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About WonderSeeker

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  • Birthday 02/14/1998

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    Scottsdale, AZ
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  1. Bro skipped church! 😂 Definately a pro move. You must be from Utah. People I've met there are either Morman, morman outcast refugees, or New Age ESPs like Teal Swan.
  2. Structuralism = God Logic = Jesus
  3. Troll level 9000 achieved
  4. what kind of AI response was that hahaha Woah that's wild. But that's a perfect example of being Positively Integrated. Life is simpler and functional. Nothing wrong with it per se. Where would you place yourself now having removed yourself from the Morman way? There's five. I. Positive Integration II. Unilevel Disintegration III. Spontaneous Multilevel Disintegration (no going back) IV. Coordinated Multilevel Disintegration V. Positive Reintegration Level five pairs well with the tenth Ox-hearding picture. Master returns to the marketplace. 1,000% with the scarcity thing. It feels so wrong when you know they're psychologically weak and you "sell" them. I regret a couple sales where I pressured them.
  5. I have the best speeches. The finest. You know it. They know it. The ratings. Oh! And, do the weave.
  6. Trip went from 10am to 6pm
  7. What's up, y'all. First trip report in years. No, the title is not clickbait, I actually became Trump on today's trip (read on). A little context... From 2019-2023, ALL my LSD/mushroom trips ran exactly the same. Light-hearted "museum" dose trips where I explored my senses and let my consciousness roam around my environment. But 2024-now? Trips literally teleport me between "this" reality and somewhere else. In today's 3.5g mushroom trip, I had the usual come-up symptoms: - tingly feeling along spine - visual enhancements - clear insights I lied down on my hotel room floor, windows shades open, so the sun could shine on my body. The warmth felt amazing. When it felt natural I got up and sat in my bed (like I was on a roller coaster waiting to depart the station). I got really cold so I put on several layers. What happened next I could not have predicted. I felt like I hitched a ride on a rocket ship leaving the planet - no control. I surrendered my entire being. I became the earth. Climate change took over. As the earth, I watched forests get wiped-out by 10,000 mph winds. Earthquakes shaking all civilization down. Then, even more shocking... I BECAME Donald Trump. I merged with his consciousness and experienced billionaire wealth and supreme commander power. It felt great and shockingly I felt no resistance (I'm not a Trump fan by the way). From here I got up and looked out of my 6th floor hotel window. I observed the busy Taco Bell with pure awareness. I felt the struggle of the drive thru patrons as they confusingly navigated the poor set-up. All seen from an eagle-view. What happened next is where it got CRAZY. I slid into my FIRST EVER rodeo with infinite love. I get swept up in a fuckin oceanic hurricane of deep, pure love. I started flipping around my hotel room. I tore my bed apart and summer-salted off of it 2 or 3 times (somehow didn't sustain any injuries). Just when I thought it was over, it was not. The love kept getting more and more infinite. It was so good I couldn't fucking believe it... pure ecstasy. I could literally hear the frequency in my ears getting higher and higher as I soared beyond reality. I thought of Ken Wilber, Peter Ralston, Leo. I realized I'm creating them and I became conscious of how I was doing it. The whole time I felt like I was orgasming HARD from my root through my ribs. Tears slowly and gently leaked out of my eyes and into nothingness. I knew trips could take you places, but this was a totally different level. Who else has had such experiences???
  8. I don't but plan to in 10 years (I'm 26).
  9. Ah, sheit. I used to think the same way. And guess what? I didn't succeed. Why do you assume truth is not practical? Don't you need to practice something to access truth?
  10. Simple: being open-minded is a meta-opinion you have. You prefer it over being closed-minded. Open-mindedness even allows you to be closed-minded in cases where you don't have all available data (which is 99.99% of the time). Follow your gut and course-correct to save time.
  11. ^Is this the main reason you want to go the USB route? You're giving up interlinking, embedding, ease of access, time, etc. Seems like a hassle. PDFs in a folder is so 2010
  12. @Leo Gura You sonofabitch, I had work to do!
  13. This was fun. Got me thinking deeper about thought and relationship. But it goes w/o saying: knowing SD biases the results up! I could see which Qs = which color stages as I took the the test. It forced me to use my felt-sense to choose answers rather than choosing the ideal answer that I don't genuinely believe yet. Thanks for sharing!
  14. Happy year 40! Does it feel like you've lived multiple lives in a way?
  15. I've met Owen multiple times IRL. Great guy. You can tell his heart is in the right place. He loves his kids. Spends lots of money to take them with him on his travels. But I sometimes wonder: does he guide his kids toward what they authentically like/want, or is he just trying to get them to be a particular way (the way he wants them to be)? Owen has light-level autism and clearly psychomotor overexcitabilities (he can'tstay still and can talk infinately). He's unique in these ways. I wonder if he's projecting these on Dylan when maybe Dylan is more sensitive in other ways? Time will tell. Personally I think no matter what parents do, every individual needs to find themselves. Owen says he never lets his kids see him angry. So what happens when Dylan gets his wallet stolen by a crackhead. Will he be allow himself to feel anger + take appropriate action? Who knows.