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Posts posted by justfortoday

  1. 14 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    You keeping doing salvia and you're gonna get burned.

    Salvia is not a good tool for this work because it's too twisted.

    Be careful using psychedelics which can show you nonduality but also twist up your mind.

    Salvia will have you talking to people that were never there, and feeding your fear.

    I once did it and literally thought I was Jesus.

  2. On 6/21/2020 at 4:46 AM, Winny said:

    I'm the awareness, but I'm also my brain that processes every information that comes to me, like the 5 senses and thoughts as well. If I had no brain, I wouldn't be able to function and there would be no "I"

    Do you see your own face?

    No. Instead you see the world.

    Every brain you have ever seen "belongs" to another body that isn't yours.

    It's an appearance that appears within the self-consistent logic of this shared dream we call reality.

    Objects are not possible in reality. Only consciousness.

    Therefore no, you do not have a brain.

    The "brain" is something consciousness imagines as part of the self-consistent logic it imposed when it created the "Holos".

  3. 13 hours ago, JayG84 said:

    The pixel resolution of this portait of reality is truely spectacular.  ?

    You need to understand how this works though.

    YOU are omnipresent.

    There are no pixels at all in reality, all there is is pure APPEARANCE, free of anything to contain it.

    Reality just IS the appearance.If you zoom into a pixel, you realize that it is a unit. 

    Reality is total.

    You are inside a never-ending hallucination.

  4. @Red-White-Light That is why you are "omni-present". 

    The "space" is what moves your "body" - You are a 360 degree visual field positioned everywhere inside this game and you are not an object, but the "simulation" of being that object so that God can experience your life.

    So you think you are moving your body, but in reality, the space around you is moving YOUR body because it is a projection of God's will.

    The air is alive. The space is alive. It's everywhere, so that nothing can experience it as a projection.

  5. @SQAAD I can tell that this is your ego speaking.

    God is amazing, it is the opposite of meaningless. 

    You still don't comprehend the miracle of your existence.

    You are literally God playing time backwards and being able to interact with it and change it, butterfly effect and all.

    The space around you is what is really alive and moving your body.

    Your entire backstory was imagined as a pretext for your existence. You created yourself!

    Awaken to the miracle of existence and you will never ever feel sadness.

    Because there will be no more you, only the "space" around you. 

    And then you will find peace, which is the most meaningful thing there is.

    Pure awareness.

    Pure love.


  6. At the end of the day, you don't exist. Only consciousness / light / spirit exists.

    You're "nothing" watching a projection in empty space, and everything and everyone is inside this projection.

    You are a universe pre-packaged to experience yourself.

    Hence why you can't see your own head / face, instead you see the "world".

    Welcome to the Godhead.

    Pretty twisted, huh?

  7. I guess I had not looked at it that way, but...

    Physicality is itself an illusion. Consciousness did not leave my body. Consciousness "imagined" it left my body and sort of merged my dream world with the awake world.

    I don't believe in demonic possession if that is what you're implying. I have studied the occult for a bit and never once felt like I would be possessed.

    In other words...

    Awareness is dreaming me right now, and in that instance, awareness dreamt that it had no body.

    There are no others to possess your body.

    What intrigued me about this and my experience driving (also on the forum) is.... that it looks like I can manipulate certain aspects of reality consciously with my mind. 

    Which resonates with Leo's teachings, that is what drew me in the first place... his video about psychic and paranormal phenomena.

  8. 1 hour ago, astrokeen said:

    @justfortoday , could you please tell us about yourself or your spiritual journey thus far. Do you meditate, for example? Have you had other spontaneous experiences previously?

    Sure. I've been a spiritual seeker my whole life, but always from a dualistic POV. I believed God had created us like a painter and he was separate and ruling over us. That notion got shattered a few weeks ago when I awoke. I've been experiencing dozens of paranormal phenomena ever since and every night I have deeper and deeper awakenings.

    I do meditate, as part of my larger forray into Magick. 

    And yes, if you click on my profile and go to my very first thread here I described how I woke up without a body and then felt layered back into my body upon realization. It was very scary.

  9. 1 minute ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

    Yes it is! However be careful and responsible if you choose to walk this path. Meditation is also a viable way,but if you go with psychedelics use the lighter ones first such as shrooms. Thats how you see if this path is for you.Without experience these are just words and concepts to you. Be warned though the illusion of other is a great thing don't waste it unless you absolutely desire truth at any cost.

    I second this.

    When the illusion of duality completely collapses, there is no going back.