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Posts posted by justfortoday

  1. 7 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    @justfortoday so are you saying that it's me who's all alone or yourself? 


    but regardless..I struggled a lot with this solipsism issue myself and from the few occasions that you seem to be active on this forum (which is very little) you seem to be advocating solipsism. 

    I can't prove or disprove solipsism. But I can deal with it from a pragmatic approach. 

    no one lives this way. So your life is a practical denial of the concept. If a cliff is merely an illusion, then there is no reason not to walk off of a cliff. If people are merely constructs of your own mind, there is no reason to need anyone, value anyone, or to treat other people well.

    The brain has inadequate computing power to create the detail which we experience daily in everyday life. You can easily verify this by the fact that dreams are much lower resolution than what we see in our waking life. So our perception are not purely internal, they depend on an external reality.

    If You believe that a pot of boiling water is real.. You would not put your hand into boiling water.

    Furthermore..if you read this answer, then there are two conscious beings- me the writer and you the reader.

    Also I dislike solipsism because it's lame and feminine. Whereas realism is masculine. But that's a topic for another day .


    From your response I can tell you have no clue about what solipsism means.

    There is but ONE presence in existence. That presence is YOU. Full stop.

    You as God wrote out individual timelines to watch like movies and you are going through this Infinite VHS tape ONE frame at a time.

    only one frame exists and that’s you right now.

    im just a figment of your imagination because I don’t exist now that I am you. In your timeline, and you don’t exist right now because you are me in my timeline

  2. 17 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    People can be figment of your consciousness AND real independent consciousnesses simultaneously. 

    @axiom what did awakening reveal to you about the solipsism dilemma? 


    You cannot.

    There is one existence, dreaming subjectively.

    Independent consciousnesses is some bs you’re imagining. No such thing. 

    And I briefly died and came back to life years ago and verified this for myself. So sure, Jan.

  3. @axiom

    I call BS on you being awake.

    Less than 0.5% of all members on this forum will ever get a true glimpse of what this reality truly is. And the ones that do will never speak about it because it is truly ineffable and 

    I’ve personally been in pretty wacky states of consciousness but I don’t claim to be fully awake. This thing is infinite. There are infinite states of consciousness.

    Whatever you think awakening is, it is not.

    Im not fully awake. I wouldn’t be here replying to this comment. I know you are me and I’m speaking to myself but I still like the illusion. Be humble and honest about your current state.

    And just to spoil it all for you, reality is a VR game God created.

    You’re a video game character. You are the only one conscious. Time isn’t linear. God only exists where there is consciousness so you are all there is.

    You’re all alone. 

  4. To the original poster:

    Please seek help if you are having these thoughts.

    You are missing the entire point of life, and the beauty and mystery of it. 

    I know it sounds cheesy, but you need to open your mind to life and the wonderful potential for whatever It is you want to do.

    Stop thinking that others are puppets or robots. I am conscious as are you. It’s consciousness utilizing relativity.

    God is the master container for everything. You are part of it. You have free will to explore this world, as it is the gift we were given, for better or for worse.

    See the beauty in life and the LOVE everywhere you look.

  5. Just cutting to the chase for newcomers.

    All of these I've personally verified (my journey has been detailed here in the past) and are facets of awakening and levels of consciousness that I cannot describe as they are ineffable. But I'm just going to spoil it all for you. You can verify ALL of this yourself.


    1. Why is there something rather than nothing? There isn't anything. No object or physical object you interact with is actually there. There isn't a physical existence to it. It's all illusion.

    It's nothing, therefore uncreated, therefore necessary, eternal and infinite. This nothing exists alone, as there cannot be two existences as they would have to be nested within a greater reality, ad infinitum. There isn't a ground or limit to the master container of everything else, which is nothingness itself, or infinity. It is one and that is it.


    2. You are not a human being. Close your eyes, what do you see? A transparent, empty void. No body. Just pure existence. 

    This empty void is your personal VR set or screen in which all of reality appears. 

    There is nothing but this empty void. THE VOID is hallucinating SOMETHING INSIDE OF IT to create the experience of interacting with something other than itself. Because there isn't anything BUT itself.

    You are this empty void. This is your True Identity. You can call this God as well.


    3. Reality is a VR dream world. And you invented it to explore yourself through different lifetimes, characters, and situations. 

    There is no code in this game. Everything you see and interact with is being rendered on the go through pure magic.

    You're in the Matrix, but there is no outside to the Matrix. It's infinite.


    4. You've never gone anywhere or done anything. You've only imagined that you have through colors sounds and shapes on your VR set (your black screen that appears when you close your eyes). You as god are static and eternal.


    5. You have no face. Try to find your face from your own POV. 

    That's right. Instead of your face you have a big edgeless window through which you are interacting with the world, which is your own infinite schizoid mind. 

    Who you really are is indescribable through words. Only you can experience it. Because this window is you.


    : )

  6. 34 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

    @justfortoday How do you exactly know our lives are non-concurrent? Have you personally saw in your nde? Have you experienced everything?

    how solid are you on your claim?


    I am 100% solid on my claim.

    When I was dead, I became omniscient and my consciousness expanded to realize that everything is a projection.

    The "people" that were around me before I died dissolved into pure consciousness and the realization of non-concurrent consciousness was realized.

    What I am trying to explain to you is beyond words.

    You're never going to get it intellectually.

    It's impossible.

  7. @machiavelli How many times are you going to ask the same question on this forum?

    It's been weeks since I last read your posts and it seems that 

    A) You have not realized shit as you keep posting on this forum for approval

    B) You are obsessive compulsive

    C) In desbelief


    I have personally answered you many times.


    And since that thing is infinite, there aren't others outside itself.

    You are the being, the pure subjectivity imagining that it is a human.

    The dark field that appears when you close your eyes is your true identity.

    You are an empty dimension in which all of reality appears.

    That's it.

    Grasp it, and save us the misery of continuing to answer questions that you yourself claim to have realized.

  8. On 3/25/2022 at 8:23 PM, Brandon Nankivell said:

    Current understanding:

    I've had what felt like a very potent yet incomplete awakening to infinity, where the 'thereness' as described by Peter Ralston, of objects in my surroundings, became so 'there-like', it was insane, and started feeling I was behind the eyes of other people I'd encounter. My surroundings merging with who I normally identify as me (my body etc). A fear arose that I am everything and therefore completely alone... Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkk.... I'm just gonna go back to mowing the lawn or something...

    Where I feel I don't understand:

    I remain ignorant to what you mean by my current POV is absolute infinity.

    What about other forum members and their POV?

    If my POV is absolute infinity, how can it be, since others have their own POV (I guess I can't prove it, but I assume so).

    In some sense their POV is still the true me, as God, Infinity, but I as Brandon, the one writing this, don't know what thoughts other forum members are having and what their POV is like, I can only guess.

    There may be something in the analogies you provided that I'm missing.

    Something to do with time and how my reel is the only one playing and another reel (another POV) will play when my body dies.

    But aren't all the POV's running right now, I'm just not aware of precisely what the other POV's are like of other forum members?

    @Brandon Nankivell Can you immerse yourself in a Book by reading all the pages at once simultaneously? No.

    You right now are God literally imagining your human life around your consciousness. But none of it is physical, it is simply colors sounds and sensations appearing on a screen, and this screen is what appears when you close both your eyes and you see a dark field of emptiness. 

    Notice that all colors and shapes are appearing exactly where they are. Science tells you that the colors are appearing in your "physical" brain, and that consciousness is originated there, but it's the other way around.

    The color and sounds and sensations do not happen in your brain. They literally are colors clashing with each other, sound waves clashing with each other, etc.

    Consciousness / Mind are PRIOR to your brain.

    All the colors, sounds and sensations are happening in YOUR consciousness.

    And because God is infinite, there aren't two infinite minds that can experience this VR reality dream.

    There is only one.

    So this one decided to create a VR experience for itself, so it could keep itself entertained for all eternity.

    So, your life is one game in this Virtual Reality world, God / You are playing it.

    My life is another game in this VR, and God / you are playing it too.

    Therefore we are the same being.

    Two dreams happening in the mind of God.

    Not happening through time or space, because those themselves are IMAGINED by it.

    We're not alive as EGOs simultaneously. 

    Your dream is all there is right now. And once it's over, you dream a different one.

    It could be a totally different planet, metaphysical universe, etc.

    It's infinite.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Purple Man said:

    Thank you very much for your time. I don´t like to keep pushing things too far, but let me give you a last objection. I´d appreciate much an answer:

    You say "the dark field that appears when you close your eyes is the essential you". Maybe this is a semantic problem, but in my experience the Dark field that hosts everything is, at the same time, hosted by an ontologically deeper reality, which is the Awareness where the Dark Field Itself "resides". Not only the contents of the Dark Field are objects, but the Dark Field Itself is still a subtle object. It is in front of me. And while my body,mind, Universes, insights, Gods, angels, etc., all are within the Dark Field, the Awareness that perceives the contents of the Dark Field is ALSO perceiving the Dark Field Itself. In the same manner as a cinema spectator  is capable of watching, not only the movie "Matrix", but the screen itself. 

    That leads me to the conclusion that I am not the Dark Field, but the Awareness that perceives it. Do you agree?

    You are both the dark field (the dark field IS awareness), and the nothingness that births and observes the projection manifest IN the dark field.

    You are one, these are just aspects of yourself : )


    Frame 1 (3).jpgfourier.jpg

  10. 2 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

    @justfortoday Ok that means the present moment in dark field is what it all exist?

    And their is nothing but the present moment. If I am experiencing the room which I am sitting in , in present moment in my dark field. Do people outside the room exist? ( If I am witnessing just the room).




    Nothing exists outside of what you are aware of right now.

    As you navigate the "world", your dark field re-calibrates and "downloads" images for you to experience as reality. But the frames have already been painted and your dark field therefore goes into a "possibility" and downloads again from the pool to create your "experience".

    All of this happens in your subconscious mind, which itself is not happening in your brain, but it is happening where?

    That's right. The dark field.

    My friend, I hope you understand the significance of what I am trying to make you understand.

    You are a magical being, in fact, the only being in existence. All the colors sounds smells you experience are YOU. All the sunsets, all the beautiful things in the world.

    All you.

    Your current state is just a hallucination that you created for yourself because eternity was unbearable to live through.

    Think of the beauty, and PROFUNDITY of what I'm trying to make you see here.

    You are the entire screen, not just the body.

  11. 1 minute ago, Purple Man said:

    Thank you for your response. To me, this is a key subject, because my body, my mind, the inner and outer worlds and ALL OF MY INSIGHTS  happened too within the sphere that floats in front of that nothingness that is aware. 

    If my insights are correct, this has huge repercussions, since even the most hardcore awakenings must necessarily happen within the Dark Field (using your terminology), isn´t it the case? If Jesus Christ appeared in front of me today, he´d be within the Field, and by definition the whole scene and Christ Himself would be transcended by that Awareness within which the Field is floating. Do you agree? And since I am aware of the Field, I am that transcendental Awareness. Which is puzzling, and scary.

    @Purple Man Precisely why i am trying to just make it as shockingly simple to understand as possible.

    I'm trying to take you from 0 to 100 by skipping over all those other insights.

    It's so obvious that the dark field that appears when you close your eyes is the essential you. Which is a screen for consciousness to appear in.

    Notice how you are the entire field. All the colors, sounds and shapes are you. All mind.

    If you read my posts above I go into deeper length to explain it.

    And yeah of course. Only a few people in the entire world understand this. 

  12. @machiavelli

    It is not like you are "imagining" physical things into existence around you. 

    There is no need for that.

    All you need is a screen in which to project an image. In this case, your visual field is a projection, and your dark field is infinity. You are the dark field.

    Nothing is real, or physical. It's all dream, hallucination, illusion.

    There is no reality beyond hallucination.

    I highly encourage you to get in touch with this dark field in which you are appearing. Explore it.

    Close your eyes and try to grasp what you really are.

    In reality, you are a non-dimensional being suspended in non-existence. And because you are alone and are eternal, you decided to sleep and dream individual lifetimes.

    One dream at a time, but all the dreams are connected and organized into an overarching story, and all lives are real experiences, but are not "real" in an absolute sense. Nothing physical.

    Infinity / you possesses infinite intelligence to fool itself into buying the dream of physicality and that there are many selves. 

    This may freak you out, but the dark field that appears when you close your eyes is the exact same dark field that is now experiencing my life.

    Everyone is one.

  13. 22 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

    @justfortoday Ohh that means there is no universe outside when I am sitting in my room.

    My room is all that exist when I am having the experience of room. All other things I am imagining around present moment . Their is no others outside my room . 

    How couldnt I able to understand this in my whole dream.

    There is nothing beyond your "eyes".

    You say "my room is all that exists" — but this is not true either.

    Technically, the room doesn't even exist, because it is a dream. What you have is your dark field *PROJECTING* colors, shapes and sounds in front of your consciousness.

    Your consciousness is the dark field that appears when you close your eyes.

    This entire dark field is what you are. The room is made up of what? Colors, shapes and sounds. 

    It's a hallucination.

    The light in your "eyes" is all there is.

    It's formless, pure light dancing around in a magic spell for eternity.

  14. 20 minutes ago, Purple Man said:

    This is very interesting, because it precisely verses on the question that brought me to this forum:
    In your view, the Dark Field is all there is. It is the eternal screen and the ultimate substance of all that appears within it. And that´s basically my experience. BUT in mine, the Dark Field is still a subtle object. It is still floating on an deeper Awareness that serves as the substratum and context to the Dark Field. My experience is an Absolute Subject or Witness, totally formless, where your Dark Field appears. Both seem to create a duet in Shiva/Shakti fashion, with the Dark Field being Shakti, and the Awareness where the Dark Field "floats" being Shiva. And lastly, we have the zillion objects, images, feelings, universes, etc., all of them appearing as modifications of the Dark Fiels.

    I´d love to hear from you about this topic.

    @Purple Man That is my experience as well.

    I am (through different practices) able to collapse my entire visual field into a singularity and feel like an entire sphere of void / nothingness observing a moving painting on the wall, so to speak.

  15. 13 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

    @justfortoday You say dark field is all there is . Can you tell is this dark field outside my head and stretches to infinity? Or is it just limited to my head area?

    Second question- Is present experience is all there is? Do people exist outside the walls of my room? Or they non existent? 

    When I sitting in my room . Do world exist outside my room? Or just my present experience is all there is that exist?


    This dark field is what appears when you close your "eyes".

    1. You don't have a head in first person perspective. You notice how you cannot see your face or your head? You have to look in a mirror. 

    This dark field IS infinity. That is what I've been trying to explain.

    When you close your eyes and see nothing = boundless nothingness. Infinity.

    There is no physical space in which infinity stretches out forever.

    Rather, physical space is just an illusion appearing in your dark field. It's a dream appearing in a screen that is wrapped around you.


    2. YOUR experience is all there is RIGHT NOW. But one day you will re-incarnate as another character in another dream. 

    Reality is basically a Virtual Reality game occurring in YOUR dark field.


    3. When you sit in your room, you are not really sitting in your room. You "think" you are sitting on planet earth, but notice that planet earth and all of existence appears in YOUR dark field.

    What you see is shapes, colors, and things that make it seem like you are a physical object, but if you investigate further you will understand that everything you experience appears in this dark field.


    Reality = The dark field that appears when you close your eyes.

    There is no other "infinity". YOU ARE IT.

  16. 12 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

    @justfortoday I get what you're saying.. I'm saying there's no difference between 'atoms being real' and 'atoms only seeming to be real'. 

    If you got what I was saying, you would experience an awakening as well. 

    I tell you this, and I've mentioned it before here on the forum. I had an NDE where I experienced what it is like to awaken from the dream. 

    To me, it matters to know that there is no physical reality and that the dream is all there is. Because it completely transforms your approach towards what you previously considered "others".

    And it naturally leads to the complete dissolution of the ego, and the re-identification with the Dark Field that is projecting your entire visual field and sensory system.

  17. 1 hour ago, Mason Riggle said:

    There seems to be atoms.

    There seems to be colors, shapes, sounds and sensations. 

    There seems to be a physical universe.

    I seem to be talking to you..

    This may all be illusion.. but if I can't tell, then it doesn't matter to me that it is, because it doesn't seem that way.  

    If I was on fire, but it didn't seem to me like I was in any way, it absolutely would not matter to me that I was. 

    If I was not on fire, but it really seemed to me like I was, it absolutely would not matter to me that I wasn't. 

    I'm not stating that it matters or it doesn't matter. I'm simply responding to your comment.

    In reality, there are no atoms. All of the stuff you see with your eyes is a projection emanating from you.

    If you really got what I am saying you would experience an awakening.

  18. 6 hours ago, OBEler said:

    @Someone here so not just the imaginary human I am right now but others too. Not just my Laptop screen but every Atom  in entire universe and beyond? 


    There are no atoms.

    There are colors, shapes, sounds and sensations. 

    Your entire visual field is a flat, zero-dimensional projection emanating from your "head" (that's why you can't see your own head, because you don't have one, instead you have a void in which the entire dream appears).

    There is no physical universe.

    I tell you this as someone that had an NDE and lived to tell you about it.

  19. 16 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

    @justfortoday I dont kniw why you didnt replied. But I need help in clearing my doubt.

    How does Me as Infinite Mind decide what events will happen first?


    Your explanation makes sense until I think it as linearly. But God is not limited by time. He is imagining everything a once. Time doesnt exist. Thats why events are happening simulataneously. 


    No, you don't get it, and won't get it because you keep thinking about it intellectually.

    If you have not had a legitimate awakening, you will never get it. Because you keep thinking that you are one self amongst many.

    There is only NOW. This. 

    I've used so many allegories to try and explain it, but you keep resisting because the idea of absolute consciousness terrifies you. 

    @Inliytened1 Can you help out here? Ran out of juice.

  20. 10 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

    @justfortoday I am just taking an example. I am not being voilent . Its an example. Please clarify the doubt. Dont take it literally.

    I understand, but we have mentally unstable people that come to this forum and violence is never a good example to use.

    This thread has completely devolved, once again, into complete mental masturbation.

  21. 1 minute ago, machiavelli said:

    @Kksd74628 So if I am imagine my parents dialogue right now. And after I die I born in as my parent. Now will I have same dialogue which I imagined in previous lifetime as machiavelli?

    How does sequencing happen? 

    This is chicken and egg situation. What comes first. Is it my parent or me. How does me as Infinite Mind keep sequence? 

    As God is one. How did GOD decide chains of events happening?

    What if I Kill somebody xyz in this dream. Do in my next life as xyz I will be killed by machiavelli ?


    Dude, please refrain from using violence in your explanations.

    If you are having thoughts like this, you need to seek help and center your mind.

    I am saying this with love.