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Everything posted by justfortoday

  1. Listen brother, I got your answer right here. @Dazgwny - please try to grasp this as best you can. The perceptions you “have” are not perceptions. The shapes, colors, sounds, and sensations that compose your life are not happening in your brain but free-floating in nothingness. That is consciousness. Your field of consciousness is the raw, unfiltered fabric of the universe. Everyone you “see” around you IS you, from that POV. Makes sense? Yes. It’s all “you” because you’re the entire field of consciousness but THEIR experience is just as real as yours. In the “absolute” sense YES you are alone in the universe. But SO IS EVERYONE ELSE. LOL You get this? It is actually HILARIOUS. Everyone IS real, what you are seeing is pure, fucking magic. It is one consciousness split into a house of mirrors. Each mirror reflecting the other. ❤️ In other words, LIVE. Live, experience duality, enjoy it. Life is incredible. A complete miracle.
  2. Study magick, or the occult... Magic is real, siddhis are real, spirits (everything is spirit) is real, paranormal activity is real. The force. It’s all real.
  3. You’re hallucinating everything around you, including this insight. ?
  4. Hello friends, I wanted to bring you something I became directly conscious of during a mystical experience. This was what clicked everything into place and finally understood the nature of reality at a deeper level. Let's begin. First, become conscious that your entire visual field surrounds you and encompasses everything near you. Good, now look at yourself in a mirror, and look into your eyes. You will actually see yourself in there, though much smaller. In general, you assume that your eyes are collecting light from the sun and other sources, then transmitting it to the brain. The light in your eyes, is all there is. Let me repeat that because it is very significant. What you perceive as light entering your eyes is actually the complete opposite. The light in your eyes is not coming from an outside source. You are projecting or birthing shapeshifting light from the void. Pure being. No physical world in between (See attached picture) EVERYTHING you see is an appearance of this light. Your body, other people, your mom, the world, the stars, etc. All You. There is no physical sun illuminating the scene and then hitting your eyes. You “think” it’s your visual field but it’s simply light dancing around in nothingness. Almost like a black hole watching it’s event horizon. What you are "reading" or "seeing" right this minute, is just an appearance of light in your eyes. There is nothing behind what you see. Nothing is hidden. You project others, and they project you. This ties in with Quantum mechanics which states matter does not exist unless it is observed. Awakening during this realization was EPIC. We're just pools of possibility / infinity spontaneously creating light to give you the illusion of an "outside" world, when in reality, all you have is this perceptual bubble.
  5. A thought is a full cycle of a sinusoidal wave equaling to zero. This is what eternal minds are made of. They always equal out to zero. You are an eternal mind of divine mathematics and your thoughts are vibrations in frequency of sinusoidal waves. Read “Ontological Mathematics” by Morgue.
  6. Please don’t do this. It is extremely dangerous.
  7. You got it almost 100% - the light in your eyes is all that exists. You project others and others project you. These are not cameras. These are VOIDs imagining / projecting. No one is seeing anything. The perception of light just IS. You are literally walking into the formless void at all times, with no real eyes to see, but ROUND rings of light creating what you see. Direct being, the only thing real is the current moment. Next time you go for a walk, pretend you’re walking nowhere. Like you are on a treadmill. You get it? You’re not moving, the universe or the pure light is moving itself around you, hence things look bigger when close to your “eyes” ?. You are omnipresent. Reality has infinite resolution. Try it for a walk. You are in a tunnel that ends at YOU. “Far” stuff is small, “close” stuff is big. This is a projection emanating from you, the void. We are god, god is pure love.
  8. You’re manifesting all of physical reality every single moment of your life. Let that simmer.
  9. I doubt this is anything paranormal. You KNOW when you experience something paranormal.
  10. Nothing is real except Infinite Consciousness. Everything you experience is consciousness using you like a puppet, or others as well.
  11. Multiple awakenings and realizing god is infinite and outside of time therefore can access any point in time in reality past or future. You created yourself.
  12. You created your entire life from scratch to finish before you were “born” - then you imagined yourself into existence, creating your parents and their ancestors back in time. You looked at the entirety of your life and decided, yep, I’m gonna jump in.
  13. Unconditional love is what you are. That’s the piece you’re missing. You are love itself. The sooner you recognize that the better ❤️ God is love, and we are all god. So love yourself.
  14. I’ve been studying the occult my entire life and I’ve had paranormal experiences since I was a kid. The event in the car was spontaneous, and not induced - just sort of happened.
  15. That’s your ego speaking. You will find love only when you realize that it’s all around you.
  16. Actually, you can. Magick is real. Explore the occult, and you will get the answers you seek.
  17. There are no bodies. The light in your eyes forms into the shape of a body so that you can see it on yourself. You are the pure infinite singularity of consciousness. There is no physical world at all. Get it? Its a projection couched inside another projection. NO physical world. There is only this light in your "eyes". You are basically a black hole and the event horizon (or ring) is reality.
  18. God isn’t lonely. The two times I achieved god consciousness so far felt like an all body orgasm and clarity of mind - it left me feeling like a power ranger honestly. And it lasted 5 mins. And I’ve been trying to get back there ever since... It’s better to know Truth, and if that means separating from the foolishness humans do on a daily basis, then so be it. Find new friends that share your ideas, etc. God consciousness is simply a newborn-like state where everything is interesting - you can spend an hour looking at your hand and your face in the mirror. Never did it feel lonely. If you feel lonely, that is your ego. There is no room for loneliness in the presence of Consciousness. ❤️
  19. Your body is just an aspect of the dream you’re dreaming. So it’s entirely possible you will be a woman in your next life/dream.
  20. I’ll DM you to talk about the experience ?
  21. At the end of the day what keeps all this shit together is... LOVE! ❤️
  22. This is exactly what happened to me. I was driving and suddenly reality “popped” out of me and I became the road, the sky, the car, etc. Terrifying. Awesome.
  23. You keep thinking in linear terms. Your actions NOW reverberate across time and space. That’s how consciousness self created. It accessed itself back in time and birthed itself. You are doing this every moment of your life.
  24. It causes no conflict. It’s still not clicking - let me try this: God wrote your entire life before you/it were born as a human so that life would be “released” to you like a time capsule. God, outside of time and space wrote @peachboy and @Bulgarianspirit lives as narratives that would be “time released” And in the narrative, god wanted us to have this conversation. Nothing is a coincidence. See?
  25. Exactly, but once you get rid of that block you will understand the truth. Imagine your life as a “movie”. You can pick any movie from Netflix and watch it. The movie APPEARS to have a linear timeline, but once it’s over, you can switch to another movie. Were both movies played at the same time? NO! Are both movies real? YES! ? And what is more shocking is that your mind is actively creating MORE characters in reality out of thin air. You have been watching movies/lives for eternity. This is why what I’m proposing is sort of like Solpsism 2.0