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Posts posted by justfortoday

  1. Today, I had the most intense awakening of my life. It was the most beautiful, integrating, loving, and awesome experience I’ve ever had.

    It happened spontaneously as I was walking around trees, and wondered, is my “brain” generating this experience of colors, sounds, shapes, OR the colors, sounds, and shapes are just existing by themselves as perceptions without a perceiver.

    My awareness completely changed and felt a Union with the world around me. It felt like in an instant, I was purified by pure light.

    Reality is a self feeding loop of consciousness that is never ending, non-localized/omnipresent. The stuff you are seeing around you is not matter, but complete magic or being. The perceptions you thought are generated in your brain are actually just existing in empty space. The color green, is existing without a perceiver. It’s just existing for itself. And the reason YOU are able to “see it” is because you are the entire field of consciousness. 

    Imagine that you are a big circle with a *little piece* cut off. Your point of view is THAT. You’re like the escape valve / exit of a cycle of consciousness.

    There is literally *nothing* behind your visual field.

    You’re a divine, infinite being with no bounds or limits.

    You just happened to like this view. ?

    OK SO WHAT? 

    My relationship to reality has completely changed. This is empowering, to say the least. It’s nothing to brag, or boast about out of context, it’s simply accepting the magic / mystical nature of reality, and merging with it.

    Consciousness, eternal mind, exchanging frequencies between polarities, forever.


  2. 19 minutes ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

    I am projecting you,you are projecting me, each of us is the centre of the universe. When analyzed these centers inside themselves are empty and it is revealed awareness is looking at itself through these cameras.

    You got it almost 100% - the light in your eyes is all that exists. You project others and others project you. These are not cameras. These are VOIDs imagining / projecting. No one is seeing anything. The perception of light just IS.

    You are literally walking into the formless void at all times, with no real eyes to see, but ROUND rings of light creating what you see.

    Direct being, the only thing real is the current moment.

    Next time you go for a walk, pretend you’re walking nowhere. Like you are on a treadmill.

    You get it? You’re not moving, the universe or the pure light is moving itself around you, hence things look bigger when close to your “eyes” ?.

    You are omnipresent.

    Reality has infinite resolution. Try it for a walk. You are in a tunnel that ends at YOU. “Far” stuff is small, “close” stuff is big. This is a projection emanating from you, the void.

    We are god, god is pure love.

  3. 1 hour ago, Kalki Avatar said:

    Hey guys, 

    I know this will sound crazy, so before you stop reading or think im bs you, try to consider it for a second. Im not joking. 

    During the past month, things have started to dissapear out of nowhere in my house. Some examples are my favourite necklae. Nothing has ever been lost from my garments chest. Then the charger cable of my wireless Headphones disappeared. I saw it that same day it dissapeared out of nowhere. Then my piano notebook notes. And the most fuck up thing happened. I left 2 burritos in my oven yesterday to eat them at night. When I went to look for them they dissapeared. This last event is what has made me think there's something strange going on here. My mind cant believe its paranormal, cuz is too strange. My only conclusions are, theres either some alien around going invisible or using psychic abilities or a troll trolling me around. I dont know if it could be some type of message. The most curious stuff is that the lost things are things I like. It feels like pinching my ego. But im just supposing, I have no idea nor knowledge about this stuff. Its actually becoming a little bit frustrating to loose this stuff and have no idea where the fck it might be & how it disappeared. 

    I doubt this is anything paranormal.

    You KNOW when you experience something paranormal.

  4. 18 hours ago, danniviemaria said:

    I did have it 2 weeks ago.

    It is breaking what I have believed in physical itself and anything.

    It was that as you explained.

    But it now is a thing I really want to ask you since I had that realization. 

    What is real?

    Nothing is real except Infinite Consciousness.

    Everything you experience is consciousness using you like a puppet, or others as well.

  5. 8 minutes ago, WHO IS said:

    Here is the 1 billion dollar question Brother, why can I project whatever I want to? I believe your words because I myself became conscious of this, that I project the reality with people in it around me. However, why can't I project the reality according to MY will, if I cant, then who is deciding what the projection is? Dont we see the problem here? We should be.

    Actually, you can.

    Magick is real.

    Explore the occult, and you will get the answers you seek. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

    You project others, and they project you. 

    This ties in with Quantum mechanics which states matter does not exist unless it is observed.

    Well, there you go.

    I observe you, then you exist. 

    You observe me i exist. 

    Aren't we just one awareness observing itself through these bodies?


    There are no bodies. The light in your eyes forms into the shape of a body so that you can see it on yourself.

    You are the pure infinite singularity of consciousness. There is no physical world at all.

    Get it?

    Its a projection couched inside another projection. NO physical world. There is only this light in your "eyes".


    You are basically a black hole and the event horizon (or ring) is reality.

  7. Hello friends, I wanted to bring you something I became directly conscious of during a mystical experience.

    This was what clicked everything into place and finally understood the nature of reality at a deeper level.

    Let's begin.

    First, become conscious that your entire visual field surrounds you and encompasses everything near you. 

    Good, now look at yourself in a mirror, and look into your eyes. You will actually see yourself in there, though much smaller. 

    In general, you assume that your eyes are collecting light from the sun and other sources, then transmitting it to the brain.

    The light in your eyes, is all there is.

    Let me repeat that because it is very significant. 

    What you perceive as light entering your eyes is actually the complete opposite.

    The light in your eyes is not coming from an outside source. You are projecting or birthing shapeshifting light from the void.

    Pure being. No physical world in between (See attached picture)

    EVERYTHING you see is an appearance of this light. Your body, other people, your mom, the world, the stars, etc. All You.

    There is no physical sun illuminating the scene and then hitting your eyes. You “think” it’s your visual field but it’s simply light dancing around in nothingness. Almost like a black hole watching it’s event horizon.

    What you are "reading" or "seeing" right this minute, is just an appearance of light in your eyes. There is nothing behind what you see. Nothing is hidden. You project others, and they project you. This ties in with Quantum mechanics which states matter does not exist unless it is observed.

    Awakening during this realization was EPIC. 

    We're just pools of possibility / infinity spontaneously creating light to give you the illusion of an "outside" world, when in reality, all you have is this perceptual bubble.


    Frame 2 (1).jpg

  8. 5 hours ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

    I think i get it I am and have been everyone. So when i met my friend and we tripped together he said:you have met yourself. I get what that means now. Life is a scifi movie.

    Tbh i don't know how to feel about the whole thing. Feeling like a separate being,isolated and lonely wasn't better. My whole life was full of loneliness,abuse and neglect. Which is worse for you guys being a lonely human or a lonely god?

    God isn’t lonely. 

    The two times I achieved god consciousness so far felt like an all body orgasm and clarity of mind - it left me feeling like a power ranger honestly. And it lasted 5 mins. And I’ve been trying to get back there ever since...

    It’s better to know Truth, and if that means separating from the foolishness humans do on a daily basis, then so be it. Find new friends that share your ideas, etc.

    God consciousness is simply a newborn-like state where everything is interesting - you can spend an hour looking at your hand and your face in the mirror.

    Never did it feel lonely.

    If you feel lonely, that is your ego. 

    There is no room for loneliness in the presence of Consciousness.


  9. 7 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    At this level of consciousness - and this is the facet of awakening i call Oneness, i think Leo calls it aloneness - both are accurate - in which the duality of self/other collapses.  

    Its both amazing and terrifying at the same time - because you become directly conscious that all form or content (which includes everthing "else"" is literally held within your mind - which ultimately is the Mind of God.  So here you are taking God's perspective, so to speak.  

    Like i said it is both shocking and blissful simultaneously because you are realize this entire universe is yours.  Its amazing frankly.  And terrifying because you realize you are completely alone in the sense that everything and everyone else is literally a projection of your mind.  There are no other beings you can talk to because you are the only show in town.  I remember i left work and couldn't function for several days.

    This is exactly what happened to me.

    I was driving and suddenly reality “popped” out of me and I became the road, the sky, the car, etc.



  10. Just now, peachboy said:


    Okay so that's definitely more of a movie analogy, rather than a video-game analogy?

    If this was a video-game or an interactive dream, then God would be interacting with his own creation in real-time, but you're saying that these experiences are predetermined.... like a movie or a rollercoaster....

    You just sit back and watch...is that what you mean?

    You keep thinking in linear terms.

    Your actions NOW reverberate across time and space.

    That’s how consciousness self created. It accessed itself back in time and birthed itself.

    You are doing this every moment of your life. 

  11. 14 minutes ago, peachboy said:


    Aren't you overlooking freedom of choice, particularly in regards to interactions with other people?

    Let's say God incarnates as @justfortoday and is creating and observing the experience in real-time. Then @justfortoday dies, and that singular experience is over as a now completed finite movie.

    So then God incarnates as @peachboy and once again is creating and observing in real-time.

    But.... at some point @peachboy encounters  @justfortoday on an internet forum.

    The problem is that @justfortoday is now a finite closed movie, whereas God is currently playing @peachboy and creating new variables in real-time.  So if God (as @peachboy) decides to write words on a website, then doesn't that screw up the timeline of  @justfortoday.....?

    It causes no conflict.

    It’s still not clicking - let me try this:

    God wrote your entire life before you/it were born as a human so that life would be “released” to you like a time capsule. 

    God, outside of time and space wrote @peachboy and @Bulgarianspirit lives as narratives that would be “time released”

    And in the narrative, god wanted us to have this conversation.

    Nothing is a coincidence. See? 

  12. 10 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

    I think I get you.

    I think the tricky part about understanding this is the fact that our human brains can only think in linear time, right? @justfortoday

    Exactly, but once you get rid of that block you will understand the truth. 

    Imagine your life as a “movie”. You can pick any movie from Netflix and watch it. The movie APPEARS to have a linear timeline, but once it’s over, you can switch to another movie.

    Were both movies played at the same time?


    Are both movies real?



    And what is more shocking is that your mind is actively creating MORE characters in reality out of thin air.

    You have been watching movies/lives for eternity.

    This is why what I’m proposing is sort of like Solpsism 2.0