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Everything posted by SamueLSD

  1. At first I thought you were out of your mind, but you might be onto something. What would you define as proper breathing. I want to try it
  2. @ivankiss What if I am still suffering during proper breathing?
  3. I wouldn't be composed enough to play guitar while someone is literally touching my brain. Nice
  4. How can a feeling be false? You cannot skip to : without first 'feeling' your way there. Lol
  5. I argue that they would say: "OH MY GOD", at the very least
  6. @Raptorsin7 Hate to tell you man. LOL is not an immersive game. Star Citizen, maybe. And even that is no where near as immersive and flowing as real life surfing. Keep trying though, if you think you can make something of it.
  7. Because solipsism is like spiritual nihilism, in a way.
  8. What do you mean my vectimized
  9. Assuming your teaming with people and communicating well, focus on that. Teamwork can be fulfilling, especially if you take the lead. More so than the content of the game itself. ( I dont like LOL personally )
  10. No you didn't . Everything you have said is a finite mind trying to grasp something infinite. ( Conceptualising ) All you need to know is: to know is to experience. Then you will find your answers.
  11. Although I am not directly experiencing my own Mothers mind, is it true that she ( and other beings alike ) share the same awareness as me? Consciousness is infinite, so, is my experience just one phenomenological instance of consciousness ( a human mind ) that simply isn't aware of all the other perspectives of other humans? Or animals? Or beings from different realities? If a tree were to fall in a forest without me witnessing it, it wouldn't have really happened. But if I were to go to that location, the tree, of course, would be lying on the ground, as if it had fallen. Whether I was aware of it or not. In the same way, if I were to somehow enter another persons mind, it would definitely exist. Does it suffice to say "we are all one"?
  12. @Someone here self inquiry psychedelics ( LSD, Psilocybin, DMT ) reading high consciousness books, travelling, etc ( expanding knowledge + world view ) meditation ( mindfulness, do nothing, letting go, etc ) journal kriya yoga shamanic breathing astral projection Many more. MANY more. ( these aren't even part of the million ways I speak of, these are just techniques to access them )
  13. @TrynaBeTurquoise The linked video was about an event. There was no bias in this particular video, it was simply showing something trump said on twitter. No one here is going to be brainwashed by a 1 minute news story, relax.
  14. My thoughts ( based on nothing because I cannot remember being an infant LOL ); Senses are illusory, and an infant would be fully immersed in this illusion. Similar to adults in a way. However, they are more connected with being in a sense, as there is no 'observer' / sense of self. ( Less than 6 months old perhaps. ) Keep in mind: they are beige on the spiral ( Basic survival instinct ), so there would be times at which they are in a state of extremely low consciousness (e.g: crying for their mother, chewing on a pacifier, idk ) I do feel like a child again when I am on acid.
  15. @Someone here You're full of questions, like me But why keep asking, when it evidently isn't leading anywhere? Find out for yourself. There is a million ways to do it.
  16. Hell yeah. We are all contributing to this by developing ourselves
  17. @Raptorsin7 What game are you speaking of, specifically ?
  18. @traveler Yeah I think I get the idea somewhat, as other replies are hinting toward the same thing.
  19. @Member What? Ego does not equate to arrogance. How do you expect me to explain a mystical / higher consciousness experience to you if you haven't experienced it yourself? You are doubting psychedelics, without trying them