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Everything posted by Cireeric

  1. I had a lot of very euphoric moments. Connected deep with my friends and nature and had some emotional openings, which helped me to progress a relationship with a girl I had (it revealed my my true feelings and that I should communicate them more authentically, which helped; I did that the day after not on the trip, which isnt a good idea usually ). At one point it was going very deep and had some uncomfortable moments because I was at the edge of getting into something like "godmode" or "becoming consciousness/the screen" which felt very weird while being with my friends. I only like to go very deep in solotrips, because I want to maintain my personality while being with people if that makes sense Overall it was quite a pleasant experience and good to handle, maybe 5 challenging minutes. Also you cant really tell: "ah these are the effects of the shrooms" and "this is the effect from the mdma" they merge pretty fast and youre just on "a trip".
  2. I would rather do Mushrooms + MDMA(both in small and safe doses). If it gets intense and stressful for you, you rather want to be in a trip that lasts 3-4 hours. Also you dont want to be on LSD when coming down from MDMA euphoria.
  3. Your feelings towards Lex Friedman are way too intense. There is definitely some contraction there that you need to check
  4. Knowing that you can push life in a better direction. Making babysteps and noticing the positive changes. Noticing that you can appreciate a lot of things about life right now, even if things seem bad at the moment. Watch Leos Life Advice for Young People Video or his latest Motivational video, they are very good for that.
  5. I can understand this critique. Yes I also think he is biased in this Naive Techno Optimist direction mainly because he comes from this scene and has these tech giants like Elon as friends. I also think he has a mind that is just deeply fascinated by tech-development, robotics, ai... Still I think he has a good heart and generally influences people in the right direction.
  6. You can have crazy experiences in consciousness and also insights in dreams. I never explored it but there is "dream yoga", where you first get into lucid dream state and then perform certain yoga practices in your dream to increase consciousness, pretty crazy! I once had an dream where I took an psychedelic and I had a pretty realistic trip experience.
  7. Oh yes, I think taking other psychedelics radically altered my experience with weed. When I get really high on weed I can get into I guess one would call it Nondual Awareness states pretty easy, where I am the "screen" and I can sync into the screen, total silence. And then it feels like I will grasp something even deeper, but just then my ego comes back trying to narratize it or I panic and it stops me from going even deeper. For me the problem with weed is that my insights always have a slightly paranoid touch to it. Also Im never sure if my insights are valid or if I am going crazy, so I do it very rarely.
  8. Nice to see you back, your posts always excite me!
  9. What I find really inspiring is this rigorous approach to the accumulation of knowledge and understanding. You can take the blogpost as an example for how to study any other topic and make a strategic plan to study it. Would love to see some new advanced Actualized geopolitic videos in the future.
  10. For me the biggest issue with all this is : You need to make the assumption that everything there is can be proven from within your own POV. But can you verify this assumption from your pov?
  11. I just bought his book: The Creative Act: A Way of Being and it is amazing and very inspiring, also easy to read and fun. Highly recommend it.
  12. I like it! I would wear it too, but you need some more baggy pants to match it these would go well with it.
  13. In my opinion Rovelli has the most interesting interpretation on quantum mechanics. This is a nice watch if youre interested. His main argument is that relations are more fundamental than the parts and that properties of things ONLY exist in relation to other things.
  14. I really like clothing that is a bit out of the norm. It gives me "I transcended societies values and create my own life/ main character vibes" for cheap . I also think it helps going out in something a bit extravagant from time to time and getting comfortable with the extra attention + observing and transcending your fear and thought patterns of possibly being judged.
  15. @GabeN Do you use the original/prescribed version or some of the off-label versions from India? I can be very productive on Moda/Armoda but I notice downsides very fast, like headaches, feeling less social/more robotic/increased social anxiety and feeling down the next day I wonder if its because of possible difference in quality.
  16. Maybe gonna add them to my mushroom microdosing routine again. I also heard good things about them, but In my experience it is hard to really notice a difference, especially if the change happens over time.
  17. After my research the supplements that are most fundamental and with which you can rarely go wrong are: Omega 3 Fish Oil, Magnesium (Magnesium glycinate in the evening is very good) and Vitamin D. Im especially interested in cognitive function with supplementation. I take Creatine too, since there is very good research about it and it seems like a No-Brainer for fitness and also is reported to show some cognitive benefits. I dont really understand your alternation between Ashwagandha and L-Theanine. The most noticable supplement stack for me is Neurohackers Qualia Focus and I want to try Qualia Mind too but those ones are very expensive.
  18. How is it "random" mutation if there is deep intelligence behind it? If there is deep intelligence behind all the randomness, this is not really our typical definition of randomness.
  19. In general I think doing a job this many hours a day and being drained from it for the rest of the time is not aligned with your Self-Actualization. It could rob your energy, time and passion. There are two exceptions that come to my mind, that could make it the right path for you forward: 1. If you see huge growth opportunities for you personally if you do a job like this for a few months. 2. If it could lead you into the right direction with the actualization of your purpose and/or lead you to new opportunities on the way of actualizing your purpose.
  20. Watch this for a very detailed summary of the Global Energy Situation and why renewables arent adequate for running our global economy yet:
  21. For me real effects started at 10mg and it was a very managable trip. It starts to get deeper at 15mg and then increasingly more. I dont noticed any tolerance even when I did it the next day.
  22. Dude I dont want to be rude here, but why do you post a big list of all the models all the time in your posts? Even when you make some good points it is a pain in the ass to read through this everytime. You should question yourself if you do this to communicate clearly and effectively or is this just some signaling of the ego, how well studied and integral you are in your considerations?
  23. All psychology, healing and consciousness work will improve your intuition in general. Plus massive experience specifically in the domain where you want to have strong intuition. All the unmet needs, unresolved traumas, false beliefs and assumptions will distort your intuition. I dont think there is this one technique that can fix that and turbocharge your intuition, that is not dealing with these things. So it is a slow and subtle process, but if you do this work you will increase your intuition as a byproduct over time.