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Everything posted by SamueLSD

  1. I only speak English and I had to re-read some parts, Lol
  2. Pretty much man. Leo's fundamental videos are a good place to start, he has a list of the basic starter vids that will get you going and from there you can explore other teachings
  3. @Chimera "But are you guys happy knowing that? I mean, even if you live your life with this ideology, you will still one day or another suffer physically, mentally and/or emotionally. You do still have an identity to take care of (protecting yourself from danger, making sure all your needs are fulfilled, knowing and loving yourself) and other responsibilities." I answer with the question: are you happy not knowing? Not just 'are you ok with not knowing', but have you found clarity and are you absolutely content with just playing with concepts instead of actually knowing the nature of this marvellous mindfuck of an existence? This is not a belief or ideology - the very essence of consciousness work / self development is deconstructing all the beliefs you hold to allow what is true to arise. Although it may seem like a harmless error of terminology calling it an 'ideology', you must be careful, as that is exactly what we are avoiding. You are ego as ego is consciousness ( 'I', 'You' ) , but you are not limited to ego. The Knower and the known are not separate. Yes, you still have to 'play the game' (That's the best part), but you have a choice to do so with effortless peace, clarity, and love . Honestly, I'd suggest waiting on concepts like God and Divine Love for now, like @Forestluv said, and focus on the fundamentals. That's what I'm doing personally.
  4. Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrodinger, the godfathers of quantum physics, all suggested that an observer may affect the observed, and some later concluded that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of the universe. I am referring to this because these people were hardcore materialists. Everything, when inspected closely enough, or 'zoomed out' enough, points toward infinite consciousness. These people, along with all the enlightened masters you know, weren't trying to prove anything, they were trying to find truth with no bias. If you can make a whole post doubting non-duality, make one doubting materialism - if you are really dedicated to the true nature of yourself / the universe.
  5. Several months? Don't stress man, no one realizes god that fast. If you inspect closely enough, a materialist world is not only unproveable, as you cannot test something outside of consciousness, but actually inconceivable. I think you need to stop looking at all the things that seem to not be in your control, and realize what is in your control. What is reality? Mind. Perspective. What is the point of all of this work? Mastering your mind. You can only 'control' the mind by letting go of the need to control it. What does the fact that you can't control things like you are Jesus have to do with anything anyway? Are you open minded enough to consider that this 'rigid' reality where you seem to have no control IS exactly what you, consciousness ( because that is all YOU are ), intended it to be? How are you separate from universe? Have you considered why such a saint is feeling pure bliss? If you truly want the truth, be more sceptical of scepticism.
  6. By nobody's definition are you deluded. Ever heard of the 'many-worlds' / multiverse theory? Even materialists have come to the same conclusion that you have realised. They are just missing one thing: It is all consciousness. 'Many', and' multi' infer duality.
  7. I've obsessed over this question so many times, never reaching a proper conclusion. I've listened to Leo, Rupert Spira, and others, and they indeed say history, planets, basically anything outside of my own experience is completely imaginary and a belief, only for them to contradict themselves . For example, they directly refer to the experience of others as if it exists. How does that work? So, my question: Are things outside of my direct experience - including the perspective of another - imaginary in the sense that reality is imaginary, ( and they DO exist but I just haven't experienced them in their actuality ), OR are they imaginary in the sense that the idea of Santa Claus is imaginary, and are literally not there until I in some way observe them / experience them? If you care to comment your opinion, please elaborate on it rather than leave a blatant statement/fact that I can't contemplate further with. Thanks
  8. hahaha, well you aren't wrong. Yes, I guess you cannot become enlightened by going around in circles contemplating something that isn't in the present moment. Good point.
  9. Where does intelligence come from? What do we learn about? The universe.
  10. Not really a concept, just a habit. Letting go can be hard without psychedelics in my opinion. Mind manages to make even letting go a goal to achieve, which is the opposite of letting go. Lol
  11. Then how can you tell me mars does not exist? Watch Leo's vids on quantum mechanics if you haven't. Of course we can see it. how does that make it any more/less imaginary anyway? All we 'perceive' is imagination. We can feel mars in the sense that it's gravity is constantly affecting us. (You cannot legitimately make a distinction between this and me flying directly to mars and planting a flag on it.) So it exists as potential. Anyway, other than that you pretty much agreed with what I said. Gonna let this post die now, not much more can be said on the topic
  12. @Nahm So being happy and creating achieves in a more direct 'pathless' way what the pursuit is in essence also trying to achieve; clarity / truth?
  13. @Nahm Or are you saying that if I let it go, the answer will arise on it's own
  14. Would you call that the bliss of ignorance? Surely some devotion to curiosity is necessary for enlightenment?
  15. I feel this answer is what I am looking for. It makes perfect sense, even though it doesn't. Others replying believe that I'm a materialist looking for a direct answer, however I was mostly just confused as to how certain teachers explain the nature of consciousness. Of course mars exists, it is literally physically affecting me right now, as all things are entangled. Which also implies it doesn't exist separately from everything else ( Oneness ) I feel like you are right. It feels right to say; We are consciousness experiencing an inkling of the creative potential of consciousness, (that inkling being the 'physical' Universe ) through the limited perspective of mind. In other words, consciousness is the mind, which is limited ( finite ), but consciousness is not limited to the mind ( infinite ). I am not experiencing mars (this metaphor is getting old but I cannot stop using it lol) if I think about it, that is just thought, and if I actually somehow see it, I am still not experiencing it, that is just a sensation of sight. HOWEVER, its nature can be experienced through an awakening. Basically what I have learned from all these replies is: let go. Which I can now do with less resistance because I've gained some clarity.
  16. The thing is, if I continue without understanding it and just accept what they say, I'm just ignorantly believing things, which is the very thing we are NOT doing in this work. Lol
  17. There is no next. It is beyond time or the concept of a sequence.
  18. You eat plants and other chemicals that affect your mind every day, and you have done so your whole life. You're high on chemicals right now. Such is homeostasis. What makes those chemicals any better than a psychedelic? Don't see psychedelics as a 'cheat code' to awakening. You still have to do all the inner work that you are already doing to make them useful. It's like taking steroids to get really strong, you still have to go the gym . Only difference: they aren't unhealthy, and you're doing it for higher consciousness.
  19. Firstly, I'm not a materialist, I've contemplated my way out of that trap. I'm just very minfucked at the moment So, We imagine the brain, it is just a concept, a belief. Question: Then how come physiology directly affects our mind? There is only consciousness, but I am not directly conscious of my brain and it still seems to be 'there'. I'll put it another way: I am not directly conscious of Sagittarius A*, however it still holds our sun and many other stars within its orbit, creating the milky way. Or am I actually consciously creating those things on a level of awareness that I cannot reach within the mind? What is the metaphysical / epistemological explanation for this?? What am I missing?