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Everything posted by Mo0ngrass

  1. For me, learning from suffering seemed to be the only way to help me grow and find wisdom. Understanding that I am the cause of all suffering I experience, provided the radical push I needed to free myself from old habits and ignorance. Life still brings hardship and bliss but now there is less resistance to what is and I come to life's table with a calm, loving mind and have a sense of inner joy that is always present in the background. Coming from this loving perspective my physical experiences have started to manifest more positively. I am careful, reflective with my thoughts and am excited for what life brings. Love.
  2. The harder you fight yourself, the more unwanted situations will arise. Let yourself have the thoughts and acknowledge them but then let them pass, don't get caught up in them. Stay present in your mind and on what you are doing. I have two children, a job and my spiritual calling all vying for my attention, thinking about it is a waste of time, I don't repress thought I let it arise, thank it and stay tuned in my senses while achieving my goals for the day. If I follow the thought rabbit, I will surely get lost inside and lose balance. Stay grounded in yourself while accomplishing things, any experiences are ok and will pass. Pushing the wheelbarrow is not hard, thinking about it is. Love.
  3. Neither perspective would exist if they didn't resist each other. Something something Kumbaya? Wait is that cultish? Mmm balance.
  4. I want to win the lottery so I become enlightened to win the lottery and then realise I don't actually want to win the lottery. God tells me I'm asking the wrong questions. I wouldn't trade in the lasting happiness I have now for unlimited wealth, I'm so grateful. And suddenly I have more than I want/need on the physical plane.
  5. I get the impression you are young, and you'll find that managing these undesirable feelings will become less of an issue naturally. Connecting with your innerself while being kind/accepting to yourself can speed up the process and set you on the path to wisdom. If you observe your thoughts objectively with no judgement then in the space you create you allow for deeper understanding.
  6. @fridjonk oh cool, I probably should watch the insights Leo had on psychedelics I was just going off his last video. Supermind sounds like something that is beyond my understanding at this point. Is there a way to describe it?
  7. @TRUTHWITHCAPITALT Thank you for your provoking response, I got out of it what I was looking for. I'm unlikely to consume all the content here prior to sharing with others and I apologise if that's perceived as disrespectful. I am grateful to share in peoples journeys and learn through my reaching out to them with my perspective. I'm not quite sure what it is that you're defending against but I hope you find joy. Love.
  8. @Waken I like the concept of the ego and will being the female/male aspects of duality. I had not thought of that until I looked into that book which I'm now trying to find a copy of. Love.
  9. I like the thoughtfulness of this post. In my humble subjective opinion I do see an element of control coming in. As you eloquently expressed we can attempt to support triggering of our "important" memories into our conscious awareness so that we create an environment that supports our higher good. This is a good strategy for initial growth however ime it lacks an element of faith that we will know what we need to remember at any given time. Some insights hit so deep that there is no need to build a habit, something in the paradigm shifts that cannot be undone. In having behaviour return to previous functioning after an insight indicates to me that there are counter-beliefs interfering with integration of the insight rather than a forgetting. If this method of controlling the environment and reminders of past insights serves others then by all means do it. Keep in mind that problems in life cannot be permanently dealt with by fear, in this case fear of forgetting. Control of anything but the present moment of awareness is an illusion. Daily reflection can be a powerful tool to accelerated personal growth. Thank you for this. Love.
  10. Could you expand on this? I think by using the term cult I'm pointing to the shutdown of tolerance towards those on different stages of their growth. Exclusivity towards truth is essentially cult-like behaviour. If we say only people would support psychedelic insight are correct or have the only meaningful insights then that is unnessesarily excluding those who obtain insights via other methods. Assuming someone believes they are god then they should logically understand that everyone is a reflection of themselves and understand that there is work to be done via the indescrepancies they encounter. Just as it makes no sense psychologically to repress your feelings it also makes no sense to repress yourself through others. I'm new here and I'm aware I have come at a time of change for the community but this is basically all I've seen. If you could explain how this forum is an anti-cult in terms of inclusivity that would be appreciated.
  11. @Commodent thank you for the suggestion. I don't really use social media but I will look into it.
  12. I was really excited about finding this place only to find it suspiciously similar to a cult. It's hard to find a place to share and support others on the journey that doesn't belong to one person and has people that are wanting to grow. I'd build a house that belonged to everyone if I knew how. Intolerance is a lack of compassion.
  13. @Jkhv1 I get where you're coming from. What is it that we're resisting here? What makes this new direction unpalatable? I think there's something to be learned from these visceral responses to the video. Masters knew they could never give us the truth directly. They could only attempt to show us a way to discover ourselves. I think we have come across this to challenge beliefs we might have not realised we are harbouring. There are no accidents.
  14. Terrance McKenna arrived at similar conclusions to where Leo is entering now with his new understandings. I'd recommend listening to conversations at the edge of magic on YouTube for anyone interested in hearing about insights into reality from psychedelics. I'll admit I'm feeling very conflicted about psychedelic use due to fear and having responsibilities as a mother. I'm pretty happy with the progress I've made on my journey but I know it's not complete and wish I could try this radical method of enquiry myself. Perhaps when I've retired if I get that lucky. I feel like lucid dreams reach similar levels of insight but I can't compare since I only have the experience of dreams. Interestingly DMT and dreams are dependent on each other. Terrance McKenna is a pretty interesting person to read about outside of his accidental spiritual life. Love.
  15. It is easier to hold a coin in your palm with your hand open than it is to grasp it face down with your hand closed. Things change, with or without your help. It is important to start with being kind to yourself, breathe and sleep until you're ready to get up. Stay in the present as much as you can when awake, past and future are mountains you carry on your shoulders which you can release. You could at some point attempt to control your underlying emotions by scheduling your feelings (i.e Plan time for worry, anger, self-pity whatever it is that is keeping you stuck in apathy). When you're ready it helps to make plans for the day on waking so you think less and do more. It could be as simple as get up, eat, sleep or as complex as an ideal day of your life; make it easy to achieve, as long as you stay in the present and be compassionate with your self through the rest of the day. Try being present and inwardly kind for one day, worst case scenario, you end up where you already are. A super lazy relaxing way to connect with yourself and stay present is by listening to Eckhart Tolle power of now on YouTube. All from the comfort of your own bed or chair and the freedom to fall asleep if you need to since so much resistance must be holistically exhausting. Love.
  16. I wonder if I'm judging a little harshly but I think I live in a beige to red small town. I'm happy regardless. New Zealand is a great country to live in and has all the things you're looking for in the bigger cities. It also has great wilderness to retreat into with no dangerous creatures so that's one less thing to worry about.
  17. Hi Yellow_girl. I can understand where you're coming from in the OP. I suppose that is one of the reasons that we find ourselves on this forum, in an attempt to find like minded individuals. Personally I have found that breakthroughs in understanding often come with the feeling of isolation, feeling trapped in expanded awareness that we cannot share or force onto others. When the initial excitement has died down and I meditate on the meaning of the realisation I can see the tricky threads of ego doing their usual grasping, attempting to identify with and label the new information in relation to itself. Information needs to be integrated into being rather than than hung up as a certificate of achievement from which self might attempt to compare or judge others. Once integrated I find myself back in harmony with all that is including my lovely companion "self," and the feeling of isolation transmutes into a feeling of compassion towards others. In harmony I am filled with love and give love in all I do knowing each action or inaction changes the world one thought at a time. To feel lonely is to feel self. Be buddha, be self-less or at least self-a-little-bit-less. Love.
  18. I too love to meditate and find it necessary to function optimally whilst deepening my spiritual understanding. Whether a particular type of meditation is useful depends on your intention. I found labelling particularly helpful in calming my mind during times of mental turbulence. It assisted me to create separation between the I and my thoughts which lead to greater awareness of the makeup of my thought patterns and therefore allowed greater control over the direction of my consciousness. For me staying with the I prior to thoughts is more powerful in terms of empirical understanding of conscious states and bringing insights. Labelling is helpful for getting me to refocus on that I.
  19. Great realisation. I hope this energy stays with you and propels you into further understanding. Fear could be described as resistance. Resist nothing of the mind. Love.
  20. @Chakra Lion I apologise if I have unknowingly pushed my ego thoughts onto you. I intended to come from a place of no ego in a thought provoking way that helped you to redirect your well intended energy inwards.
  21. Judgement and criticism are generally unhelpful methods in attempting to change others. If you understand universal law then you understand everything is as it should be and there is no need to waste energy resenting other people's choices. The better question is, to what extent can you lift up humanity with your own thoughts and, by extension, your behaviour? It is impossible to kill the source.
  22. The concept of non-linear time is fascinating to me as I had an experience where I was shown that time like all things is spherical and it is complete. All possibilities exist within this sphere that we perceive/measure as time. When I had that experience I couldn't really wrap my mind around it. Though that was over a year ago so the concept of time is no longer something that is a priority for me to understand. I resonate with your explanation and I'm happy I've stumbled across another piece to the puzzle.