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Everything posted by SamueLSD

  1. Our definition of nothing as an empty void is wrong. I'm not very experienced with that insight though I'll leave it there
  2. Any state of higher consciousness you have experienced happened in the present. One cannot possibly deny that. The present is now. Time is relative and does not apply to the Whole. You really have to contemplate this to understand. It's a really important insight. You are god experiencing mind. The mind is the dream, it has its limits. You cannot obtain that level of understanding within the mind. Enlightenment reveals the Whole. Not specific and relative pieces of it such as physics, as that creates a duality. You will see how EVERYTHING 'works'. Because you are experiencing your 'small self'. What if this seemingly limited and concrete reality is the 'manipulation'? But do you really know that they exist? Maybe you feel as if you have enough evidence to confidently say that they do, but do they actually exist right now as something other than a concept/belief? Are those memories actual? Basically, that question isn't really relevant. I made a post asking the same question, and I've gained so much clarity in letting it go and realising that endlessly perusing those questions isn't how we discover ourselves. You must let go of all concepts, questions as well as the questioner.
  3. Be free man. I stopped posting here for months after my helltrip, you'll come back fresh.
  4. That sucks. You're gonna feel traumatised for a while. Thankfully, that 'while' isn't long at all in the bigger picture, and you can only grow from here if you actually try. Happened to me on acid. I did 5 tabs, approx 200ug each. There were no evil entities yelling at me, no snakes coming out of the walls, just a 48 hour comedown that made me see myself as a lost, unlucky, and lazy human. I could not sleep. I had never felt so horrible. It lasted months. Looking back, it is just an EXTREME form of ego backlash. I did way too much, way too fast, and I wasn't in the mental state to be doing it. I think you are in a similar position. Take things slow. Enjoy life.
  5. Well a more relevant title could've been: "How you can misinterpret advanced teachings", or "How we unconsciously take concepts as belief", as this problem exists everywhere, not just here. It shapes the kind of responses you are going to get. Respect for pointing the issue out though, it should be talked about more.
  6. He has admitted things he has been wrong about on his blog posts, not really feedback but nonetheless.
  7. I'm not denying it is a problem. But its a recognized problem Leo mentions quite often, and I don't see how he makes it worse. We literally do it to ourselves, and not only with self development.
  8. Because it is what people beg for. Most don't settle for a riddle, or being told the answer cannot be communicated. Give them the egoic answer they want and they will realise for themselves they cannot do anything with thought / belief. He speaks of nurturing the sense of awe. I hope you watched it. Where? Can you actually back this up? Again, this seems like your problem. Maybe not only you. The fact that people settle for mere words as true answers is problem of the mind, not Leo. He says himself the answer has to be rediscovered by you. Of course people are going to misinterpret things! No matter how you convey it. That is the individuals problem. This forum is here to help with those problems but it doesn't change the fact. Dude, he has hours of videos talking about open-mindedness . YOU must nurture it! He has to assume his viewers are open minded, he can't force them to be. He also mentions sooo many time how the process is unique for everyone as everyone is incredibly different. It seriously sounds like you are talking about some few specific posts or videos. Yes. I am defending psychedelics because they deserve to be, they are very useful. You made an incorrect statement and I am critiquing it. Every chemical has side effects to certain people. You said yourself everyone is unique. That is a generalisation based on one persons experience. I have never experienced this, majority haven't. Otherwise it would be common knowledge.
  9. Incredibly misinformed. You clearly have very limited experience with psychedelics. Psychedelics aren't just for awakening anyway. They are for healing, and developing in a more relative sense too. Is a psychedelic not a tool, anyway? What do you mean by this? I'm yet to hear of psychedelics doing this.
  10. Watch this. It's short and disproves that statement. Also watch his earlier videos, sounds like you are talking about his really advanced stuff. The thing is we don't believe him. This is crucial. Keeping this in mind: For others, it opens them up to new possibilities. Someone who is determined on this path doesn't settle with answers given by Leo, but sees them as a point in the right direction to go there and experience it for oneself. To see if it is true in direct experience. I think you should say " Every time he does so and I believe him, my sense of mystery gets dimmer and dimmer.", not ". Every time he does so and you believe him, your sense of mystery gets dimmer and dimmer." You're assuming the experience of everyone else, when this is clearly your problem. Which is not a bad thing. You can work on that. Yes, yes you can. OPENMINDEDNESS - not the same as belief. Athletes who excel above the majority are called superhuman. That level of discipline is a feat. Also that level of awareness transcends the mind, which is what the human is, so it makes sense to call it superhuman imo.
  11. It's never too good to be true
  12. @Rolo Yeah mate I love seeing Australia cooperating with smaller nations, we are going to start sending troops to Japan soon to train up and learn to work efficiently together, which again is part of the reason China is unhappy
  13. China has recently been treating Australia as if it is a pawn, essentially forcing Australia to choose between them and the US. Military tensions are rising, especially after the new defence pact that Scott Morrison signed with Japan, and Chinas unwelcome presence in the Indo-pacific. A cold war is already underway. China has stopped shipping many goods to Australia in retaliation to the prime ministers inquisition into the poor handling of corona virus, and the fact that China completely covered it up at the start, essentially fucking over the rest of the world. The close relationship between the US and Australia is also another reason why things are deteriorating, fast. I sense some sort of military confrontation coming about soon. If not, then certainly some sort of economic warfare more devastating than what we are already seeing. What do you guys think of all this? sorry about the mainstream news videos This is NOT a violent photo btw - it is a photoshopped tweet that is talked about in the above video ^
  14. @Keyhole Well, Australia has done plenty to please the US (military wise) when we quite frankly weren't needed to, so hopefully they will back us directly. We have a defence pact with the US anyway, China threatening Australia is basically China threatening America. @electroBeam Russia is getting involved with condemning Aussie war crimes now, just after China commented. What a surprise...
  15. Well, I wouldn't be surprised if Scomo gets on his knees for Biden. Yeah war isn't exactly likely, right now anyway. But Beijing continues to do provoking shit and I feel like war will be far more likely in year, or even a year to come. If China sees Australia is reluctant to let them freelance around the south china sea / indo-pacific, they will make sure to threaten us while doing so.
  16. I get the analogy, but don't forget about abused dogs
  17. This one has likely already been mentioned here, but I have to add it again because it is so damn good. Thanks to @mandyjw for recommending this to me Rupert has done a great job at explaining the flaws in the materialist paradigm, debunking it in the first few chapters. His use of non-dual analogies is perfect and has given me a different perspective of what awareness is by explaining things step-by-step, from simply logically noticing the connectedness of everything , to full God realization. 10/10
  18. Physical restraint has been proven to cause more injury than a mild electrocution, Lol. That is how cops unintentionally dislocate arms, cause concussions, choke people to death, etc. Stop being so sensitive, I'm almost certain she would've had the chance to avoid being arrested in that way.