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Everything posted by tenshi

  1. First off, greatest. forum. ever. Props to Leo & the team. One of my passions is Asian languages, one being Japanese in particular, because the values are embedded in the very structure of the language. There's one Japanese word which brought a lot of clarity in my journey called "IKI-GAI", in short "Life Purpose" or "Life Worth". It's interesting as it's broken down into 4 sections which involves some major areas of life. If we're able to hit all 4 of these sections on a particular pathway/activity of our calling, we're ultimately able to feel our 'worth', therefore fulfilment. There was a great quote, by a psychiatrist called Kobayashi Tsukasa regarding IKIGAI
  2. Interesting subject, when reading this an example came to mind. I've often seen people who owns cats and dogs, within that environment the animals influence each other's personalities. I've seen them even adopt the mannerisms and habits of each other. My point is, is the cat acting like it's a dog, unauthentic to it's true cat-like nature? or is it just useful for that moment to adopt a certain behaviour to get us through that moment. Or how sea divers mimic a fish's way of swimming also inauthentic to our human nature? Maybe it is inauthentic and there's a better way, more unique to us or maybe not. I guess we just use things to get us through a moment until we discover something deeper, at least this is what I've found on my journey.