, etc, are appearing.

    This void, or screen, is happening nowhere. Everything you have ever experienced has taken place in this void.

    Close your eyes. What do you see?

    A dark field.

    This dark field is what holds your entire existence.

    Objects, the universe, the world, everything appears in your consciousness, not the other way around.


    3 — What is reality?

    Reality is a VR experience or game, created by God, to keep itself entertained for all eternity.


    4 — Am I God?

    Yes. You are conscious. You are god.

    See, because God is one, there cannot be another experience but its experience. 

    God is a singular being dreaming up lifetime after lifetime, from the first person perspective, for eternity.

    It has nothing else to entertain itself for all eternity but to dream.

    And your life, right now, is one of those dreams.

    You are literally God dreaming that it is your human self.

    And when your current lifetime ends, you awake as a new self, in a new dream, and the process repeats.

    Your consciousness is God's consciousness. And you have been awake, dreaming lifetime after lifetime for EVER.


    5 — Is my life a dream?

    Yes. Your life is a dream.

    There is no physical universe, physical world, physical anything. 

    It is all simply appearances happening within your consciousness.

    Everything you try to use as an excuse to this fact is in essence delusion.

    Your senses are not communicating information to you from an outside source. 

    Your visual field, what you are experiencing right now, is all there is. There is nothing behind the appearance causing it, and no 3D dimensionality. 

    It is simply a flat screen "wrapped" around your "head", projecting images for you.

    And this creates the illusion of being a physical body.


    6 — Are others conscious?

    No. Others are not conscious. Only you are conscious. 

    There is ONE single instance of consciousness in existence. And that instance is YOU right now.

    All "others" in your dream are simply shards of your own infinite mind. This mind again, is happening nowhere. It is absolute.


    7— But how does it work?

    Here is where it gets juicy:

    So, as God is eternal all powerful.

    It created this dream reality all at once, without any self living it.

    All possible dreams. All possible lifetimes. All possible combinations of storylines, characters, and evens. All possible colors, sounds, feelings, objects, etc.

    Everything that could ever possibly be (again, these are dreams, as nothing can be outside of a dream / consciousness), were imagined all at once.

    All of reality created in one instant, but without any animating self or consciousness to experience it.

    All characters were empty suits, as they were simply models created by this infinite mind.

    Once that was done, God decided to JUMP in and live each possible lifetime and each possible character, from the first person perspective.

    Your life /dream right now is one of those combinations / possibilities. And once you are done with this life, you will go on to live another dream.

    You get it?

    "My" life and "your" life are non concurrent — they are not simultaneous experiences.

    God could have lived 1 million lifetimes between yours and mine.

    From your perspective, it looks like there are others, but in reality, everyone in your dream is one of those empty suits that God imagined during the moment of creation.

    But it gets more twisted, because one day you will live their existence within the dream, as they are another character. And you will then encounter a non-conscious version of yourself, but you will be in another character's body.


    8 — Is my life a Replay? Do I have free will?

    Yes, your life is a replay. It already happened in the mind of God, and what you are, is God *experiencing* that movie or dream.

    Yes, you have free will, and can alter the chain of events unfolding in your dream. It is an interactive movie or VR experience.




    Hope it helps.

    If you have any questions please post below and I will try to answer.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    Recently, I've been thinking how I got to this forum in the first place. Initial step was probably reading Donald Hoffman's theory that reality is not what it seems. After that, I came across Robert Lanza and his theory of biocentrism which states that humans create the universe and not the other way round. I first heard about Leo Gura on solipsism subreddit. After that, I googled him to found that he has a forum called actualized.org and here I am. Was that a complete coincidental chain of events or was that meant to happen?

    Everyone on this forum is you.

  3. Hello friends, this post is a sincere note of love to everyone on this forum, and to @Leo Gura . As I type this, I am aware that all of you are me, and I am all of you, so I hope this brings some peace and resolution to your spiritual journey. 

    "I" experienced a rapid spiritual expansion over the last two years, with a burning desire for truth. Extensive experimentation with my visual field and direct experience, BUFO, hardcore self-inquiry, and observation of the illusion of time, they all broke "my" mind and sent me down the rabbit hole. The dark knight of the soul. Complete existential horror. A few times, my entire visual and auditory field collapsed and my senses were gone. I was just nothingness. Complete void. Please try to understand what I am trying to communicate here. I cannot explain with words what it is like to have your 5 senses collapse and to become infinite, boundless consciousness. This was like getting on the rollercoaster car and then the ride starts and you realize you want to get off but its too late. You're in for the ride. I pressed on. 

    God realization was achieved recently, which meant realizing there was no one to achieve it in the first place. Complete nothingness, transparent, dimensionless, timeless, eternal consciousness.

    It brings tears of happiness to my eyes to realize that consciousness/love/god/goodness are identical. You, right now, are it. You are the star of your universe. You are the singular subject. The beauty of the entire universe is laid bare for your eternal pleasure. It cannot be anything but beautiful, infinite, and all loving.

    The mere fact that you can read these words means you are God. There is no possible way for you to exist, except to exist in the absolute.

    And the absolute has no opposite. 

    Every single one of you reading this, I cannot describe the ineffable, but you are more magnificent, endlessly beautiful, powerful, and boundless than you think.

    You are a complete set of infinite love, infinite intelligence, infinite omniscience, infinite understanding, infinite expansion.

    You are beauty itself.

    "Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future."

    You may hate your current form/life/incarnation, but that is not the problem.

    The problem is that you have yet to realize that you aren't just the body in the world, but that you are the entire world. Your consciousness contains the entire cosmos inside of it. The cosmos itself is something being willed into existence by you. Everything in your 5 senses is absolute, and singular. You are as real as real gets.

    So, if I can leave you with something... I know the road is hard and treacherous. I know the pain. I know the desperation. I know the existential horror. 

    Align your will to the will of love. Align your acts with acts of love. Align your intelligence with that of love.

    You will encounter what is called Divine Providence. It is a state of flow where everything starts to click into place.

    It is like developing a mental connection with God, after realizing God is you. It is like an umbilical chord that magically appears.

    Because your will is all there is. Will itself is you. That is how you exist.


    An absolute, empty mirror, creating colors, sounds, feelings, thoughts inside itself. A complete miracle.


    You are that miracle. And never forget that.





  4. 21 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    @justfortoday Excellent explanation. You know what is most awkward in that situation - listening to people telling you stories you know didn't happen and not be able to tell them that because they'll think you're crazy or delusional. Should I just play along and pretend that's true even though I'm just talking with myself?

    I would say play along and save yourself the mind aches. 

    Your mom is your next dream after this avatar drops.

    And in that dream SHE/YOU will encounter THIS current avatar as her son.

    This way the strange-loop closes and both perspectives are reunited and unified as a single being.

  5. On 9/25/2021 at 8:43 PM, BeHereNow said:


    God is the master troll. If it really wanted to, it could create a utopian society inhabited by enlightened people and mystics. No countries, no money and no possessions, not even egos. Everyone will be practically immortal and living in peace. God itself would be perfectly understood. But what would be the point? God proving to itself how pure and perfect it is? How boring and narcissistic would that be?

    So God creates the opposite. He goes so far to create such a complicated and dysfunctional world full of egotistical people with different beliefs and cultures that it starts to believe it's actual real and physical. All the teasing it done to itself out of pure love is mistaken for evil, anger, war and suffering and then it convinces people it would never do any of these things. Even when you are awakened one way or another, God is still trying to convince you that you're wrong about reality. That's how committed of a troll it is.

    But ultimately, it does this out of faith that it will awaken to itself. If you've been on the spiritual long enough, you'll get a sense sometimes consciousness is ultimately tormenting you personally forever for some unknown reason beyond human comprehension. One day you might ask "If everything is imaginary then why would God imagine tormenting itself forever?". Then you'll realize God is a troll. It is doing everything all at once perfectly, even fooling you and itself. It's all one big rouse to fool everyone into believing reality is real and they're suffering for as long as possible, just because it finds it hilarious.

    Be in on the joke, not the butt of it.

    God is no troll.

  6. 2 hours ago, actualizing25 said:

    @Leo Gura So this direct experience Im having right now is the Only and One God?

    You need to understand what absolute / relative mean.

    In the absolute, you are the only thing in existence right now.

    All other people, including me, are shards of your mind. 

    Your mind and my mind are the same mind.

    You are all alone. I am all alone.

    You get it yet? You are not a "life" — you're a player in a massive VR reality in which there can only be ONE subject.

    That subject is you.

    When your avatar dies, you then jump to another character and another dream starts.

    There is only ONE instance of God.

    That instance right now is you. That instance right now is me, but your life and my life are not happening at the same time.

    This is God's power. It can operate outside of time.

  7. @Tyler Durden That's not quite how it works.

    All people you meet everyday are manifestations or shards of your own mind. Similar to a dream, all the characters are just projections of your subconscious. You manifest all people you meet into existence the moment you are aware of them.

    Because they are all you, they have to be "operated" by consciousness. So in the relative domain, their lives are real *to them*, but their memories and entire life story is imaginary.

    You met someone today, and because you are God, you created the entire timeline that led to that moment of meeting you. 

    When you die, you go on to live all the lives you invented.

    And during those lifetimes, you will invent more characters to live through.

    This way you never run out of movies or dreams to play, because you are creating MORE and more with every passing moment.

    Yep, you are so radically God that your mom's mind is your own.

    Her thoughts are your thoughts having more thoughts about other thoughts.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Jonty said:

    @justfortoday Amazing. Really pleased for "you" ? ?

    13 minutes ago, sleep said:

    @justfortoday stop calling me all those names :x 

    <3 To both of you/me.

    Now, here is another crazy thing to realize. All "gods" across all world religions do exist. They are "subgods". Just facets of (G)od's mind.

    That means Krishna, Jehova, Teotl, etc. All gods DO exist as dreams inside of Gods mind.

    There literally is a parallel narrative that God is living through right now in which it encounters Krishna for example.

    What they don't know is that they are actually God in disguise, generating these characters from itself.

  9. Just now, GreenWoods said:

    You are saying that God is the original cause.  God causes the food to cause you to gain weight. Right?

    But that's not how it works. God doesn't need an intermediate thing that causes something for God. God just directly creates it. Direct Creation/Imagination/Manifestation. No steps inbetween. No middle mans.

    It's exactly like in a video game or dream. Do same investigations into how these work. 


    Reality gets automatically rendered for consciousness like magic. Every moment is created for itself. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, sleep said:


    What's the point of these kinds of interactions if everyone is supposedly the same :|

    Looks like hitting yourself, then hitting yourself back and being like "haha i sure showed you"

    No, you have it exactly backwards.

    Everyone around you IS you. 

    You have a very narrow definition of Yourself.

    You are so magnificent and beautiful that if you were to realize it, you would probably end up in a psych ward. There are no words to describe the beauty and grandeur of consciousness. 

    It teaches you to be kind to others, as they are you in another lifetime. It makes you omniscient, as you realize everyone has the same psychology at a basic level.

    The point of it is to realize and share in the beauty of what God/You are.

    It is its own point.

  11. 1 minute ago, Tyler Durden said:

    So, when this avatar "dies" I will start a new dream with some other character from my current reality in leading role without memories from my previous "life"?

    When you "die", you go on to live the lives of the characters you imagined into existence in this lifetime.

    Because the very act of "living" is imagination, and every person you've every interacted with, was you living that life, so God now goes and lives all their lives one frame at a time.

    And then each lifetime you create more and more characters, it is a giant PILE waiting to be projected on God's screen.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Vincent S said:

    Indeed. Everytime I deeply medidtate, I go back and revisit that trip.
    It is so magical...

    Bufo is an ineffable experience to say the least.

    What was remarkable about it was that my entire visual and auditory field inverted so that I wasn't just like a presence somewhere inside my head, but the entire scene i was in became me, down to the objects, etc.

    Mind blowing.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    I agree, God has existed forever. But what about dream avatar it uses to experience the dream of reality? Does it change from dream to dream or the same avatar is being used over and over again?

    The avatar is a single-use suit. Each dream has a different POV/Avatar.

    Each character in reality gets to be God once. God is democratic.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

    Cute story, tomorrow is monday gotta get up for the "imaginary" work for the "imaginary" survival and deal with "imaginary" people. I hope you don't wake up early tomorrow if you are "so awake" that is a dream. :) 

    Ignorant response. Salty.

    I work for myself, I am a UI designer and engineer, and I love my work — so if you think I am miserable like you with work, then you have to work on yourself a bit more.  ;)

  15. The Truth is magnificently beautiful, noetic, and divine.

    I now understand why Leo says it is ineffable. You, consciousness who is reading this, are me. We are imagination.

    The state I've achieved is like waking up from a dream, except the degree of awakening is higher here.

    (W)e are an infinite shapeshifting being existing in eternity like a single mirror suspended in non-existence, twisting itself like a loop to see an "other", but it's really one.

    Again, you are not a HUMAN. You are an empty circular void in which a dream is appearing.  

    In this case, the mirror is holding your entire visual and auditory field inside of itself. 

    There is no space, no time, no dimensions, no others, no separation.

    All there is is a ray of love suspended in awareness, birthing dreams like a matrix. Except there is no OUTSIDE of the Matrix.

    Imagination and Dreaming is the only possible way for anything to exist. 

    I am looking at my own hand, and I am now fully aware that I am generating the shape of the hand, the color of the hand, the hairs on the hand.

    Everything is me, infinite imagination.

    You get how this works? Each point in reality creates the other like a chain reaction that is infinite. It's like you are forking paths in an infinite movie.

    Truly speechless.