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Everything posted by justfortoday

  1. Your ego for sure will die, and so will your body. I hate when people say “death is an illusion” because they want to sound smart and advanced. I have had multiple out of body experiences myself and can 100% assure you consciousness is non localized. Imagine the transcendental “I” just jumps from body to body. You simply awake as a body / life.
  2. Today, I had the most intense awakening of my life. It was the most beautiful, integrating, loving, and awesome experience I’ve ever had. It happened spontaneously as I was walking around trees, and wondered, is my “brain” generating this experience of colors, sounds, shapes, OR the colors, sounds, and shapes are just existing by themselves as perceptions without a perceiver. My awareness completely changed and felt a Union with the world around me. It felt like in an instant, I was purified by pure light. Reality is a self feeding loop of consciousness that is never ending, non-localized/omnipresent. The stuff you are seeing around you is not matter, but complete magic or being. The perceptions you thought are generated in your brain are actually just existing in empty space. The color green, is existing without a perceiver. It’s just existing for itself. And the reason YOU are able to “see it” is because you are the entire field of consciousness. Imagine that you are a big circle with a *little piece* cut off. Your point of view is THAT. You’re like the escape valve / exit of a cycle of consciousness. There is literally *nothing* behind your visual field. You’re a divine, infinite being with no bounds or limits. You just happened to like this view. ? OK SO WHAT? My relationship to reality has completely changed. This is empowering, to say the least. It’s nothing to brag, or boast about out of context, it’s simply accepting the magic / mystical nature of reality, and merging with it. Consciousness, eternal mind, exchanging frequencies between polarities, forever. Love.
  3. Other people are simply colors, shapes and Sounds happening like holograms, to themselves. There are no others, or you.
  4. You’re not grasping what I am saying. You are inside a dream, couched within another dream, couched within another dream. When this dream ends, you awaken to another dream, and when that ends you awaken to another dream, to infinity.
  5. I have experienced Psychokinesis with lightbulbs. It is totally real. The object you’re trying to affect is none other than you.
  6. Hey man, 1. Do not take psychedelics if you are taking medication for mental health issues. Try shamanic breathing, weed of meditation instead first. This is tricky because I do not want to suggest you stop your medication. Psychedelics are a tool but they are NOT the only route. Y 2. See above 3. I suggest a trip sitter if this is your first trip.
  7. Short answer is no, you have no free will, because there is no “you”
  8. @Dazgwny See the graphic below. When you receive a text message, you sent it to yourself through the mask of another human being / another ego. That ego is not experiencing the world through the senses, they are an illusion. However, that ego has an inner monologue, just like you do. That is what ego means. Suppose your mate and you are "looking" at the color red on a wall. You and your mate are not actually perceiving the color red. The color red is BEING and you are in its presence. In other words, you aren't perceiving one instance of the color red, and your mate another. You are both the same consciousness from two POVs and the reason you are able to "perceive" the color red is because you are infinite consciousness itself. Consciousness is like a hot soup always moving and morphing. ONE instance of everything. No objective physical world, only perceptions, happening to nothing / consciousness / you.
  9. Can you please expand on what “Kan vision” is?
  10. Don’t do weed everyday like some people do, as it will lose its effect. THC can cause spontaneous awakening - and ego death. I do it once a week and it has helped me tremendously in the awakening process.
  11. The entire universe ends, like in a dream.
  12. @B222 you are literally pure fucking magic existing. YOU are literally a miracle. I can assure you “others” have their own inner monologue created by the ego. You are alone as God, but so is everyone else. Reality is one big cosmic joke. LOL
  13. @Leo Gura Thank you! Your work has helped me tremendously. Incredible stuff.
  14. The answer is yes. Your mate is having an experience as real as yours.
  15. You aren’t everything. Everything is you. You got your metaphysics flipped.
  16. Correct, deja-vus are small awakenings.
  17. Rupert Spira seems like a good man, but his explanations of non-duality are incredibly watered down. Omniscience is not about knowing everything at once, but about realizing that your dad is your thought. And his thoughts are your thoughts having thoughts about their thoughts, and so on.
  18. You still do not comprehend the magnitude of reality. It is absolutely infinite. Its a dream, couched within a dream, couched within a dream, couched within a dream, FOREVER. There is no relative or absolute nothing. It’s all appearance, happening in absolutely nothing. Imagine a spiral, made up of dreams. Who is dreaming all these dreams? You get it now?
  19. @Kshantivadin Deja-vus, are small awakenings. It feels like you lived that moment before because you did, in the absolute sense. You already lived your life in the absolute, and now you’re “playing” your relative timeline like a movie. ?
  20. Your pondering here makes no sense. Please expand?
  21. You’re dreaming right now. Every character in reality is real while it is held in consciousness.
  22. Complicated. Depth and distance are simply fractal patterns appearing / being by themselves. When you drive for example, you see the road as a cone going up and then it approaches you, and disappears from your “visual field”. The space in which the POV you’re currently is appearing is you.