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Posts posted by justfortoday

  1. 4 minutes ago, Frenk said:

    @Leo Gura dont tell me that God created us so he can share his love? Like that pure feeling you have when a magnificent event is happening and you wish everyone could see and experience it magnified by a million? 


    Your life is a reaction video being watched by God through your eyes.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

    Sounds nice doesn't work.

    Reality doesn't care what you think.


    It is making you think those things.

    Your thoughts come from the source, you are merely witnessing them,as well as the actions of the body.

    This new age teaching you make your reality is useful up until you do self-inquiry lol.

    I don't have the power to cure my diseases. I don't have the power to make people stick around.

    The only power i have is to witness this happening. Whatever is happening. Another power is to say i don't care what happens,the power of apathy.

    You’re completely giving your power as God away, and to nihilism.

    You are still stuck in duality. YOU are the source.

  3. 6 hours ago, Sam Johnson said:

    So you tell me right now that when I die, when my physical body dies, your experience Leo, what you experience right now, will end too? You tell me that not only will everything I could perceive of you within me end (you voice, your body...) , but your conciousness experience I can interact with right now through myself end too? So there are not multiple holograms outside of space and time  interconnected with each other, there is just one hologram?  

    @Sam Johnson 

    There are no other holograms but THIS, and everything you imagined / invented / experienced during that lifetime dies with you.

    God starts each life at a certain “universe” baseline which stabilizes the dream. Once it’s stabilized your mind invents the rest of it like a dream in which your character inhabits.

    Then you die and do it all over again.

    ONE transcendental self. 

    You are literally watching the replay of your life, which was lived already in the absolute. Yours is a relative timeline.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Someone here said:

     There is no difference.   You are literally physically me! 

    What's looking through your eyes right now is what is looking through mine.    

    Shit. I got it.

    So, basically, you are me and I am you, we are the SAME self.

    All there ever was in eternity was ONE self. No reality.

    All that could ever exist was the one self, because it is nothing itself LOL

    And we generate reality as pure subjectivity.

    So the one self is imagining my entire experience right now like a dream.

    So that is why there is no reality - there is just the realm of mind, nothing.

    So matter is sluggish mind - like a Fourier conversion of sinusoidal waves.

    One self. That’s all there is.

    Jesus Christ.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    No. In reality nothing exists. In reality nothing ever happenend and nothing will ever happen.  Only thought and memory that is constantly reinforcing the illusion of "events" and stream of deeds and thoughts. Thus perpetual illusion of "reality" extends. That's how reality gets created.  If you "truly" understand what I'm talking about you will die.   Your mind won't allow you to understand what I'm saying because it needs to constantly create reality.. Because in reality there is no Reality.. Except to nothing. 

    No "why" is answerable. 

    Your mind must layer "seems" on top of things to create reality.  Without it you would perceive everything as it is.. Not as it seems. 

    @Someone here this fascinated me. Could I ask you to expand on this?

    Perpetual illusion, happening simultaneously to all egos as POVs who have inner monologues?

    OR happening to one being, one lifetime at a time. And everyone that being encounters in that lifetime is imagined like a dream.

    And can you expand also on how it is that reality is nothing?

  6. On 9/14/2020 at 1:11 AM, nitramadas said:


    By this you mean Green, I presume? You're leaving Orange? 

    That's what "new agers" lol usually mean when they say that.

    ..wait, reading your post, that's not so clear now.  Normally with green you start to really feel love and want to connect with others.  Did you ever go through that? If not,  it's possible you're awakening...  INTO orange OR blue, lol, but that would be a mean thing to suggest.  I'd be surprised seeing a blue here.  They're usually less annoying than orange, but also more boring.

    I haven't delved into spiral dynamics yet - what I do know is that my stage of ego development is not up to par with the experiences I am having. They are coming fast and furious.

    On 9/14/2020 at 7:19 PM, electroBeam said:

    If you're asking for advice then you aren't awakened ;)


    On 9/15/2020 at 3:35 AM, arlin said:

    Whay do you mean? @justfortoday

    Do you mean you experience glimplses where the self, the "i" totally dissapears and you see that reality is whole and complete? 

    If so, do they happen by themselves or do you induce them? 

    If so, how do you remember what it was when "you" come back? 

    Correct. Complete merging with the world around you. The only psycho-active substance I use is marijuana once or twice a week so that tolerance does not build. 

    Weed has induced partial ego death in me a couple of times before, but never like what I've experienced the last couple of days (without) smoking anything.

    14 hours ago, mavelezm said:

    Leo kind of explains what you're going through in his video "How To Do Self-Inquiry" around minute 35.  But he dosen't explain the "how to" integrate Nothingness again after awakaning.

    Thank you for that. I will check it out.

    On 9/15/2020 at 3:53 AM, Jed Vassallo said:

    Sounds like you just realized that you (the human identity) are in a dream that you (God) created. You were dreaming and bought into the dream as being real. You forgot you were the dreamer, and thought you were the character in the dream. Now you understand that you are the dream itself. You are now lucid dreaming. You are awake in the dream. What are you going to dream up?

    Very good question - I do not know yet. 

    On 9/15/2020 at 3:03 AM, LfcCharlie4 said:

    Also, I'm biased but I recommend reading 1000 by Ramaji to understand the stages of awakening & how to deepen and integrate your own awakening. 


    Oh, and here's the most important thing to do- ENJOY LIFE!!!!

    Thanks for that, will definitely check it out. And yes, life is amazing. I have a new-found appreciation for it.

    I am submerged in pure fucking magic.


    On 9/14/2020 at 6:50 PM, willl said:

    Up until recently I assume you have been putting most of your focus/time/energy into your own needs, desires and interests. (including escaping, becoming, achieving etc) which make it impossible to focus on anything bigger. Leave those behind, lower your personal needs, live more minimalistic, and use everything else to build something. a movement, activism, charity, solve a problem. Find out how you can give your life to the whole. 

    Your assumption is correct : )

  7. On 9/15/2020 at 3:44 AM, Shmurda said:

    @justfortoday Can you describe the moment you realised you were awake? It sounds like you think it is permanent, not psychedelic induced?

    If so, did you have some period of being incapacitated? or a long retreat?

    What kind of practices were you doing to trigger this realisation?

    Absolutely - it felt like a complete shift in awareness - I don't take psychedelics.

    I had to sit down and breathe deeply as this shift was extremely radical. 

    As far as practices, just meditation, a few months of self-inquiry and once a week I smoke copious amounts of marijuana which has helped me tremendously.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @justfortoday Well, I would just try to roll with it and try to enjoy it.

    Things will stabilize for you. This is just a phase. Just keep reminding yourself that this is a process and it will stabilize. You just gotta be patient with it. Don't get pushy with it. Let it unfold organically. Be open to wherever it wants to take you.

    Thanks for the advice @Leo Gura - will do.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    I've perhaps had some degree of that on high dose mushrooms.

    @Leo Gura What slightly terrifies me is that these awakenings are happening incredibly fast and furious and I’m not even taking psychedelics. I understand that’s the ego fighting back. I am just not at a stage of ego development where I can set that to the side. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Fran11 said:

    It always happens to me when I experience ego-death.

    Does sense of being located inside the body also vaishes? 

    It's like your perspective shifs from being an object inside the waking conciousness, to be an infinite space in which the entire waking conciousness field is nothing but a dot.

    The feeling of being located inside the body goes out the window. You feel like the whole scene. 

    Good to hear there are others experiencing this.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Flyboy said:

    Did this happen meditating with eyes open?  Closed?  I've kind of struggled wondering whether it is easier to retain focus on awareness with eyes open or closed, and at the same time I don't want to be overly focused on trying to make something visual "happen" as direct consciousness isn't really about perception.  Still, since I haven't experienced that yet, I don't really know what to even look for or understand how it changes perception.

    Eyes open. Focused on peripheral vision.

  12. (Image Attached for Reference - Tried my best to recreate with pictures)

    I shared my awakening story here a couple of days ago. 

    Well, what happened today is even more radical.

    After an hour long meditation session where I tried to become aware of awareness itself, my entire "visual field" inverted in depth.

    Basically, I am able to perceive the "void" around the visual field now.

    It's as if my entire visual field ZOOMED out to the point that I can see the edges. 

    "I" can "see" the entire scene almost as if I was the projector that is shining light onto the scene.

    @Leo Gura I believe you described this in a video a few years ago, where you described the absolute now as looking at the world as if inside a Christmas ornament.

    I have spent the last 30 minutes sobbing my balls out at the beauty of reality.

    Not sure how long this shift in awareness will last but it is the single biggest mindfuck.

    And I've had some serious mindfucks in the last week or so.

    If anyone else has experienced this, please DM me.


  13. 2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    Good for you bro. But unfortunately I haven't had any such experiences so I can't take your words for it. It has to be my experience or it's just a belief.  I understand that I'm not the body. But that doesn't say anything about what after death?  It seems like there will always be some kind of experience since reality must be infinite.. But again that doesn't say what kind of experience. You see we can agree there will be consciousness after death. But we can't get the details. And that still leaves room for some fear and doubts. 

    That is a fair point.