- Adam -
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Serious trauma is heavy man, it destroys parts of you. It weighs on you, perhaps mostly unconsciously but my experience is that there is a lot of self denial and repressed emotions, Like a suffering child that wasn't given the light of day by anyone. That emotional charge that was swallowed up at the time because it wasn't safe to express, perhaps is still seeking full expression to this day. It's just a guess. Don't mind it if it doesn't resonate, but have you done work on your trauma like therapy or psychedelics? I've hid my trauma for a good 12 years and only recently started opening up to people so I can relate with the impulse, it feels like the implicit distance and alienation can finally disolve when I disclose my wounds. Although it takes an especially safe-feeling person for me to do that. I don't see it as bad, I think it's only natural for such an influential experience to be part of the story of you that you tell people you connect with. I've read in Mark Manson's book "Models" that traumas are relational. They inevitably come up and are either resolved or break appart the first intimate relationships one has in a somewhat messy process, which is why he advocates for seing a therapist for those who need it.
This cut right through my binge of distraction. Thank you 🙏
That sensationalist YouTuber tone 🤮
Beyond particular details about the pyramids, the message of the Law of One seems quite genuinly spiritual. The phenomenon is interesting to say the least.
I've been watching the Ra Contact since yesterday and going "damn" every so often. The Great Pyramid of Giza was thought into existence by disembodied infinite alien intelligence guys!
Yeah that's not good right but it's like: I'm still gonna enjoy some pasta or rice in my dish, and it's more of a light sprinkle over a big vegetable stew along with a protein. I feel that doing that and purging the need to eat a sweet everytime thereafter is balanced.
That's amazing, thanks a lot for sharing what worked for you! I'm shedding my sugar habit as well and It's (obviously) gotten me more sharp, although I still often find myself unable to conjure up the words fast enough to even remember what I'm talking about in conversations, which would be the nastiest manifestation of poor memory in my life. Not planning to avoid carbs entirely but I wonder what that did for you. Also any updates on your supplementation?
I think I allready had tinnitus at this point but I went and got ear-raped by a RHCP concert at the Stade de France 2 years ago. I really regret that.
Hi everyone, After a good amount of reading I'm ready to go down this avenue and find out with numbers if I'm toxic or not. Inciting incident was failing out of tradeschool for pastry due to memory problems, being slow, having poor ability to hold tasks in memory and organize them. other problems include having a hard time staying connected to a conversation, dark circles under the eyes, rashes on hands wont go away.. Before transitioning to something else I'm taking the time to investigate heavy metals possibily being a cause for my cognitive issues. There's clearly a divide between hair test people and urine test people. I'm curious about your opinions I was confused at first because I learned about the urine test first with Leo, but then find out Andrew cutler, who made this subject his life purpose, advocated for hair tests. ultimately I agree with the opinion that no amount of heavy metals is ok to have in the body, so a provoked test is not to be disregarded. If someone here vouches for hair tests, can you tell me why? Do you know of pre/post provocation test packages? (sending two samples) Should I test on or off round if I only get one? (I'm streching myself thin financially) Which test do you specifically recommend? Any affordable ones in Canada? Test results may differ from DMSA to DMPS, right? I've even seen fecal matter tests, No data on that?
That's right. I appreciate your taking the time to have Dr.Gpt analyse my results because it taught me about the counting rules. Unfortunatly you or Chatgpt's image to text got copper and zinc values wrong, but the overal picture still feels right: Almost every essential mineral is low. To your point @Michael569, it's certainly not the only cause for my low fonctionning and will not be my only focus, it's just what I'm waking up to lately. Granted I know next to nothing about holistic health and there's room to doubt my orientation towards chelation, but reading mercury cognitive symptoms had me go "Yes, yes, yes..". there's realistically a good chance I'm moderatly HM toxic, just because the sources of it in everyday consuption are so numerous it's scary. So if there's a chance chelation makes a difference in my ability to think, focus, decide, recall, free associate, emphatize, emote etc, then I'm willing to give it a solid, responsible try. That difference is potentially life transforming, it gives me hope. And so now that I'm spending money and time towards my health with chelation, I'm less tempted to ruin it with a poor lifestyle. Might also finally seek out therapy for teenage traumas, effort towards having a social life, becoming a full human... So I think it's part of a positive trend for me. Yes thank you for your contributions! The main takeaway for me is that you have to allow a level of uncertainty, and proceed slowly. Provoked tests are more precise, more reliable but even there, the choice of chelator obviously influences the results.
Bruh x_x That "live forever" guy is slowly gonna turn into Voldemort
I wont nag you further, thank you for all that. The long list of supplements is intimidating but I will take it step by step. Will probably add a few of these to my starting roaster off the bat because I know lots of people preach thyroid, liver and adrenal support. I still have a lot to learn and will continue reading the ACC group as well as your journal which is a great introductory ressource!
I definitely would prefer to know exactly what I have but yeah the costs really get up there especially with shipping outside of the US. I was also scared of taking a mega dose so quickly into my confused newbie phase. Note that I since found a safer adaptation of the provoked urine test with spread out, lower doses in Amalgam Illness, Diagnosis and Treatment - Andrew Hall Cutler p.178 That's the thing : I'm in a weird spot in life where I started an immigration project to Canada 8 month ago with a student permit, struggled so much to keep up with my program I had to drop out and re-evaluate my mental health, but on a budget because I might have to move out again soon. Because I related to many of the symptoms, I made the investment up-front and bought chelators and supplements in bulk powder form, so as to keep costs to a minimum. (except DMSA and DMPS which are only available as pill bottles on livingsupplements.com) Dealing with powders is a puzzle but it has benefits. Thank you so much for your help regarding starting protocol and doses Do you supplement on and off round ? I think they suggest starting chelation like a month after getting on the Core 4, I imagine in part so you can register the effects of it seperatly, but I'm reluctant to the idea of taking pills all the time. They get very complicated with supplementation over at the ACC group. Of course I'll be glad to find remedies for specific side effects once I have them but I would love to keep a simple process: doing alternating rounds (with a progressive build up in dosage) of DMSA + ALA & DMPS + ALA "start with one chelator" - Which one? Here if you could suggest starting doses for each it would be great. here's what I noted in my common place book: 4 days on - 4 days off DMSA : 30mg / Kg / day on a 3 hour reuptake schedule, so divided by 8 (you take 25mg per dose?) OR DMPS : 200 - 500mg / day on a 6 hour reuptake schedule, so divided by 4 ALA : 25mg to 250mg every 3 hours
@Michael569 I don't know what the reference interval is based on, but I score low on essential elements compared to it. The next pages are a description/disclaimer for the test, followed by paragraphs called "Calcium low" "Magnesium low" "Potassium low" and so on. No talk about reference range. What I gathered is that Mercury and other such toxic elements interfere with the binding of essential minerals in the body, which shows up as low essential elements when testing.
Welp, given I have them now, I'm just gonna take a starting dose of ALA & DMPS for a round and feel it out.
Thank you for your response @mmKay, I have found a lot of info and motivation to figure it all out in your Chelation Journal I ultimately decided to do a hair test since it's the cheapest way to get data, and feedback on the ACC facebook group is that I almost certainly have mercury poisoning. I just wanted some hint outside of my intuition to greenlight chelation as a worthy investment for me. I'm attaching my hair test result in case you have comments, which would be welcome