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Everything posted by cuteguy

  1. You're right. They do show you, but not in a complete way where "the person trick" is completely exposed. If that were the case, you would stop falling for the trick.
  2. You're just assuming that to wake up the dream has to disappear. You must have forgot that there such thing as a lucid dream. Maya stays, but it is seen as illusion and not as reality. When you start lucid dreaming, instead of being absorbed in the dream, you know that everything is imagination.
  3. When a magician shows you how he does the magic, the magic doesn't die, you see it was just a trick.
  4. You are making the mistake of labeling some things as bad and other things as good. Maya or illusion is not good or bad. The "one" who calls it "bad" is what needs to be seen for what it is. When you truly awaken, "ego" doesn't die because it is not a thing. "Ego" is just EXPOSED as an activity in you that you have mistaken yourself for. You're on the right track, though
  5. Very interesting stuff. It's amazing what comes to the innocent mind of a child. When I was something like 8 years old. I always suspected that everyone is just acting and they are tricking me to believe that this is real life. I also felt that I was always being watched. Having awakened a few times, now I know exactly why I felt that. This sounds like the movie "The Truman Show." But at that time I hadn't watched the movie, because English is my 3rd language which I learned when I was in high school.
  6. @Hippocrates Next time take a lower dose, so that you actually stay there and learn something. That's why you're tripping in the first place. One time I was one 5-MeO, and at the beginning of the trip I was very confused and I struggled with breathing because I thought maybe it was preventing me from breaking through. So I thought, I'll just stop breathing. Then, "someone" laughed at me and said: "What the fuck are you doing? Breathe, motherfucker, breathe." So I just stopped intervening and I just let go. That trip turned out to be the deepest and the most beautiful one I had. Also, be curious about who/what you are. I think that should be the intention of your trip if you want it to be a learning experience.
  7. When something is not directly in your experience, when you talk about it, by definition, you are only imagining it and there is nothing to it but imagination. That is obvious. When you are directly experiencing it, you are also imagining it, because it is only made out of your mind. That means, you are looking at your mind, and not something outside of your mind. The assumption that what you see is outside of your mind is what teachers attack when they say "It's not real."
  8. "I" "like" "how" "you" "put" "yesterday" "in" "quotation" "marks" ? Awesome trip report. It reminded me of a mushroom trip where I watched a a scene from Friends where I was aware how I am the actors and I am the one who's watching, so basically I was a bunch of Me's making Me laugh. In the same trip I watched a video Leo's and was aware that I was Leo. I love you too, Me
  9. For FUCKING years, I knew that I am not my thoughts, I knew that I am Consciousness, but without psychedelics I always feel like I am the person. Until I found out that ALL I had to do what to investigate what I call "my body" (Rupert Spira told me.) So I followed the video and... BOOOOM! My first awakening with no psychedelics. Shame on you guys for hiding this from me ? Just kidding, I know that you are all stuck in your heads like I was. I'm better that you now EXPLORE YOUR BODIES PEOPLE!
  10. Yes, It's obvious that you're joking, I just clarified. Leo's still doesn't work as a teacher for me. I haven't changed my mind
  11. @Shin Well, I'm still very grateful to him for introducing me to this wizardry. And as I said, his videos are very entertaining. And I'm sure a lot of people resonate with him as I teacher. I was just talking about myself
  12. I had multiple awakenings on 5-MeO that are a lot deeper than my only sober one. But the problem is that when I come down off 5-MeO I feel like I didn't learn much. However, with the sober awakening, I learned A LOT. Basically, I know that there a "lot more." But isn't it awesome that there is more? ? You would be surprised at how lazy and undisciplined I am. I only meditate when I feel like it and/or when I suffer. I have ZERO discipline. I guess because of that, when I meditate I am very open because I don't do it as a task that I need to complete. I do it as a surrender and/or as a curiosity to know what I don't know. Plus I have a beast of a teacher: Rupert Spira, who doesn't use the conceptual approach that Leo uses that leaves you philosophizing while meditating ? Rupert prefers a cut-through-the-bullshit approach and to use well constructed sentences and metaphors. I love Leo, but never again am I will I have him again as a teacher. Only for entertainment purposes, just like Alan Watts.
  13. "I am this" means "I am this because it is made out OF ME" "I am not this" means "I am not this because it is only an appearance IN ME" So they are both true.
  14. ??? I can't believe you took the bait. I love you and I'm very grateful to you, Leo!
  15. Leo needs to plug 5-MeO every 80 minutes to reach the level I'm at. But no worries guys, I'll keep pretending that I'm a cuteguy to not make you feel small ?
  16. @Adamq8 Well congratulations my friend! There is no way back from here. Your days are numbered ?
  17. Yes, that's it. Everything moves but you don't. Where I would slightly disagree is that "things" don't move around you, they move in you. Right?
  18. You're not anywhere. Everything is IN you. If you don't see that yet, you're doing something wrong. Stop thinking that there are steps to go through to get from ego to consciousness. There are no steps or phases. It's only ONE SHIFT in perspective. If you want a practical way to actually do this, you can close your eyes and see-feel your body like a newborn would see-feel it, because that makes you understand that your body is inside you. You can do this on your own or you can use this AMAZING meditation video by Rupert Spira: Link. I hope it helps. Do not dismiss this and wait for Leo to answer you! Or you can dismiss it like I did for a long time. It's your problem anyway
  19. (Just like the OP I assume) Yes I do feel infinite, and I see clearly that "everyone" is inside Me, so I do have evidence to suggest that all "consciousnesses" are one. It's just that my thoughts keep coming up with this question, so I wanted to see what others have to think about this. I guess what just happened is the universe slapping me on the face, saying "How dare you!" ?
  20. OH MY GOD!!!!!! I entered the forum to ask THE SAME QUESTION!!!! I SWEAR!!!!! AND this is the first title I read even if it's not the one on top ? UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Here is my simple proof. Logically, shouldn't there be nothing at all, instead of a universe? There shouldn't be anything! Therefore, there is something fishy here. That fishy thing, is God! Please share your proof if you have one. I would love to hear it.
  22. "If you know yourself without existing and passing away, then you know God. And if not, then not." "The prophet said: 'Whoever knows their self, knows their Lord.' He did NOT say: 'Whoever annihilates their self, knows their Lord'" Rupert Spira reading from Balyani's commentary on a single line spoken by the Prophet Muhammad: "Whoever knows their self, knows their Lord"
  23. You're free to do whatever you want. But, does this have to be a post?