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Everything posted by Cireeric

  1. Sounds like we need some radical revolutionary activism on a global scale. Maybe launched by some strategic genius visionary leader via mass-capturing of state of the art information-technology.
  2. I think both are arguing that we need some shared grammar of value as a basis for global coherence in order to re-establish trust and bind global multipolar-traps. And both Ian and John are trying to reconstruct a case for the sacred/ a shared grammar of value that can survive the scientific-method and postmodernism. I dont see them arguing for divine-intervention, but rather for a re-connection to the divine. I dont see Nietzschean ideas providing a basis for global coherence, the Übermensch seems rather dividing than unifying. But I dont know if I got your point there.
  3. This dude is burning the car of a twitch e-girl and is falling asleep in his car just around the corner of the crime. This is hilarious
  4. I think uniqueness is a fundamental feature of evolution and actualizes itself particularly within the human. A self-actualized human-being is always also a radically unique human-being. So uniqueness is not a function of ego but something way deeper.
  5. Yes, I find it almost a bit scary because it shows how soulless mainstream culture has become. This is cinematic flatland: all surfaces, no depth. There are only a few good filmmakers left, like Paul Thomas Anderson, Giorgos Lanthimos or Lars von Trier.
  6. Do some box-breathing: 4in 4hold 4out 4 hold. Also in my experience weed is really good in enabling you to realize that you can just put your anxious thoughts off. Just get into silence, it is possible! Your anxious thoughts are not reality and you will get back into normal state soon.
  7. Get a broad view by reading a ton and then you will know what bits you need to apply from which book for your unique purposes and needs.
  8. Very foundational and in-depth: Dr. Dan Stickler and Daniel Schmachtenberger on Foundations of Nutrition, specifically for Brain-Health:
  9. This is quite an accurate description for Professor Dave himself too
  10. Right! Nice, yes you should do, im sure it will be a great journey
  11. Kendrick Lamars: How to Pimp a Butterfly was definitely an memorable experience on Shrooms, so much energy! And kinda stereotypical but Pink Floyds The Dark Side of the Moon was also quite a ride and changed the tune forever for me. Every drum, every guitar, every sound becomes a character and expresses something meaningful. Especially in this one:
  12. Leos post on Pure Dance reminded me of my all time favorite dance-performance from the stunning Margaret Qualley: