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Posts posted by justfortoday

  1. 13 minutes ago, acidgoofy said:

    Cannabis is a very powerful tool, especially for contemplation!

    Nowadays I use weed only in combination with other drugs like lsd, ketamine or mdma for example.

    I try not to do it more then once every two weeks or max once a week. The one thing that sucks about weed is about 1 or 2 days after I use it, I barely get any work done and I am fucking lazy in general.

    Your avatar and username are genius

  2. 1 hour ago, integral said:

    Super good.. another i like to do is ask questions like:

    - What will he do next? (Observing avatar)

    - What will he think next? or What will be his next thought? 

    It can sort of freeze the avatar in place.

    Also these questions can help to enter flow states. Observing autopilot state. John malkoviched. 

    I like the “observing the avatar”. It’s a mindfuck.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Shin said:

    This definitely can work, I tried for like an hour, and for the last 30 minutes there was a lots of distracting thoughts (usually quite thoughtless while walking), and also lots of looking away that I couldn't control, also fear and uncomfort at the very end.

    What kind of fear? Can you describe it?

    And like you mentioned, try it at different "places" - It took me a few tries myself to start getting results.

    But when the shift happens... you'll see it's totally worth it.

    You're most welcome. 9_9

  4. 30 minutes ago, Jonty said:

    You're not going to get the massive realisations that psychedelics can provide, but if it aids your spiritual growth then go for it ?

    @JontyI completely disagree. I've had massive realizations on cannabis that elevated my consciousness to almost unbearable limits. And I've met many psychonauts that are completely stumped when I bring up nonduality.

  5. 36 minutes ago, Nahm said:


    Very cool. This can also be noticed while driving. If you look at the road or buildings etc it is very convincing you are moving. But when you look at the interior of the vehicle, relatively, it’s clear that you are not actually moving. Then you can extrapolate one more step prior in seeing that the body is like the buildings. 

    Yes! Very good example. Also, thank you for mentioning relativity — which is how Infinity experiences all of these hallucinations (oops, I mean Lives) simultaneously. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, WonderSeeker said:

    @justfortoday Neat technique, thank you for sharing. Also, solid illustrations!

    Just for clarification, when you say "you," do you mean just the body, or are you using "you" a more nuanced way. Otherwise, and please forgive me for sounding arrogant, but everything is relative so are both the world moving around you and you moving through the world? I don't see how you can just say one over the other. Thanks again!

    When I say "you" I mean empty awareness/mind. That is what you truly are.

    The body, the world and everything else you perceive is a projection emanating from you. Pure mind.

    When you look at a tree, realize that there is nothing behind that tree. You may think that there are more trees, fields, a "world" out there behind the physical tree. But in reality, what you are seeing is a completely flat experience. There is literally *nothing* behind the tree you are seeing.

    Think of a VR set. When you put it on and you see the VR world, do you think there is a "world" behind what you see? Nope.

    You can verify this for yourself with a bit of concentration / consciousness work ^_^

    And thanks! Figured a visual would be easier to understand.

  7. Hi Friends, I wanted to share a technique I have been using during my walking meditations to induce non-dual awareness.

    To understand the technique, first we need to understand how perception works. The absolute truth is that YOU have never gone anywhere in your entire life. Physicality itself is an illusion. What you truly are is pure MIND. You are imagining everything you "see".

    You can think of reality as a VR game created by Infinity to play with itself.

    If done right, this technique can attain a state of non-dual awareness that is incredibly amazing to experience.

    [Attached Graphic Explains It]


    • Go out for a walk, preferably somewhere in nature that has trees or other "large" objects.
    • As you walk, realize that it's not you that is moving, it's the world.
    • Focus your attention on a distant object, maybe a tree.
    • Keep walking, now realize that you cannot see your own head / face. Instead you "see" the world.
    • As you keep walking and approaching the object you were focused on, realize that you may think that your feet are moving your body, and that you are approaching the tree, but in reality, the entire visual field is configuring/recalibrating/moving around you, MIND.
    • Notice how you are at the center of reality.
    • Think of yourself as the rock bottom, never-changing, static screen upon which the world is appearing.
    • Matter is simply sluggish mind. You are mind. God is mind. Everything is mind.
    • You are going nowhere. At all. The world is going to you.
    • If you achieve this, your awareness will suddenly shift, and you will experience the entire scene taking itself in, as opposed to you looking onto the world like a camera behind you eyes.
    • Suddenly, the object/subject relation will completely flatten.
    • This state can last for a few minutes, but if you practice long enough, you can sustain this non-dual state for much longer.

    You can try this anywhere. Grocery store, driving, etc.

    There is no space, there is no time, it's one massive illusion — a trick God plays on itself to feel connected. :D

    Let me know if you try it and if it works for you!

    Would love your input @Leo Gura


  8. @Adamq8 that’s exactly right.

    When you are “walking” you’re not moving at all. You are stationary. The “world” comes to you.

    The “universe” comes to you, because you’re literally walking, ultimately, into the formless void.

    You have never gone anywhere. LOL

    When your awareness shifts to this it is QUITE amazing.

    Even going to the grocery store is mind blowing.

    Like “whoa” from my perspective I have no face? Instead I have the world?

    The most obvious thing. 

    Enlightenment is ultimately hilarious.

  9. @Dazgwny You're framing the entire viewpoint based on your current understanding of space, and time.

    The answer is super simple. Everyone you see around you is YOU reincarnating into them. They are your "past" and "future" lives. 

    The guy at the grocery store is YOU reincarnating as them.

    You = Everyone. You are probably thinking about reality as a spatial system. It is not. 

    Reality is a hologram generated by the mind of ONE self.

    There is no physical universe. What you see in front of you is a projection emanating from you, as if you were a black hole and the event horizon was reality. This way the universe does not have to exist physically. It gets generated when a "character" or "ego" needs to interact with it.

    That's why your consciousness is partitioned as an ego, so that you can have an individual point of view as that character.

    Other humans are as real as you are... because they are you.

    When "my" life ends for example, I will pop into another story for a lifetime, and on and on.

    You = Me = Everyone.

    That's what oneness is. It's not that there is a physical universe and we're inside of it. No no no.

    It's dreams, couched within dreams, couched within dreams. 

    One self living through it all, forever.

  10. @Someone here If you'll indulge me for a second...

    Is there depth to the visual field? In other words, when I "look" at a scene, is there just nothingness behind the colors and perceptions I am seeing? Or is three-dimensionality actually real?

    If I look at a tree, is there something behind the tree? Or am I just looking at a flat rendering/projection emanating from myself?

    That is the part that gives me pause. 

  11. My friends, I felt like sharing this which is weighing heavy on my heart.

    Ive experienced almost daily awakenings where I’ve become absolute infinity and seen reality suspended inside of my awareness.  Ive had the experience of being awareness itself.

    You can go back and read the other threads I’ve posted.

    I write this with tears in my eyes, as I’ve fallen into a deep depression / nihilistic mood where I don’t see the point of my ego’s petty life.

    Each awakening keeps revealing to me the truth that I am all alone. It’s a combo of nihilism and solipsism.

    Being at home almost 24/7 due to the outbreak of COVID in Florida has made this especially tricky to manage.

    I thought consciousness work would improve my life, but it hasn’t been the case.

    I am not sure if this is what others call “The Dark Night of the Soul” but any advice would be welcome.

    I am going through an incredibly tough time and no one understands the things I’ve directly become conscious of.

    I cannot unsee what I have seen. 

    Sometimes I regret taking this path.
