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Posts posted by justfortoday

  1. 1. You’re an eternal mind independent of your body. You’re a system of eternal sinusoid waves existing everywhere and nowhere simultaneously. 

    2. Your body is an avatar in this sort of VR game.

    3. Thoughts are infinite interactions of these waves. They appear from nothing because YOU are nothingness itself, and you’re imagining all thoughts.

    4. It is not that you are “having” thoughts, it’s ONE thought morphing all the time.

  2. 1 hour ago, r0ckyreed said:

    There is NO you that is experiencing the Universe. Rather it is the Universe that is pretending and imagining to be you. This life is just a play, and this forum is full of actors. But even to say all of this is too conceptual and takes us away from what is Actual. You are That.

    You’re speaking about in such a certain manner, changing from your original post. You’re still making dualistic distinctions.

    You DO have a Self (capital S). Your ego is not your true self, it’s a mask.

    There is ONE self in existence. There IS a you. Its just that the ONE self is experiencing all the characters simultaneously.

    There is no universe, no time, nothing. 

    Just one self, dreaming infinite lives.

    ”No self” is only partially true. You do in fact exist, but you’re not a human being in your truest nature, but pure nothingness, full of everything.


  3. You’re submerged in an infinite frame of consciousness. It’s like an etch-a-sketch. Most people think that perceptions are happening inside of their brain.

    But the tree, the shape of it, the color green - the way it appears - that’s all there is. There is no physical tree behind what you’re looking at. Just appearances.

    Colors, sounds, appearances are happening without a subject. The entire field / the empty space between things, is what is really awake and perceiving objects - because it imagines them.

    The reason we are able to access those colors is because we are the entire field of consciousness. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Member said:

    Cool, yea I know you're from Mexico that's why I mentioned about it ?

    And yep, I had a bunch of paranormal experiences too, although most of them happened when I was half awake. At times, it felt like my mind was like an antenna picking some weird signals. As for them being real, I wish there would have been a safe method to test these experiences... for now, I know that I can access certain states of mind which can be scary for me... and yep they can leave you traumatized. It's not for the weak heart.

    Ah! You have a great memory my friend. :)

    Have you ever tried astral projection?

  5. 4 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

    The problem is..

    Before people thought that the sun and everything is orbiting around earth. That earth is the center of universe. That was delusion and now we are laughing at the stupidity of that.

    And this is the same thing, but even worse.

    So.. I can't risk believing something delusional.

    You don’t understand my original post ontologically.

    Yet you are calling me worse than stupid, and delusional.

    Very nice.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

    Yeah the eternal abyss, alone there. 

    Not only boring, also timeless and alone.

    I started this work because i wanted to solve my human problems, fix my suffering etc after making many mistakes. I wanted bliss joy and happiness in life.

    Then suddenly realizing it's not a problem.

    My whole life is a lie... Hell i did this to myself xDD

    Maybe after many good lifetimes one gets bored, tries something eh different :D

    I'm such a troll.

    Furthermore solipsism is a pain in the arse.

    Experiencing that doubt...

    But it's even crazier, consciousness really can compartmentalize itself.

    Lets imagine John over here and Dan. 

    Then it takes those two meat suits and talks to itself.

    Damm DAMM

    People you think solipsism is scary, how about being the whole universe xDD 

    And every single being simultaneously, being YOU

    Having sex with yourself, killing yourself, loving yourself,

     A dance a play, a melody of being 

    For all eternity.


    Thank Goodness. That is when you realize the perfection of existence.

    It is a complete miracle.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

    @justfortoday But the last two times ive actually had mixed feelings/states about reality being infinite and that you will always exist cause you can't die which felt f..cked up to, so for me the memory wipe makes alot of sense, but it also feels weird to have to start over again and again

    Of course it’s gonna create mixed feelings in you, that’s your ego thinking “oh my god to do this all over again”.

    But think of it this way. Each life is a totally different adventure - and not one life is more important than the other.

    When god/infinity designed this game it was out of pure necessity. God itself could not bear to live as itself forever. So it chose to created duality to not experience the eternal abyss.

  8. 1 minute ago, Adamq8 said:

    @justfortoday From my journey as well i have had insights that you can't escape reality and can not exist now when you do exist, it is memory erase between lifes , if it would not be this way, everything would be totally broken somehow


    Nothingness is uncreated, therefore infinite.

    All of existence is one big fat 0. Which is a perfect system of eternal “mind” containing all possible combinations of existence.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

    I think I got something.


    That analogy seems very solid. So then when I watch the movie of the character "X" the rest of the characters don't exist but at the same time THEY DO. Since if they appear there must be some day I as God will play the movie of the character doing exactly what it's doing to the character "X" of the first movie.


    For infinity, uh? 

    You got it.

    When you “die” your memory is erased and you wake up as another character in the game.

    You will always exist. 

    “Others” are your past and future lives happening NOW.

    When you see another person that is literally you incarnating as them.

    Thats when you realize that everything around you is complete MAGIC.

    Because you are infinity itself. The “field” or empty transparent dimension in which reality appears.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

    @justfortoday But thanks for trying ?I'm sure one day I'll get it 


    @Javfly33 This should do it.

    Imagine that for one year you decided to record a daily movie of yourself playing a different character each time.

    Now, after you’re done, imagine your memory gets erased DAILY and you start watching the movies one day at a time. Without knowing anything.

    You ask yourself, is that person real?

    It was YOU.

    Your life and my life are the replays God is watching because this scene right now happened in Eternity.

    Everything happened at once in Eternity - now you’re going through the infinite process of replaying each life one at a time.

    That’s what relativity is.

  11. 1 minute ago, tuckerwphotography said:

    @justfortoday If you are not presently in my Awareness, do you still exist? 

    I am not presently in “your” awareness. I am the same self in you. 

    Think of it like this. “Your” life and my life are replays. They happened simultaneously in the blink of an eye, and now god is going through each movie, one at a time.

    You get it?

    All lifetimes happened at once as Infinity. Then infinity itself decided to explore each lifetime by living them one at a time.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

    I must confess that that for me is a belief. Do you think that I can have an Awakening where I can verify this for myself?

    Let’s think through this logically first.

    Do you believe that it is possible for me and you to exist independent of each other?

    If your answer is no, then you acknowledge that we are one.

    It is not that I am here living a life, and you’re over there living yours.

    Close one of your eyes. Now ask yourself.. what is behind THIS? You’ll turn around but that’s not what I mean. What is behind YOU?

    Answer: Behind you is a void that is projecting you as an image.

    That same non-localized void is also projecting me right now.

    Its the same being, different faces.

  13. 25 minutes ago, Member said:

    @justfortoday But still, there is a huge difference between imagination, dream and solid forms that appear in the "real" world. I'm curious if there are beings that can appear to everyone, or that can make themselves visible at will? Personally, I've seen once something which didn't appear to be a self induced hallucination or dream... and many are talking about them/describe them exactly the same. Btw, in Mexico they are seen quite often ? (not saying what it is because it's kinda weird and I don't like talking about it ?)

    I am from Mexico City originally ? ?? 

    I have had dozens of paranormal experiences throughout my life. Some that left me traumatized.

    I can assure you. Ghosts, spirits, fairies, etc etc etc. they are all real. Every possible character that can possibly be Imagined exists in infinity.

    Of course ITS ALL YOU.

    You are literally being ghostly.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

    @justfortoday Hm still not consciouss if they are other POVs or not .

    If I as God live one dream at a time that means I'm just taking to myself right now.

    Damn still not awake.

    You’re talking to yourself right now. 

    You as infinity are peering through my eyes right now hallucinating the experience of replying to your message.

    That’s what oneness means.

  15. 16 minutes ago, tuckerwphotography said:

    Yesterday while on a psilocybin journey I was looking at my sister and could not tell if she actually existed as a conscious being in the Dream that I AM, or if she is just an optical illusion that my Dream character is projecting onto the illusion of "reality." Is my conceptual assumption that she is a conscious being with thoughts, emotions and unique individual experiences a "real" part of the Dream, or are all those assumptions just concepts arising in Awareness, and she is actually just an illusion that will disappear when I return to infinite consciousness, aka once my Dream character dies?

    Infinity is hallucinating you hallucinating everything including your sister. 

    Of course Infinity is also hallucinating your sister hallucinating you.

  16. 1 hour ago, Tim R said:

    Listen to some sound. Put on some "Om chant" on YouTube or something (it doesn't really matter what you listen to, but the Om chant are long and repetitive sounds). 

    Now, close your eyes and listen. And then try to hear the "hearer" and that which is "heard"


    As you will find there's no difference. Only boundless sound without locality, appearing and disappearing in consciousness. Nobody listening, nothing that is listened to. Only that which is. 

    It might be a bit easier than the visual aspect, because visual perception is our primary intake and therefore I think associated more strongly with "what reality is". 

    Whoa. Just tried it. You’re right, the sound is just happening without a listener ?

  17. 48 minutes ago, Member said:

    @justfortoday I find these solitary experiences quite frustrating as for me there is no proof that they are for real. How can I check if my brain is not playing tricks on me? I've seen beings, aliens, orbs and even flying saucers in my room lol. But they always happen when I'm half awake ? ? ?

    You don’t have a brain. Everything around you is pure truth existing as pure appearance. 

    If you see a ghost, it just a ghost. It’s an appearance. All appearances exist in infinity.

    Ghosts, demons, aliens, etc are also just characters that infinity is playing.

    To extrapolate, right now, infinity is playing the character of a fairy, a werewolf and a vampire. And their existence is as real as yours, because again, it’s all just a never ending chain of first-person hallucinations.

  18. 29 minutes ago, Dodo said:

    divine simplicity :) Some of us need more lol


    I would rather say "Matter is simply sluggish light. You are light. God is light. Everything is light. "

    What you call Mind I call the light of consciousness - for me a much better pointer, but otherwise this whole exercise is great. Just different terminology. If you don't think this is the case, let's discuss, if you mean something other than the light of consciousness/aware presence . 

    In my books Mind = Thoughts and what you call Mind I call awareness/consciousness. I know many use these terms slightly different, so I'll give you that.  xD 


    @Dodo We agree, we can use them interchangeably :)

    I do mean that reality is pure fucking magic, completely mystical, infinite and it’s all absolutely nothing.