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About Panos

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  1. Hey guys, thanks for taking the time to read my long post give me some indication of where you're at with it. I've read your responses and I'm in agreement with what I've read. Nothing to add. It seems it's all a balance between open mindedness and watching our step for delusion. Both of these two are important. And the latter sometimes causes triggering and projections of the type where people are too quick to call out messiahs. all best to you guys
  2. @Galyna Sounds a bit familiar to be honest. Like sometimes I wish I could go back to finding meaning and purpose in things I used to, just because it's practical and in line with coping with society.However this meaninglessness for me is not that heavy all the time. Hope it's not interfering with your life in a radical way... we need to be giving ourselves time for proper integration of the non-dual thing. Best of luck to you!
  3. Hi everyone, and sorry for the click-baity title. Hope it worked cause I actually have something that could possibly be constructive to be talked about. I wanna share some thoughts I've had lately that have been reenforced over time. First of all I wanna tell you that I've been following the channel since 2016. I've watched maybe 80% + of the videos and know what all this is about. And frankly it has been extremely helpful and I mostly have feelings of gratitude that such a thing even exists, let alone it being for free. At this point I can honestly tell with no doubt that I see myself a changed person since 2016 and I owe it partly to this channel. But I, as a person, am beside the point of this post - just giving you a background to let you know I am very well acquainted with the channel and overall very positive about it, and not some ''outsider'' who stumbled upon Leo's recent videos and came here to make some noise. So as I said I've been watching the videos and lately, Leo has come up with lots of grandiose, pompous statements. I, as a well-acquainted viewer, have some context to receive them with little to no reactiveness cause as I've said I have the context that explains away the grandiose feel one might get from them. I am acquainted with the flavours, the nuances and connotations that words such as ''God'' have in Leo's vocabulary. In other words, I know the ''language game'' that is being played when Leo says ''I am God'' and other maybe more ''outrageous'' stuff. The problem is: people who stumble upon the videos of Leo do not. Or even if they do have some context for these statements from the general non-dual talk that the current culture provides , they still do not to the degree that someone who's followed this channel for years does. And what comes out of this, is people from the non-dual and the psychedelic community being alienated and averting from an otherwise hugely valuable source, that this channel is. And valuable, in half a dozen other dimensions, not just the spiritual one (spiral dynamics, life purpose, etc). Take for example the Adeptus Psychonautica guy. I knew of his channel before, and even though I haven't watched more than 4-5 of his videos, which btw I thought were very decent, I'm subscribed to it. He pretty much went through the kind of alienation that I'm describing above. And he's made two videos putting down this channel, to some extend. He seems to be trying to give a balanced reaction to, and not take stuff completely out of context, strawman them etc... but still the channel is getting some bad reputation as if it's a cult, with some messiah guy on top, ego-gratifying himself in his online echo chamber. the adeptus psychonautica criticisms: Another angle, I wanna tackle this from is about what dynamic is being cultivated by the more grandiose, pompous utterances of Leo. I remember Ram Dass saying that he observed that, in his work as a psychotherapist, the roles themselves that each party of the ''transaction'' adopted, meaning on the one side the ''healer'' and on the other ''patient'', were a very limiting factor in the psychotherapeutic process. As long as Ram Dass would identify with the healer end of this transaction, it was reenforced that the other person would automatically play into the ''healer''-''patient'' dynamic and adopt the patient role. And this dynamic would become chronic and would prevent ''patients'' from getting over their ''patient'' identity. In parallel to this, you could say, that as long as the packaging of the teachings of Leo reflects, even partially, that of the messiah, the non-dual healer, the master, etc, people who are attracted to this channel will tend to automatically assume the other part of the equation and play the ''depended needy follower''. And that kind of psychology is exactly what a good cult is built upon. And it doesn't only take a stable ''teacher'' so that stuff doesn't turn into a cult. It's also depended on what kind of idiosyncrasies are attracted by said teacher. My personal feelings about the recent videos: As I said, I have watched this channel enough to tune into the connotations of whatever Leo says, and explain away the occasional wackiness, however there is still a part of me that has put the last 6-12 months of the channel's content into a new mental category abbreviated by something like ''outlandish stuff that I should take with a grain of salt for now and focus on the ''work'' (spiritual) before assuming they're true''. Before all that, I had this channel categorised as a 100% legit source among many many others I've got. But nowdays for example, I would be quite reluctant to suggest it without a ''grain-of'salt'' type intro to a newbie friend. For one, I wouldn't like them to stumble upon a random video, listen to some out of context messiah wackiness and then think I'm wacky, too, for listening to such stuff and suggesting it with no hesitation (and yes, I'm aware this is more petty, ego stuff on my part, but we're human and it's not bad to take humanness into account when it's about pr) and would not believe that it's gonna be healthy for a person that has little context to come across such ideas. This could partly be because much of the content is not suited for newbies. But also I'm not myself 100% convinced that all that Leo says is legit, and not outright delusional. I'm just trying to keep some balance between what ideas are floating in my head and what 1st person experiences I have that back the said ideas. And yes, ''I should shut up and go do more vipassana 10 days and dmt and self inquiry, etc, and then I'll know for myself''. And yes, ''all is LOVE, and all I need is stop caring about such PR little things and love, love, love all you need is love''. I'm all with you about these things, I totally agree, for all I currently know. Indeed the bottom line is LOVE. But this post isn't about the bottom line, it's about practical PR stuff that could affect the spread of the message. And I feel there needs to be some space for this conversation, too as well as with the actual work. And from this perspective I'm having this scenario in my head, that if I and other people who try to approach this non-dual thing in a non-delusional way are alienated, then most of the people who end up staying in this channel, might end up being the wackiest among us who want to fill their heads with outlandish, non-critically/empirically tested ideas. (I'm not reffering to anyone particular, I don't generally visit the forum I don't know if there are specific people who are like that). So to wrap this up, all I'm saying is that the non-dual message can probably be shared without the pompous tone. I understand that Leo may be demonstrating how confident he is about this message, how much he can stand behind the words he's uttering. And that's a good thing and he probably feels authentic doing it. The friction starts where this message is interpreted as megalomaniacal, messianic etc. Whether this is people just projecting their own stuff on Leo or not, is beside the point. For all I know Leo might be so ahead of the curve from the current non-dual culture, that he ends up being perceived as a lunatic. The point is that the non-dual message can be transmitted in a spiral-dynamics-informed way, taking into account who's receiving it and sort of adjusting to it. Not to the degree that's watered down, of course. I don't know, guys... just some quarantine thoughts filling the gap of my current do-nothingness. BTW this message is not targeted directly to Leo only. I don't actually feel, as I'm writing all this that I'm writing it to Leo himself. It's more like I'm putting my thoughts down, and wanting to share them to see if any people are on the same page. I can't even say that I'm totally aligned with all the above thoughts. They certainly are just a fraction of the thoughts I have on the channel. I can tell Leo is putting an admirable amount of work into this all, and probably it's mostly work that is not visible. He is also brave enough to go through these experiences in a very public way. I honestly wish all the best and all the luck to him and all the Love and to everyone here. and to all creatures. peace