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Everything posted by SamueLSD

  1. Being sort-of open minded is still closed mindedness.
  2. Or is it intuition? As a moth spirals towards the light, man stumbles in the direction of Love.
  3. I thought he was admitting he was wrong as he said that, but nope.
  4. I agree. But even healthy and happy people are limiting themselves by not stopping to really question the nature of reality. You have to find the best of both worlds.
  5. If it is illusory / 'not necessarily true', how can you be sure it exists? You don't even really know what 'it' is. I think you should start asking "what is truth?", instead of looking for truth in panpsychism, solipsism, etc etc.
  6. @Nahm how can no thought mean enlightenment? My dog isn't enlightened ( I assume )
  7. It reminds me to be here, now. Take things less seriously and enjoy the ride.
  8. I used physical as I lacked a better word lol.
  9. It's pretty confusing, I think. Everything is consciousness, so how can we prove a physical reality? But, our sense perceptions are still receiving information from... well we can only say a physical world. But that 'physical' world is still fundamentally consciousness, as where can we draw the line between consciousness in the brain vs a certain part of the brain vs atoms etc etc. Its all apart of the dream, really.
  10. Well said. In addition to this, @Arthur8769 , are you open to the suggestion that you have already decided what to fill it with?
  11. A highly inclusive estimate would be like 1.5 billion.
  12. Since when is the west the majority?
  13. How would this stop addictions? Isn't it important that we care deeply about these things, in the form of acknowledging ( or creating ) solvable problems?
  14. How is this the greatest reality possible? And aren't there infinite realities?
  15. Embrace the fear. Fear and Love are deeply connected, you will come to realise this if you feel into the fear and see it for what it is. "would that reflect in real life whilst I'm on psychedelics if I have the thought come up in my head " Yes, there is no true distinction between real and imaginary, ESPECIALLY on psychedelics. That is what makes the experience so profound. If you get scared, just be aware of the fear. Feel into it. You can do this to heal any fear / trauma.
  16. Sort of like Shinzen Young's noting technique. Can be done with See and Feel too.
  17. The confusion stems from mind. Why is the mind confused? It beings as a blank slate and then tangles itself in a web of beliefs. Why does it seem like 'Supreme consciousness' isn't here, now? Because the perception of time is another consequence of mind. Where else could it be? When else could it be?
  18. They aren't obsessed with the latter OR both. They are 'obsessed' with consciousness. 'Mundane' is but a impression of the mind, and as ones perspective becomes wider, it can be seen that the mind only sees mundane due to its small scope of perception, where things seem simple, repetitive, not mysterious, or where nothing is questioned at all. This is how you are misinterpreting the now. You have become accustomed to this so much so that you do not realise that it is in no way what it seems, or what you thought it was. Imagine you are a cell, the universe is a leaf, and the entire tree is consciousness. Do you look at a tree and see the leaves as separate?
  19. Obsession with the former leads to the latter, which is the realisation there is no separation. Also: Love.
  20. "mundane God is the same as the supreme God" "the latter?" (Latter infers the two aren't the same)
  21. Both. Would you look at a tree, only notice one brown leaf out of the hundreds of green ones and say: "That leaf is mundane", without even acknowledging the tree itself? Or do you see it as just one tree? The latter. Contemplate the connectedness of it all.