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Everything posted by justfortoday

  1. It’s curious @Rilles @Osaid I had heard of sleep paralysis but I thought it was a phenomenon that happened AS you fall asleep. I was most definitely not dreaming. I just started into the mirror of my bathroom and saw NO REFLECTION ? Then I felt like... A sandwich being layered again.
  2. @WaveInTheOcean also thanks for answering. Most people usually scoff when I bring up the issue of solipsism. I am trying to break through from it. I wish you so much success with your future ❤️
  3. @WaveInTheOcean so basically you and I are the same consciousness, the same being, just living two different lives in duality?
  4. @WaveInTheOcean Help me please understand the following: Do you believe other people have thoughts of their own / monologues like yourself? Or do you believe everyone is just echoes of your own consciousness but they are just appearances?
  5. Bumping this, any interest in discussing this further?
  6. I will make this quick and swift. Mirrors Since there is no physical reality, when I look at a mirror and see my “reflection”, from the point of nonduality, what is the mirror? A rectangular void on which consciousness projects an image of the avatar it is inhabiting? Computer / Phone Screens When I interact with my phone, since there is no physical existence... what is that appearing inside the screen? Does this mean that we are creating more stories and events by using our phones, because they are the ULTIMATE research and communication tools? In summary: Am I God using an iPhone it itself dreamt up, and when using it I invent more realities. All that I see in my phone I imagined and is not real. What are the implications for life? Lets say I meet someone on a dating app. I dreamt up the app, and then dreamt up the conversation... what if we meet in real “life”. What are the implications of that?
  7. @upstream sure, would love to chat. Will send you a DM.
  8. First of all, this is my first post and would like to thank all of you in helping me expand my consciousness as a lurker around here. I had my first mystical experience about a week ago. I wanted to present the insights I gained during this experience. Would love your thoughts on them. There is only one consciousness. You are the only INSTANCE of consciousness that exists this very instance. In other words, consciousness is a sort of eternal flame being passed from instance to instance. Other people? Puppets. Other people are not real. Only this awareness is real. Someone HAD to live your life, so you made up a story about your parents and a human life was “born” or materialized. Basically, god is living through an infinite reel of frames. But it has to do it ONE AT A TIME. 3D / physically is completely an illusion. If you close one of your eyes you realize that reality is a one-dimensional matrix of phenomena. It’s a sphere with two holes, and those holes are your eyes. The two perspectives overlap and this creates the illusion of 3D and “physical” things. You are looking at an eternal screen. You are literally watching a movie in front of you, a sort of VR set of 360 degrees. But suddenly you become so immersed in the game that you forget you are in this VR experience. You are actively creating unconsciously. If you first imagine you will go to the beach, you exercise “absolute infinity” to get you to the beach. You, as awareness itself, instantiated a path through instances of consciousness. However.. YOU HAVE GONE NOWHERE. Only this spherical all-encompassing “screen” has changed as is now projecting a beach. And here is the MINDFUCK. You meet someone? Consciousness materialized that person IN THAT MOMENT. And just because it interacted wirh you, it existed, so it created the entire genealogy of that person back in “time”. All your experiences are infinity going deeper and deeper into new paths, and when you experience things, you imagine things subconsciously which then become other self contained universes, like BUTTERFLIES. Consciousness created that person the moment you needed it, and in parallel, YOU will also live this life you have created. Infinity = Infinity x Infinity x Infinity x eternity.
  9. @Someone here that’s not what I am asking. Assuming all others are my own thoughts... ALREADY making the assumption that they are not “real”. What I want to know is A) They are dream characters that have an internal monologue and experience concurrently. B) Theyre just dream puppets with no internal monologue of their own.
  10. Yep. It’s been a crazy 24 hours for me. I’ve had nothing but awakening after awakening and my previous materialist paradigm has been shattered. But I am stuck here as well @Leo Gura I would be so incredibly thankful to you if you could help here: A) I currently am leaning towards SOLIPSISM BUT I accept that I am God. So all other beings are puppets being used by consciousness. or B) All others are real inside monologues happening, but I created them by thinking of them so I am living them too. I will live one lifetime at a time for eternity; endlessly creating MORE to experience.
  11. But @Galyna , if there are no others... let me get this straight. Which of these two is true: A) I AM is right now experiencing itself through this “body”. All other people aren’t real, just my thoughts. No internal monologue. Isn’t this classic SOLIPSISM? B) You and I are the same subject. I AM. I am just inhabiting this body right now but one day I will live your life. In other words, GOD inhabits everyone, but the I AM only lives one eternal moment. When this body perishes it jumps to your body, and now it lives your life.
  12. OMG. I just got it. I am crying right now. Not a joke.
  13. @Galyna @Member @SamueLSD Okay. After pondering all day yesterday I have changed my insight of insights to this. Please let me know if you think it’s closer. I AM. There is one subject in the entire universe. But this subject is infinite and lives outside of time and space. Those are things that it imagines. So it partitions itself into an infinite number of parts to experience one life at a time. But the others you interact are also YOU living in parallel. They DO have an internal monologue themselves, but they are YOUR THOUGHTS, having thoughts about your thoughts. And one day you have to experience these thoughts too, because god has to live through this infinite feel because it is itself, so consciousness lives experiences one moment at a time. However other people are YOU as a strange loop. Its like an endless projection in empty space dreaming all sorts of dreams You are God, one subject in the entire universe. Consciousness permeates everything it imagines. However, I have come to believe that.. Other people are just your own thoughts having thoughts about your thoughts. When you die EVERYTHING dies with you, because this is just a dream. It’s a projection. Like Leo says. The entire universe will die with you like in a dream. “Earth” And physical reality are just a dream. Maybe YOU (GOD) goes to a totally different realm after “you” die. Why repeat Earth? Its like a vinyl record. It’s not music; until the needle is on it, measuring the information. That’s consciousness.
  14. Got it. So the other avatars that I see “walking” around, ARE themselves internal monologues / egos as well, just like “me”? That is what I’m struggling with here. My question below summarizes it: Is my best “friend” (avatar friend) Ricardo ALSO experiencing concurrent to me? Is he having an internal monologue just like this avatar I call myself does? And because consciousness materialized that avatar, does it mean I will have to live through that lifetime as God?
  15. Ahh! So I am omnipresent because there ISN’T a physical objective reality. Therefore, all there is, is a screen (ME) watching itself. I am just watching gradations of consciousness interacting with itself, but I am everywhere because the screen is all there is. If my avatar “goes to the beach”, the screen changes its contents to fit that narrative. Is that accurate?
  16. Thanks. Can you expand on that?