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About MarkKol

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  • Birthday 10/28/2003

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  1. Why is niceness such a turn off
    Why is niceness such a turn off
    Because nice people cannot get shit done. Being too nice is a disease.
    When lives are at stake there is no room for nice.
    What all humans are attracted to is powerful leadership. Because that how humans survive. Weak leaders get you killed.

  2. Diet
    Receding gum on a vegan diet.
    Studied this subject extensively. This is the result. 
    Mechanics of weight gain/loss that our ancestors understood for 100 million years because it was key to there survival: 
    1) High Protein, Low Fat, Low Carb: Rapid weight loss, body is starved of fat, so it pulls from fat storage (Diet seen by pro bodybuilders to loss weight, eat nothing but lean protein, fatal long term.) 
    2) Low Protein, Low Fat, High Carb: Weight loss, body is starved of fat, so it pulls from fat storage.  (Diets: The starch solution, Raw vegan diets)
    3) High Protein, High Fat, Low Carb: Sustains weight, no change. (Diets: Carnivore, Keto) 
    4) Low Protein, High Fat, High Carb: Rapid weight gain, body is given everything it needs to store fat. (Ideal for bulking for winter)
    5) High Protein, Low Fat, High Carb: Weight loss, body is starved of fat, so it pulls from fat storage. (Very difficult to achieve diet, not seen often) 
    6) Low Protien, High Fat, Low Carb: Results vary depending on how fast the body adapts, usually results in weight loss (Diets: extreme keto) 
    Both 1 and 2 starve the body of fat in different ways, the critical difference is number 2 is extremely taxing on the body high stress. Number 1 is actually fatal long term body fat percentage reaches 0 resulting in death, this is known as rabbit starvation. 
    Short term number 2 can have amazing results especially if coming from the standard "what ever i see i eat" diet. But long term the results are clear, premature aging. Just look at Dr Barnard patients and subordinates that have been on the journey for 10 years... they look terrible. Aged poorly. The problem is on the diet they cant eat fat because number 4 happens and they rapidly gain weight...
    We haven't began covering how number 2 (The starch solution diet) is Low omega 3 fats/high sugar that hamers the brain. Watching Dr Barnard talks hes not wrong about everything there is plenty of truth to his teaching, like everything else which serves to sugar coat the false message.
    The interesting part: Number 2 and Number 3 both cure everything. Practitioners in both camps have great success with there patients. But there is a critical difference, number 2 is not sustainable long term. This is the catch no one sees that endorse The starch solution diet. This is unhealthy veganism. 
    When looking deeper, number 3 Keto/Carnivore have the highest cancer cure rates. Look into doctors/practitioners that employ this diet for cancer treatment, compare with other diet plans... look at the results and you will find the truth. 
    Side note: Chemotherapy, the only reason this works is because the patients receiving the poison are so sick they stop eating, start fasting and because they stopped eating the things that caused the cancer there body heals itself. Chemo does not cure cancer its the fasting and diet changes that gives there body time to heal. The only thing the chemo ensures is that someone is going to make a profit off of the patient and the patient is going to spend the next 20 years devastated as they watch their body rapidly deteriorate from the delayed effects of the highly toxic chemo "treatment". 

  3. "Your pussy belongs to me" - This will drive her nuts with excitement
    Girlfriend doesn't know how to police her shit
    Most girls who cheat do not want to cheat, it happens by accident because they are just being girls and not thinking ahead.
    So it does help to set rules for her. She needs leadership. Without proper rules a girl like that will cheat. In the end a girl like that will end up with a guy who has the balls to lead her properly. She will keep floating around like a butterfly until a serious man catches her. That's how highly feminine women are. In a sense it's a test of how much you want her and how much of a man you. If you want a highly feminine girl, you must claim her as yourself. You literally have to tell her, "Your pussy belongs to me." This will drive her nuts with excitement. That's what she wants. The more feminine she is the more she wants it.

  4. the perfect boyfriend
    Are women on dating apps broken? Or am I doing something wrong?
    @Yali A cool, developed guy with a great sense of humor, who makes her feel strong emotions, who has a cool lifestyle, and has his life put together. Has a good career, is comfortable financially, is passionate about life, is very experienced, confident, and comfortable with himself. Who is emotionally stable and treats a girl well.
    That is the perfect boyfriend.

  5. Physical Attraction in Dating
    Physical Attraction in Dating
    Obviously she must feel attraction for you.
    But girls are mostly attracted by how you make them feel. Talking to them logically about it does no good. This is why you develop game and why you talk to many girls, not one. You screen them for attraction very quickly and early on so you don't waste your time.

  6. My girlfriend wants sex every day and I can't
    My girlfriend wants sex every day and I can't
    I'm sorry but I can't help but be amused at your circumstance with a HUGE grin on my face.
    Less than year ago you were here asking for advice on how to get a girlfriend and how to lose your virginity. Now here you are with a problem most men would trade a limb for.

    Life is a funny thing ain't it?
    Anyways, you need to communicate to her that you guys should savor your sex a bit more and have it less frequently. You've gotta be comfortable enough with each other to set a boundary and say, "hey babe not right now, let's wait til tomorrow." If she is mature she should be able to take that at face value and not turn it into an argument. It doesn't mean you aren't attracted to her, you just have to say you're tired and not into it at that moment. It shouldn't take any explaining.
    My girlfriend LOVES morning sex and molests me every time we wake up trying to arouse me, but I'm only into it once in a while so I need to put my foot down. I just give her a kiss and say, "Let me wake up and get my energy and I will screw your brains out later ." She doesn't pout or whine, she respects my answer.
    If your girl doesn't respect your answer the first time you say it, you have a problem and need to sort some boundaries out.

  7. My girlfriend wants sex every day and I can't
    My girlfriend wants sex every day and I can't
    Communication is the key to healthy relationships.
    Having sex too often ruins sex.

  8. Importance of Nightgaming
    Importance of Nightgaming
    Nightgame is where boys are made lions.

    Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange Examples Mega-Thread
    @Bryanbrax After the success of Cyberpunk, they will soon be corrupted. Their top talent will burn out and leave and CD Projekt Red will turn into EA, Blizzard, Bethesda, Bioware. That's what always happens. The more success they get, the more money they earn, the bigger their hits, the more corrupt and heartless they become.
    Once you reach that level of success and size, it all becomes a corporate machine and it will never be about the art.
    AAA game development is basically unsustainable from a creative/artistic POV. It's fucking meatgrinder.

  10. AAA game development = Orange Indie game development = Green
    Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange Examples Mega-Thread
    That's why I quit the AAA game industry within 1 year.
    It's a soulcrushing meatgrinder. Indie games are the way.
    AAA game development = Orange
    Indie game development = Green

  11. I'm addicted to sex
    I'm addicted to sex
    Find something in life that you care about so much that you stop caring about sex.

  12. There are TWICE as many single men age 18-29 than women
    There are TWICE as many single men age 18-29 than women
    If you socialize a lot, girls will sleep with you just by pure accident.
    At some point a girl will literally just walk up to you and ask you to take her home.

  13. What makes a good leader?
    What makes a good leader?
    It's a myth that good leaders are ruthless. The ruthless ones tend to get deposed rather quickly. A good leader requires compassion for his followers or they will eat him alive.
    Ruthlessness is a bad leadership strategy in a developed country. It might work in a stage Red country.
    If followers find you abusive, they will rebel against you. Unless you kill a bunch of them.

  14. How to identify, convince, recruit, and Attract Talent?
    How to identify, convince, recruit, and Attract Talent?
    What you're really talking about is leadership. Study how good leadership works.
    A leader is someone who has a strong vision and strong values and then is able to find others whose values align with his and communicates his vision to them.
    So you need vision, you need values, you need to get good a communicating that to others, and then you just need to screen people for their values, and screen out people who aren't serous.

  15. Working in something you don't like + LP
    Working in something you don't like + LP
    I slept normally, about 8 hrs.
    I just didn't have much of a social or family life.
    I didn't do it for long. It took me about 6 months to become financially independent and quit my day job. But this is unusually fast. In many ways I got lucky. Most people won't be able to pull that off. But I was very creative and ambitious.
    If you are creative, strategic, ambitious, and manipulative enough, you can achieve amazing results rather quickly. Although that does take a toll on your soul.

  16. Artists aren't as impactful as engineers, People don't care about Art
    Artists aren't as impactful as engineers, People don't care about Art
    People REALLY care about art. Just not crappy art or art they never heard before. You gotta make good shit, and market it. (: 
    You don't need a massive following to earn good money in the modern age. Plenty of online courses teach you to make a decent living from a mall audience (ie 1000-15000 fans)

  17. lmao
    Girlfriend gets in the way of getting work done
    more sex definitely does for some weird reason make my girlfriend less bitchy and annoying as well, she will get angry sometimes if I don’t fuck her for a few days and she definitely won’t ask for it either. She wants to feel wanted and desired and for me to make all the moves. 

  18. Toxicity in YOUR lifestyle Giga-Thread
    Toxicity in YOUR lifestyle Giga-Thread
    Eliminate plastic dishes, utensiles, cups.
    Replace aluminum baking pans with steel.
    Don't use aluminum foil for cooking.
    Don't microwave food in plastic.
    Be careful with chemical cleaners, sprays, weed-killer, bug spray, etc.
    Be careful with makeup, lots of heavy metals there.
    Be careful with certain spices, lots of heavy metals.
    Be careful with any powdered foods.
    Be careful with baby food.
    Be careful with pet food.
    Be careful with talc powder.
    Be careful with fast food wrappers and containers.
    Be careful handling receipts, they are covered in toxins.
    Be careful with sunscreen, full of toxins.
    Be careful with non-MRNA vaccines, may contain mercury.
    Be careful with seafood, especially anything you fish out of a lake yourself.
    Be careful with gasoline fumes, smog, exhaust, pollution. Never live within a mile of a major highway.
    Never buy flourescent light bulbs, they are extremely toxic.
    Never get any metal into your mouth at the dentist. Do not get any metal crowns, all-ceramic only. No metal filings.
    Never accept routine flouride treatments at the dentist.
    Be careful with birth control pills and devices.
    Upgrade all your soaps, cleaners, and detergents to all-natural ones.
    Upgrade your shampoo and bodywash.
    Avoid food coloring.
    Avoid artificial sweetners like Splenda and aspartame.

  19. Insane
    Leo, answer this question please.
    I could be a lot more developed.
    I feel the pain from my lack of development every day.
    Well, there's a lot you could do, but in a nutshell I would boil it down to this:
    1) First, prime your mind with reading and studying a wide array of sources and perspectives, like by reading the sources in my book list and watching my videos. You need some basic theory as grist for your contemplation mill.
    2) Then, after some years you will have a solid theoretical foundation and the real work can begin. Now you stop reading and learning theory, and you start doing serious contemplation. 1000s of hours of thinking everything through for yourself and deriving every answer for yourself from scratch from first principles and direct experience.
    3) And then you turn your attention to observing your ego-mind at work, and become a master of your own self-deception and egoic reactions.
    You don't have to complete one step before doing the others. In practice you should be intermixing them.
    Of course practices like meditation and psychedelics become really important after a while.
    Perhaps most importantly, have an insatiable curiosity and passion for understanding reality at the deepest levels, and never settle for beliefs or the words of humans. That's really my only secret. All I do is just rentlessly pursue pure understanding by derviving all of it for myself from direct experience and intuition. This is what I've called Pure Philosophy.
    The doing of Pure Philosophy leads to the highest wisdom. That's it. See my episode: An Intro To Serious Philosophy. That's my process.

  20. Big mistakes lead to big growth.
    QAnon Plot To Overthrow German Government Foiled
    That's no accident. Big mistakes lead to big growth.

  21. Am I contemplating properly?
    Am I contemplating properly?
    Contemplation is step #1.
    The key is to derive your own answers with as little human bias as possible.

  22. Opening line
    What's the perfect opener?
    You can always turn an indirect/social approach into a direct one by dropping in a simple line like, "Oh my god, I just noticed, you're so adorable."
    Like this:
    You: "Hey, I thought I'd meet you."
    Her: "Oh, Hi. I'm Sarah."
    You: "OMG, I just noticed, you're so adorable. I'm Leo."
    You can drop such lines anywhere in the conversation to turn it from a social one into a sexually charged one.

  23. Almost all of my suffering comes from wanting a girlfriend
    Almost all of my suffering comes from wanting a girlfriend
    You cannot learn socializing through a book.
    Stop thinking of this issue as even pickup-related.
    It's not really about pickup, it's about the fact that you are fundamentally insecure with yourself around other human beings. You lack core socialization skills. This is not about manipulating women into bed, it's about the fact that you are incapable of walking up to a stranger and holding a fun conversation.
    Yes, and the only way you'll develop that is by socializing with 1000s of people. So get out there and get started. You don't fix this sitting at home thinking about it. Go out, approach, socialize. You don't even need to do it with girls. You could learn it by talking to guys.
    As you develop those skills, you will get a girlfriend along the way. You don't need to stress about that. What you need to do is start developing the social skills like going to the gym.
    I've gone through this process. From zero. Nothing you're describing is in any way original or unique to you. Tens of thousands of guys have gone through it. You can too. It's not easy, but it's worth the effort.

  24. quote
    I wanna do something reckless but I'm hesitant
    Push your mind, body, and soul to their breaking points. Then rest. Then do it again. Over and over as a cycle. Until one day you have the mind of an omniscient machine, a body of strength, and a soul that has seen many traumas and healings and is now complete.

  25. Book on things called "female" <- joke
    No Way You Can Be Good At Dating Without This Book "The Female Brain"
    I haven't finished reading yet, but man! This book highlights how a woman actually feels, thinks and see the world around her in different stages of her life.
    If you're a woman and read it, I guarantee you will be crying of how it tells things accurately. If you are a man and haven't read it yet, you're going to have troubles understanding women for the rest of your life.
    Called The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine
    Good to be coupled with Leo's video titled:  Masculinity vs Femininity - Psychology Of The Male & Female Mind