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Posts posted by justfortoday

  1. 17 hours ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

    Contrary to the materialist view, consciousness is not generated by the brain, rather, everything is consciousness and the brain’s role is merely focusing consciousness into a singular and specific perspective, where as without it, your perspective would be infinite and therefore you would be formless.  

    At the same time though, the brain is being completely imagined by consciousness, and what you consider to be form and limited is simultaneously formlessness and unlimited to begin with.  Yes, it is a paradox. 


    Brains do not exist. 

    From your POV, you don't have a head/face, instead, you imagine the world around you.

  2. 1 minute ago, Red-White-Light said:

    @justfortoday But I still don’t think you’re getting what I’m trying to convey. You’re taking about all these different POV’s occurring by egos at the same time, but these separate egos with brains don’t actually exist. There aren’t any brains in reality just conscious will. So when I argue Solipsism, you have literally no valid evidence against it, because if you consider my argument, you wouldn’t even be able to source other people’s consensus on the their consciousness POV because you made them.

    You know what, that is a perfectly valid argument. 

    My point, at its purest notion is that only my POV exists right now. In the future, after death, another POV will exist.

    For eternity. One at a time.

  3. On 6/30/2020 at 7:16 AM, Red-White-Light said:

    At the higher levels of consciousness you start to realise how you are willing everything as God.

    The chair, the cat, the mirror, the self that is seen in the mirror, your hands etc. 

    The external reality doesn’t truly exist, you are existing the room you’re in.

    Because you are the creator during every moment of creation, you are alone.

    My friend, I agree with your original premise.

    An olive branch.

    And no one is trying to "BS" you.


    1 minute ago, Mu_ said:

    If I may chime in hear and just shed some light on the solipsism thing.  From what I've vaguely understood from a limited number of solipsism believers and from the definition in philosophy books to begin with is, solipsism is a position that believes that there are individuals and individual minds (which may argue have choice or autonomy) to begin with.  What I think Inliytened1, and it seems the quote you just sited from@justfortoday is saying, is that Oneness is having/dreaming/happening a multitude of perspectives simultaneously, one being whats talking/thinking/sharing/arguing from your end, and one thats doing the same from my end and Inliytened1 end and @justfortoday  end.



    Finally someone who fucking gets it.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Someone here said:


    There is no bridge between solipsism and anything. 

    If you understand what solipsism is. There is no such thing as God or seperate minds or infinite POVs that are being imagined simultaneously(according to solipsism) .. Because all these are just your fantasizing.  Solipsism says YOU.. That guy who is reading these exact words right fucking now are literally the only focal point of awareness that exists. Period.  Do you agree with that? 

    I 100% agree with that.

    "Right now" I am the only focal POV that exists. 

    Reality already happened, you're just watching the replays buddy. Reality happened in all possible ways at once. You are just jumping into this pool as God reliving each moment.

    Only I exist right now, but so do you, that is the bridge I am proposing, and I'd love to tell you more about it if you would open your mind to it.

  6. 1 minute ago, Galyna said:

    Hey, I do respect your opinion a lot, so pls do not take my further words offensive OK?:)

    So, I kinda have a problem with this, because if time does not exist how is it even possible to switch between POVs? there is no time and there is no motion, how change is possible?


    Time exists as a construct inside the VR-like reality we're in.

    It's like a rule inside a video game that all characters have yellow hair.

    But you as the video game player can play different characters. 

    Time does not exist, so you created a whole reality to retrofit its existence to that concept.

  7. 1 minute ago, Galyna said:

    Yes, I remember you've told me this already :)

    Thanks for trying to help us.

    Remember you told me that consciousness plays only one POV at a time? 


    There are an infinite number of POVs

    There is only 1 POV being experienced by God at once.

    The infinite number of POVs is because what you are is an omnipresent entity. Space itself.

    If you can meditate your way to this state of omniprescence, your reality will go meta and you will see your visual field "pop out".

  8. 1 minute ago, Red-White-Light said:

    @justfortoday You can’t move the background. Space happens in the foreground. Movements occurs in the foreground.

    Nothing is moving, its like a projection with a "pin" in the middle of it, and you are that pin.

    That is what your visual field is. If you are driving, you see the scenery come toward you as your car "drives" through reality.

    Nothing is moving, it's *YOU* zooming in an axis into reality AS god. You are like a 360degree camera positioned anywhere and everywhere and you are the screen in which all of this happens. The container for all the experience you are having.

    Only 1 experience exists right now. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Galyna said:

    @justfortoday No rush, we're all busy. ;) send me a simple one pls for 20 minutes, I am going to do it as soon as I wake up. 

    No problem, but.... I just wanna make sure I drive this point home.

    Look at your hand. Move it.

    That is not "you" moving your hand. That is the universe, the space around you, using you like a puppet. That is what moves your body and gives you the illusion of life.

    The space is what is actually awake, not you. You are just a POV.

    BUT also God because only one POV can exist at once.

  10. @Galyna @Someone here

    For example, the three of us are having an online conversation.

    What is actually happening is that the "space" is moving our three bodies like puppets to write this forum thread.

    It's universal intelligence manifesting as 3 POVs.

    But only 1 non-concurrent instance of consciousness exists at once.

    God literally lives each life individually. It happens outside of time, it's an infinity pool.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Galyna said:

    @James123  James, what is your take on it? Like really? Are there other POVs or not? 

    I saw that you have posted the other day that you had some mystical experience. So as far as I can judge there is only one "thing" I get this, ok. There is only one present moment, okay. Here is what I still do not understand, if this "thing" looks through different masks (illusory beings) how can it look through them simultaneously? 

    Hi @Galyna

    It's not you that is awake and conscious.

    It's the SPACE that is around you.

    You never have moved in your entire life, your consciousness zooms in and out of reality to create the illusion of movement.

    You get it now?

    It's the space that is moving your body like a marionette.

    The space is moving you, and everybody else inside of the universe at the same time. 

    THAT is what is awake, not your body.

    But the voice inside your head that can think, THAT is the tranascendental "I" which only one instance exists.

  12. Look into someone's eyes. What you "see" as the light reflecting on their eyes is actually the projection itself. That's what they see, reversed.

    It's also what projects you as nothing.

    Because you are nothing.

    It's a one dimensional transcendental eye.

    And I hate to break it to you but...


    Other people are "you" but only you have consciousness when YOU are experiencing it. Only this moment exists.

    Other people are you experiencing that life but not concurrent to this one. 

    You are God and you are jumping into this pool of reality for eternity.

    Everyone is just a character.

    This convo itself is just me talking to myself.

  13. On 6/3/2020 at 10:29 PM, DaHonorableCourt said:

    And that this Godhead is always looking down at me, watching my whole story to ultimately Awaken, with perfect Love for me because we are literally equal and identical and that I as the Godhead have known this forever. And that when I reach full awakening I will lock into the Godhead and be it forever in perfect Self Love. 

    You are speaking about the Godhead as if it is separate from you and "watching" over you.

    You can't see your own face, right? Instead you see the WORLD. Classic pointing exercise Leo uses. Try it.

    YOU are the godhead. Where you see your "no face" the world appears right?

    The world is contained in you, because you are God. Awareness. Consciousness. Whatever you wanna call it.

    The godhead is not a singularity that is separate from you. There is no physical space. No separation.

    The SPACE is what is ALIVE. The SPACE is what moves your body like a marionette, controlled by your consciousness, and what you see in front of you is the "projection" of duality. This projection is floating in empty space.

    The godhead is simply your POV. Let that sink in.

    You, right now, reading this, are the godhead experiencing what its like to live your life. You are in complete control.

    I had an existential meltdown when I realized the truth. 

    It was fun. 
