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Everything posted by SamueLSD

  1. 'My cosmos' is the cosmos, there is no other. Nice post!
  2. @Lyubov Yep. However psychedelics will not damage your body like steroids.
  3. Depends. More shadows, more delusions. An ill-prepared trip can lead to more trauma.
  4. Don't be impatient. This is key to awakening, you aren't ready yet. Neither am I! I have shadow work to do. Also, you have all the time in the world. You aren't going to run out of time.
  5. Same here man. You guys had a good conversation for the most part, don't worry about it.
  6. Today during my daily 30 minute meditation, I had various negative thoughts and feelings arise, so I decided it was the perfect time to do some thoughtless shadow work. I began to visualise love upon everything that came into mind. People who have affected me negatively, people I don't know, myself, everything. The negative feelings quickly transformed into a melancholy, yet powerful sense of love. I had a realisation - Love is simply what is when there is no conditions applied / no mind-filter there to decide what is and isn't love. When I had my first awakening/breakthrough, there was only love, simply because there was no one there to judge what love is. Everything was instantaneously accepted and perfect. If something exists, it is automatically and unconditionally accepted and loved, and it actually IS love, because it 'is'. Now for my question: Is there truth to what I am saying / any traps I might be falling into?
  7. That makes more sense than I originally thought
  8. @28 cm unbuffed Breath properly, but do not necessarily focus on breathing too much. Really make it a goal to get good at meditating in a few months to a year. Have you tried 'do nothing'? It has helped me to accept all feelings that arise and watch them disappear without any effort needed.
  9. Be content with the present. Maybe you need a different meditation technique, or some Stoic philosophy.
  10. Maybe you define / think of it differently, but at the end of the day I believe we are talking about the same thing. I think he meant "Love is the end of all differences", as in "Love is what you realise when you dissolve all differences". Meaning, being trapped is still love, you just aren't truly aware of it.
  11. Visualisations are thoughts , I guess. However what I meant was, there was no logic / words involved. I was meant to be 'doing nothing', but hey, I make the rules
  12. @Jacobsrw Thanks @Inliytened1 I've gotten there once, not while meditating however. I needed a little help from my... friends. I have been doing the Love visualisation exercises like i described in the original post, which does get me somewhere. It isn't quite infinity though. It feels like love because it is love. Either we are talking about completely different things, or you are using the wrong words. It didn't feel like the love I have for my mother, or a girlfriend ( I had one at the time ), but I still immediately identified it as love once I regained the ability to identify. Without question or doubt. There simply was no room for ego, or anything other than the love I was experiencing! No blissful state I have entered has compared to this one awakening I had about 3 months ago. I've taken 600ug of LSD, large mushroom doses, and I still have not reached that state again. Probably because I was trying to, now that I think of it. It just came, without warning, about 10 hours after a low dose LSD trip, with about 0.2 grams of weed ( thats like, 2 puffs ) Tears ran down my eyes, but I didn't realise this until ego returned. This singular experience is why I actually made this account on Actualized, and it was my first post. I have no doubt it was love, no explanation you could give would convince me otherwise. I wouldn't call it enlightenment, or infinite consciousness, it felt like I was experiencing only that particular facet - Love.
  13. @Michal__ The thing I find cool about this: It is like a sterotypical psychedelic trip that TV shows / movies / memes portray. The entire room becomes imagination land, not just fractals and morphing shapes. Might have to try it lol
  14. @Jacobsrw So, you're saying don't try and rely on others to 'locate' love, or 'direct' love toward? @Leo Gura That's a good vision. Will do!
  15. @inFlow Of course. My experience was merely a glimpse. I'd be pretty sad if that was the end of the line
  16. If I go to sleep with the intention of doing this, will i do it in the dream? It is difficult, as I am literally in a different reality and I have no recollection that I fell 'asleep'
  17. Thats the best part about it, it's effortless once it happens What exactly do you mean by 'exuding it to others'
  18. I don't think Love is a 'he'. But yes I would