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Everything posted by Cireeric

  1. There is nothing else on Youtube, or anywhere else that motivates me more to do the work than Leos Work. I found the episodes: Life is a Maze and Life Advice for Young People very motivational.
  2. Im going to study it on University next month, hope it will be interesting, but Im sure it will
  3. would love to see that, im starting to study sociology soon
  4. What is the psychedelic that let u experience female orgasms? And is there coming another update for the booklist anytime soon?
  5. Just a few days ago I found Teal Swan on Youtube and she has really insightful and good videos about Relationships and Love. She has a Playlist about Relationships on her Youtube Page, go watch some of this, I was amazed by the depth and inights she has on this topic.
  6. Î found this Video yesterday and found it really eye opening and helpful. You will get better.
  7. For me personally the term and notion of Chakras sounded a bit too esotheric, but recently I read a bit more about it and maybe i underestimated the wisdom in it. Recently Leo also mentioned the Chakras a few times. A detailed Video on Chakras would be very interesting. There are also some interesting correlates to Spiral Dynamics I think.
  8. @Milos Uzelac I really appreciate your detailed Answer. Thank You! Books that make me interested in the topic are exactly what im looking for. I want to start my Study with already an solid understanding what sociology is about and with passion and interest.
  9. Hey, I dont know if this should belong here, but im going to study Sociology/Social Sciences soon. I wanted to ask if someone can recommend me high quality or "must read" Ressources on this topic. Would be also interesting to know if someone else study or studied Sociology too.
  10. @Matt23 Thank you for your answer, I will research the stuff. Im already studying Spiral Dynamics
  11. So is a very low dose to start on DPT still only something only for advanced psychedelic users? I have some eperience with Shrooms, LSD, 2CB but no experience with DMT or 5MEO. Should I do more higher dose experiences with LSD first to handle that or can I start low on DPT? I am thinking of ordering it as long as it is still legal in Germany
  12. I think he has a very sophisticated understanding of the things he talks about. He is maybe very pragmatic and succes oriented in his thinking but he also have many teachings who greatly overlap with Leos teachings, just from another perspective. And I really believe that his purpose is to help people and to orient in their world to live a better life.