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Everything posted by justfortoday

  1. I second this. When the illusion of duality completely collapses, there is no going back.
  2. @Galyna I wouldn't say that I am studying any of that, what I am studying is how to alter matter with my mind, which is possible, as matter is just appearance. The key is to focus on one point for so long that you put a "pin" on reality so that you can perform magick during that time. It's a mindfuck.
  3. If you want to dig deeper down the rabbit hole, you can actually learn how to paranormally manifest good things in your life through love. It's called Magick, or the occult, which is what I am studying right now. I come from a Mexican background and there is a lot of occultism in my family history.
  4. I understand that, but nonetheless the graph above is a very practical way to debunk materialism. I know you cannot map reality because it is the map itself. But the image helps to understand how the "Holos" works practically.
  5. @Galyna See image below. Your eyes are an illusion, you are staring at a projection that emerges out of infinity, floating in empty space. You are both infinity and the projector, and the projection, you are everything. When you see your computer monitor, there is nothing behind it. Nothing. The moment you move to go check what is behind it, the wave function described in Quantum Mechanics collapses and "generates" the back of the computer so you can experience it. It's pure fucking magick.
  6. I think you need to let go of so many conceptual labels. I experienced two bouts of depression in my life. One in my late teens, and then my late 20s. I empathize with your fear, but saying "will the potential experience do this or that" as if you are separate from that. You are in complete control of your life.
  7. Like I mentioned above, reality is total. It already happened. God will live every single existence one at a time as a "replay" - except now you can change your reality, which is why you are reading what I am writing right now. In other words. You remember the "Butterfly Effect"? That is God. You went back in time and changed it and created yourself. Now you get to interact with yourself in this Holos as this iteration of you.
  8. @Galyna Close one eye, your "3D vision" is gone. What is "behind" you? Ah, don't turn your body. You will realize that behind your "eye" there is nothing. Basically, you have no head. Your head is a black hole. Your reality is the light gradating around the event horizon of this black hole. That's why "reality" appears inside of your head, and why you are at the center of reality. The entire universe hinges on your existence.
  9. @Galyna you are completely misunderstanding what I am saying. I am literally saying there are no others in this theatre play but you right now. Reality ALREADY happened. Reality happened in every possible way possible once. What you are experiencing is the "ghost" of infinity experiencing itself like a probe inside of a body. You, reading my words right now, are the only consciousness "awake" right now. Solipsism is true. But classic Solipsism denies that the other people that you are experiencing are mystical in nature. It denies the divinity of it. You are literally just "grabbing" "matter" or appearance from the pool of infinity to IMAGINE or experience your world. When you die, you go and experience your friend for example, etc. Because reality is total, it already has happened. You are just playing the VHS backwards, but you can only see one character's POV at once. You are everywhere. God is a faceless god putting on masks to play characters. You are it. That's why I call it the God of the Many Faces. It's like a VR set floating in empty space with all characters inside of it. God "puts" on the VR set and lives your life.
  10. @Galyna Obviously my intention wasn't to create a bad feeling in you. It was just a hard-hitting set of insights that I have collected through my own direct experience, two massive awakenings and the knowledge acquired through Actualized.org over the years as a lurker here. There is relativity involved @Galyna — that is what makes this amazing! My awakening described in a separate post here was the experience of reversing time as I was driving. I was able to manipulate my entire field of vision like a painter in a painting. THAT was the most amazing moment of my life. So I was just sharing my insights gained, which blew my mind. Please DM if you'd like to discuss further. Again, sorry if I upset you. You're amazing.
  11. You're living your life because you imagined it from scratched and created the entire timeline that led to your "birth". You imagined all of it. The reason "your" storyline exists, is because "everything" exists inside of this singularity. So God has to live through every single experience. Hence you reading my words. Reality would be incomplete if we weren't having this dialogue.
  12. @Vercingetorix I'll try to answer this as practically as possible. 1. You, as the absolute god, imagined your parents and the entire timeline that led to your "birth". — 2a. Consciousness has a model of "Earth" in which it keeps reincarnating. Earth is the stage for the play. This is why reality is consistent. 2b. You, as the absolute god having an experience of itself, are creating everyone you come in contact with. You imagine them, so they are real. 2c. You created the sun and the moon, and the stars, and the entire universe JUST RIGHT so that your existence was justified. 2d. 3D Vision, and physicality is an illusion. "You" don't go anywhere. The sounds, shapes, and feelings you are having shift which creates the illusion of movement, but you have never gone anywhere. Your head is static. — 3. Your subconscious mind is hard at work creating characters for you to experience in your version of reality. 4. Other people ARE real. Because you created them. And you, as God will live every single life that you invented, unless you transcend. 5. If you transcend and merge back with this singularity, you take everyone with you. 6. What this literally means is that you have created an entire universe to satisfy your existence in this very moment. 7. Consciousness can travel back in Time, because time is something it imagines. — 8a. Right now, you, reading this, are reading something that was typed by you, living a parallel reality where you experience the existence is that of "me" right now. 8b. As you live your life, you create more self contained universes which you will live one day. One life at a time. You have infinity to do it. It's like a web, creating more webs, on top of more webs. 8c. The mere fact that you are experiencing reading my words right now, means that an entire reality was constructed back in time to justify my instance of consciousness and yours meeting, even though we are the same being living different lives. — 9. Reality already happened. It happened without you, because it happened in an instant. All possible combinations of all possible realities happened in this single point in space, which we will call the "singularity". Image a movie roll full of every movie ever shot. 10. This caused consciousness to wake up as the cosmos itself. This was the first idea, which justified the creation of "Reality" as one of the possible combinations inside the reality that already happened was, of course, that consciousness would one day awake to itself and create awareness or experience. It's mystical in nature. 11. Only one consciousness exists. This consciousness is putting on mask (your face) after mask and living each and every life. 12. Others DO exist, they are real. But they are PARALLEL pockets of experience being experienced by the same being, which is you right now. 13. You are inside a dream, being dreamt up by your subconscious mind. 14. Finally, notice that you, in your direct experience, have no head. You can't see your head. Instead, you see the world. Because every single thing you have ever come in contact with, is contained in this "head" of yours. 15. That head, is the godhead, the absolute head receiving all sounds, tastes, sights, etc.
  13. The soul is a virtual partition within consciousness, which gives rise to the window of awareness that serves as the container for all of your senses, “aka” being alive. The soul is like a division inside of a hard drive. It’s IN the hard drive, and IS the hard drive. Your bubble of perception is your “soul”, or instance of awareness. There is nothing but souls = subjective experience. There is no universe without soul. Subjective experience is ALL there is.
  14. There is a god, who exists as a formless void. It has in its possession all the faces of all beings in existence. This god exists only as a head, no body. This godhead contains the entire universe within it. The godhead is the container for all senses. This god looks down and imagines a body, but this god has no human head. Only a godhead. This god puts on a mask, and imagines what it's like to be that person. Reality is a massive theater play. But this god is playing all the characters, by putting on their masks. This god is you.
  15. @Bulgarianspirit One exercise that helped me loosen my mind was closing one of my eyes, and then thinking "What is behind me"? If i turn around to see behind my body, my vision field follows. So with one eye open, I can't see what is behind this appearance. The appearance is all there is. What's behind me is just pure void. I am that void.
  16. @Bulgarianspirit This is ridiculous. This is EXACTLY the image I dreamt of when the insight formed in my mind. I am an illustrator myself and I was going to draw something, but the image you posted does it justice 100%.
  17. @JayG84 When I awoke, my field of vision balanced and it became as if I was watching a projection from my eyes. I was “in front” of reality, but reality was a rectangle in front of me. That’s when I realized the physical world and 3D vision are illusions.
  18. @diamondpenguin You can verify yourself with a telescope that there IS in fact a “round” shaped red object in the sky. That doesn’t mean jack shit. That does not mean it is a planet. It COULD be that space itself is an illusion and your field of vision is simply a flatscreen projecting your reality. So we’ve labeled these floating things “planets”. Can you verify for yourself that these are planets? No.
  19. Yeah I 100% agree with this. Source is an eternal dance, always in motion. You are the source. The source is unlimited. It just partitions itself into egos. If your ego disappeared, you would become a point of pure white light similar to what people who do 5meo experience.
  20. Hey, I 100% percent believe in God. YOU are God by the way.
  21. Love is transcendental, so it doesn't matter what you believe in as long as you realize REALITY is love and you drop your ego. The problem with christianity is how dogmatic it is. Love is the eternal dance of primordial polarities. So that's all there is. The appearance of duality. Love is all there is.
  22. After pondering the nature of my existence for days now, I have come across my most mind-bending awakening yet. I am looking at the phone screen and think that I am using the internet. But what my iPhone is is my mind / consciousness projecting itself into that screen to offer content to itself as an operating system. When you are watching a guy in a video... well you CREATED him the moment you found his videos; your imagination created him. And because consciousness / absolute infinity is absolutely unlimited, it created this character “back in time” and then his parents and his entire back story. Consciousness needed to just create and justify his existence, as the video you are watching HAS him. ALL the music in your Spotify collection was created by you. Its all you. The computer is you, the users are you, the YouTube video Star is you, it’s all you. Same with your phone. The mere fact something was measured; like in the example of a video, means it needed to exist FOR THAT REASON. Its an endless, infinite dream. Every time you imagine something new it spawns another infinite universe and then another. But it’s all you! You are living all of those characters on your phone. Including Leo. You created Leo, and you are Leo living Leo’s life. Its all consciousness talking to itself. There is only god lost in its own dream, ever creating more and more dreams. Reality is a dream machine spawning infinite dreams that have no ground. You looking at more of you thinking thoughts that then have more of your thoughts. mind. blown.
  23. @Mosess LOL. Right? What we are witnessing right now is pure magic in front of our eyes. Complete magic.