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Everything posted by WonderSeeker

  1. I don't but plan to in 10 years (I'm 26).
  2. Ah, sheit. I used to think the same way. And guess what? I didn't succeed. Why do you assume truth is not practical? Don't you need to practice something to access truth?
  3. Simple: being open-minded is a meta-opinion you have. You prefer it over being closed-minded. Open-mindedness even allows you to be closed-minded in cases where you don't have all available data (which is 99.99% of the time). Follow your gut and course-correct to save time.
  4. ^Is this the main reason you want to go the USB route? You're giving up interlinking, embedding, ease of access, time, etc. Seems like a hassle. PDFs in a folder is so 2010
  5. @Leo Gura You sonofabitch, I had work to do!
  6. This was fun. Got me thinking deeper about thought and relationship. But it goes w/o saying: knowing SD biases the results up! I could see which Qs = which color stages as I took the the test. It forced me to use my felt-sense to choose answers rather than choosing the ideal answer that I don't genuinely believe yet. Thanks for sharing!
  7. Happy year 40! Does it feel like you've lived multiple lives in a way?
  8. I've met Owen multiple times IRL. Great guy. You can tell his heart is in the right place. He loves his kids. Spends lots of money to take them with him on his travels. But I sometimes wonder: does he guide his kids toward what they authentically like/want, or is he just trying to get them to be a particular way (the way he wants them to be)? Owen has light-level autism and clearly psychomotor overexcitabilities (he can'tstay still and can talk infinately). He's unique in these ways. I wonder if he's projecting these on Dylan when maybe Dylan is more sensitive in other ways? Time will tell. Personally I think no matter what parents do, every individual needs to find themselves. Owen says he never lets his kids see him angry. So what happens when Dylan gets his wallet stolen by a crackhead. Will he be allow himself to feel anger + take appropriate action? Who knows.
  9. As they say, show don't tell
  10. Most of you have not heard about this model. Disciples of Clair Graves's work did a helluva job popularizing it into Spiral Dynamics. But not so much with Kazimierz Dabrowski's theory of positive disintegration (TPD). Yet, this model deserves to be as well-known IMO. This is for you if you are: gifted an HSP extrasensory alienated by society in general The theory places emotional intelligence (EQ) over cognitive (IQ) in terms of real transformation to get to levels of consciousness of mystics and sages. The theory says if you're going though deep emotional struggle as you try to make sense of self and society, it's a massive sign you're actually growing. As you develop you define your values more and more sharply and begin living them more closely. This is what forms a human personality, as opposed to fitting-in. I could go on and on. Here's a couple resources if you're curious. Also can't recommend the book by Sal Mendaglio enough. I'm making a big study out of this work and plan to teach it online in combination with trauma release. @Leo Gura you should check this out. Pairs well with SD and EDT.
  11. It's funny cuz I feel like I'm living two lives where on the left hand I mingle with society. But on the right I explore myself and my passions deeply. Yeah the model sort of breaks down around Level V.
  12. Brother, that's actually part of the model. At Level I you have some people who maladjust to society in the negative direction (pyschopaths, sociopaths). But you can also have people who are positively maladjusted. These are the ones who start progressing through the levels. Doesn't mean they cram themselves into their homes and do nothing. You stay in society as you learn to make more sense of it and your emotions. Interesting. I've been in sales for a year. There's some truth to what you said about the stereotype. However, I literally "winged" with some of the top reps in the D2D industry last year. They're fuckin machines and ABSOLUTELY will act nice and do anything to get the sale. No different than a sexy stripper girl walking up and sedeucing guys at the strip club. Then you have genuine dudes who connect with people and find real Win/Wins. I have a friend in furniture sales who does exactly this. Then, yes, you have MLK 'selling' millions on his vision. This sales thing was quite the tangent... Watching the above videos is like licking a 4x10 foot popsicle that comprises the whole theory. Like any other model you need to study it deeply. Or you'll easily misunderstand it.
  13. @Ramanujan What currently interests you? What were you hoping to get from Mastery but didn't? What project are you working on? - - - Helps to have a goal. If you don't know it, ask yourself questions like those above. Once you know your why, you'll find the right book. Or it'll find you.
  14. @ShardMare This is one of those questions where you just wanna sit in it rather than answer it. Because most answers are circular and don't get you deeper. Just look at everything above ^ I think Leo has some video called Sameness vs Difference you could check out. But really you can't get a solid answer to this Q through language. Try feeling for it instead.
  15. @TheGod Based thread my friend. I went through a similar phase early on. Only went to this one club because it had this hypnotic Japanese DJ. Everyone had swirls in their eyes. Had my first makeout there. Good times. Yours are on the way.
  16. Being evil isn't freedom. It's actually below freedom.
  17. @Leo Gura On the Corruption of Success post... First of all, that was one hell of a read. Pure brilliance. But as I read it, questions shot up. Does that mean that to find success, it's necessary to fail a ton? I failed massively at business in my first year, but now I'm starting to reach the early stages of success. I'm already wondering how I might fall into this trap myself and how to avoid it. Do you recommend staying highly connected to those who are a few steps behind you to remember what the average person deals with, so as not to enter too rigid of a bubble? I imagine being picky with friends helps too. Cheers man-
  18. A bit of a clickbait--- What I've been trying to wrap my head around for weeks is why otherwise intelligent thought-leaders threw their support behind Trump. @Leo Gura, your recent post about political lessons riled me up to post this. In the past couple years I've had the fortune of meeting Owen Cook several times. Cool, quirky guy. Taught me a lot. However, he put out a couple of videos earlier in the year that sent off alarm bells in the pit of my stomache. "No f*cking way," I thought. This guy is... a Trumper. Here are the videos. You'll notice in these videos, he didn't outright say he supported Trump. But if you're aware enough, it'll be obvious. Own is a self-proclaimed individualist. After being the closest person to Julien-gate (outside of Julien himself), he must have gotten the idea in him that "oh shit, they can take me down at any minute." Which to be fair to him, is true. And that's the problem. Owen sees Trump as the best option for getting him to a place where he can post what he really wants. For proof, here's a recent chat between us [attached]. At the end of the day, he is looking out for himself and he's afraid of his own freedoms. This of course, at the expense of all the disastrous shit Trump is going to do when he resumes power. And that's the problem, not just with Owen, but with Rogan, Lex, JP, and the other bros who hopped on the train. They would rather ride the bro-train then actually stand for the truth. That's why Lex and Rogan sucked Trump's dick in their interviews. Never challenged him once. --- I stopped following Owen and his teachings months ago and I don't regret it. Still a great guy with life-changing content. But the political crap was a selfish mistake. Time will tell.
  19. Spot on. There's a lot of fear in the air about money insecurity these days. I partially agree. In my own estimation, big-tech corruption is apolitical. Meaning, shit gets censored both ways. That "claims" to uphold them. A Trump presidency might free people like Owen up more. But if you take the collective all together, I don't have high hopes for the next 4 years. Oh well, at least some people's morale's will be up even if it's total delusion.
  20. Genius newsletter by Dan Koe on the digital creator economy, and how you can use Cook-Greuter's EDT to move people up the spiral: https://thedankoe.com/letters/the-best-one-person-business-for-smart-people-2025/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZ-VU1a5bqcxZfheCWBExz7JHCIt0-fQwM6SGCU-aVs-TJT5pyS87L1-GQ_aem_Lc2KT_aMcVxHxRdr5VE7GA
  21. I spoke to one of Dan's friends last week. His favorite creator is Leo.
  22. Brother, I'm also 26. And I have a similar trauma response. All I'm saying is you need to stop punishing yourself. You are your own worst enemy here. What will it take to change, in your own words?
  23. First, do what @r0ckyreed said. Second, learn an actionable skill, learn branding, marketing, and productizing on social media. Ideally, when you have some $, join a group with someone who knows how to help people make money online (ethically ofc). Dan Koe or Dakota Robertson are examples of such people. This is the slower, but wiser way to make $$$ online and get out of your predicament for good. And @Yimpa , is being poor really allowing yourself to be as authentic as you want?
  24. @Magnanimous What the actual fuck did I just read. You're only 17!!!! Dude, I literally met Jeffy in person, and he told me he didn't start socializing until he was 26 (which I am currently). He was probably worse than you, hahah I get your position, you feel like you're late to the game. But only at 17? Jesus, you haven't even started! Jeffy:
  25. @trenton I'm going to answer this in 2 ways. First of all, you listed several different problems in your post. Too many to realistically address. This sub-communicates to me "I hate myself." You can stop being so harsh on yourself... that is at least 69% of the problem right there! I mean, just look at the language you used to talk about yourself here: It's difficult to improve when it's coming from the place of "I suck." _________ Second, you're between 19-22, right? You sir, are already 420% ahead of other people. Why? You know what you like. Out of the 6 passions you listed, 4 are subjects and 2 are mode of expression. So, I would take those 4 subjects and decide: Out of these, what's the one that resonates most? Then, start writing Tweets, making short-form videos in IG, or long-form on YT about chess, psychology, etc. Just to get some reps in. If you want to make money from it, use ChatGPT to figure out what pain points people have in these areas, then write/shoot content that helps them develop from where they are, 2 steps behind you. Then create a course or do coaching calls to help them. Just spitballing, lol If you're still not sure, then it's because you don't have enough life experience. Also, you don't yet see how the different puzzle pieces of your life could fit together based on the limited data you currently have. This is where you make bold decisions and move forward. Peace