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Everything posted by justfortoday

  1. @SelfHelpGuy Pretty accurate. Except in this case the (U)niverse has infinite fingers or serpents of light, forming the visual and auditory field that is consciousness.
  2. As someone who has experienced death first hand (I died in the hospital due to an allergic reaction to sulfonamides) but they brought me back. I experienced the astral plane, in which there is no physicality. Reality is all just pure light from mind. There is no objective reality. It's a VR set playing movies, and you are the one watching the vr set. I literally watched as I became infinity - and my entire bubble of consciousness was "embraced" by my being, and I was spread out everywhere like a blanket of consciousness. I then realized its the SPACE or AIR that is awake, not the characters. You are being operated like a puppet by consciousness right now, as a limited POV. There are no 7 billion experiences of reality at once. There is only one, YOURS. Each character in this VR reality gets to have absolute consciousness at least once. If you can read this, then you are it right now. As crazy as it sounds.
  3. RED is seeing itself, being aware of itself as the color red. It's a hallucination emanating out of you.
  4. It's simple. Colors and sounds, all consciousness, which imagines scenes or dreams, and then inserts itself into the dream as the main character. We're in a VR-like reality/experience that was designed by consciousness to keep itself entertained for eternity through lifetimes. The color red isn't happening in your brain. It's happening on the screen that wraps around you and your field of vision. Your face is a void and you're projecting the color red (and your entire reality, for that matter) unto nothingness. That's why you can't see your face, because you see the world instead. There is nothing behind the red apple. It's just an appearance in this VR / dreamworld. Three-dimensionality does not exist. It's an illusion of materialism.
  5. Hey brother. Before God / Consciousness there was Chaos and there was Need. These metaphysical forces created one being, Love. This one being is everything and nothing at the same time, and is existence itself. It's absolute perfection. This being is you right now, if you can read this. You're conscious. This moment is absolute, it is like a frame being projected by an eternal projector. The frames appear to represent a physical world, but it is actually a projection that has no depth, or substance. It is a dream in the mind of consciousness.
  6. I agree, sorry, communicating these things is hard with dualistic language. I get what the OP is saying, I agree with him as well. Or should I say, I agree with me. "I" am imaginary.
  7. It's simple. We all have the same higher self. When people say "oh my higher self" - that is YOU. This higher self is the real you, which is formless like you mentioned. You right now are the only instance of consciousness. But same here, I am imagining you, because I was you in another life.
  8. To awaken, you first need your "reality" fucked with to open your mind to the metaphysics of the universe. Part of awakening is the discovery of infinite intelligence. It should be obvious from the first post. I am well aware of your points, however, that is not part of my post. I focused on the metaphysics of existence.
  9. Never seen it but anything Christopher Nolan makes is golden.
  10. So why do I experience this bubble of colors, sounds and feelings if consciousness isn't real? And since there isn't anything but THIS it has no opposite, therefore it is absolute, eternal, and indeed, mine, at the highest levels.
  11. What is absolutely true to me is that I exist as a bubble of sentience, nothing else. So I would say yes, indeed my bubble of sentience is all there is right now. Everything else is imagination.
  12. So there are no other instances of conscious but mine at this moment? Since my experience is absolute, there is nothing else?
  13. I can’t believe people still don’t understand the implications of non-duality and oneness. I will try my best to explain. And this is the most BS-free shit I’m gonna say here. There is nothing. Nothing, because it is uncreated, is eternal, an infinite set of mathematical energy. This is the universal self which is metaphysically, a mirror with nothing to reflect on. This tiny mirror, sliver of consciousness, morphed and twisted itself like a pretzel to face itself. This created an infinite reflection that created consciousness, as self reference. You are that mirror right now. Everything around you is a reflection of yourself. It is situated right where your imaginary face used to be. You are literally infinite. How else would you perceive things that seem to be far away from you? You are like a 360 degree camera situated everywhere and anywhere. The entire universe is your true body. You don’t control your body. The “air” or “space” around you is nothingness and it basically uses your imaginary body like a puppet. It is all a dream happening nowhere. Whoever is reading this is right now God. There aren’t two instances of consciousness running at the same time. That doesn’t mean that a SCENE is not real. Many characters can partake in the scene but they’re not “on” as you are. In this way God is democratic. Every character gets to have the absolute consciousness as it is required, absolute and necessary. You are something, impregnating nothing with your consciousness. You exist. That’s it. You are the animating force of the entire universe. Thats what you are. The void, or reflection-less mirror upon which all lifetimes will appear. You are pure love, pure unity.
  14. I just had a massive epiphany. Am I right here fam and @Leo Gura ? I am looking at my cat. I just realized it is not that light is traveling a physical space and hitting my eye. Rather, the cat is self-illuminated. Meaning the colors and shapes that I see are not perceptions, but they are absolute being. The color is absolute being, not "cells" or "atoms" reacting to light to then hit my eye. Then I realized I don't perceive eyes (or face) in my direct experience, rather, I see the world. Therefore whatever appearance forms, I am not "perceiving" color. The color is floating in emptiness. We're basically in the Matrix, but there is no outside. It's just colors and sounds playing around to form a "scene", and the scene is the only thing that is real. Nothing is hidden from your visual field. And because there is no opposite to THIS, it is real. When you go and "touch" the cat, that is actually colors interacting with other colors, and you perceive is as touch, but they are universal perceptions interacting with themselves. Any input here? I just feel like I fucked with my mind again.
  15. This. The entire universe is your visual field, which is filled with colors, feelings and sounds. That's it. The "physical" universe is content appearing in the screen that is you. Go one level higher in your reality and you will quickly realize you are IT.
  16. To the op: You are as real as me, relatively speaking. What you really are, as *weird* as this sounds, is an eternal film frame being illuminated by light/god/consciousness. This eternal film frame shifts and morphs to give you the impression that there is physical content happening, but in the absolute, you will realize that your consciousness is static, parked. It is the light that is illuminating the scene you are in. And colors, sounds, smells and feelings are appearing in this film frame. The film frame is all there is, there is no observer. It is self aware. Your "self" is just an idea that was spawned when consciousness imagined your point of view, because without your point of view, reality is incomplete. So my life right now is this eternal film frame, and I can interact with it and all "perceptions" just happen out of thin air. You right now are the only thing in existence. There is nothing going on except *this* right now. However, because you are God in disguise, when this "human" life ends, you jump and now you have 50,000 new character POVs that your previous life imagined. This is how infinity multiplies itself. All people you have ever encountered in your life were imaginary. But because you will one day live THEIR lives (because someone has to) - they are ALSO real. You will one day experience what it's like to be your mom as a young adult falling in love with your own father. You created yourself. See? Your mom is real because you imagined her and now you will live HER life one day. Same thing with you and I. This way reality creates itself like a strange loop, and creates new characters to experience. This "film frame" is eternal.
  17. Nothing exists unless it’s in the field of vision or sound or touch. You’re not receiving input from a physical world and interpreting it in your brain. Rather, you are creating or imagining everything around you. You are a transdimensional singular being that is dreaming up the entire universe.
  18. Physical reality does not exist. Only infinite mind dreaming exists.
  19. You don't have the intellectual or spiritual knowledge yet to understand oneness. You are god right now imagining itself as a human being. There are no other instances of consciousness but yours, and you are imagining all beings you encounter. You placed this limit on yourself when you chose to incarnate as a human being. It is by definition a limited state. When your life is done, you will live one of the lives you imagined. This is how God reproduces and infinity multiplies itself. Everyone in this infinite dream gets to be god.
  20. I remember the first time I realized my mom was me imagining her. That truly terrified me. But now I love her even more.
  21. What, you think God couldn't code? When you look at your computer screen, you are projecting everything onto the computer screen, the entire scene is you, and what is happening on your computer screen or phone is a hallucination. How is that for a mindfuck.
  22. If you want to get a taste for what being absolute infinity/real you is like, and the implications.... Remember, you are absolute consciousness right now. ONE Recall some of your dreams? Any characters you encountered? They all had their own internal monologue as real as you. They are all you, and because you imagined them. TWO Open a Discord gaming channel, or Slack, or anything random you can find, and just join their community. Watch the chat stream. You see all those people chatting and whatnot... Realize that your infinite mind is imagining all of these avatars/users into existence for you to witness. Therefore, the present creates the past, and the entire timeline of events that led up to their birth. And they are all you. You will one day live their lives, when that character gets to be absolute infinity. This is how reality was created, breaking the very rules of logic and reason, as it is infinite. You see? God is democratic. It's all you baby. But there's shards of your being that are in the process of reuniting with the infinite. Life is this process. It teaches you to love, to live, to enjoy the illusion, to enjoy the colors and the sounds, and the absurdity of reality itself.
  23. The present moment or "time" is an illusion. Observe the present moment and you will realize that it doesn't exist. It's a mirage. The moment you can hone in on it, its gone. This is because "time" is how absolute consciousness experiences linear timelines. It's the projector for the movie. But the movie is simply a mirage. People aren't actually moving inside of that square, they are actors and its a projection. Same with reality.
  24. @Neo You are a window, not a body. The whole scene you’re in is you. You are seeing fruit-bowly, momly, greenly, loudly, etc. Again, you are this window. This window is absolute infinity. So, you are like a ghost train, constantly moving forward. In this case, you are the ghost at the front of this train. You are a trans-dimensional empty dimension in which all of reality appears. And then, to trick yourself, you turned around to face the train and see the trail of the train. Youll see the light streaks, but they disappear. Only you remain. But there is only the illusion of the light and the train since it is a ghost train. Reality is an illusion of consciousness.
  25. This. When the ray of light strikes you, it strikes you. And there are no questions left.