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Everything posted by Mongu9719
If realising that your god means repeatedly taking 5-Meo dmt, then what is the point of doing anything else? Leo said that realising fully your god would solve all your problems and that all other methods besides psychedelics are useless. If this is true then what is the point of yoga,meditation ect and also pursuing other aspects of spiritual and personal development. Is it all a waste of time? If all it takes are a 100 doses of 5meo dmt to realise your nature as god, then what work does spirituality pose? The average bum off the street can do it and pretend he is god. It makes no sense. Psychedelics should be used as a tool and not a crutch. I feel like Leo is depending way too heavily on 5-Meo. He is in love with the high of awakening. It appears as though he has let go of his other spiritual practices. He’s done over 80 trips now for the past 2 years. At some point you have to slow down. I feel like he is just chasing awakening after awakening. It seems very neurotic and rushed. At what point do we question if this is the right way? How far can we take this? I was on board until now, but I am having serious doubts. Are we just getting driven further into delusions and harmful behaviours?
@Leo Gura How much DMT have you injected up your ass this time on your retreat? Have you figured out how to rewire the brains of fetuses in Africa yet?
Leo Gura says he is the most concious being on this planet. I am sad to say that, that is no longer true. Time to give up that title Leo. You cant parade around pretending that your better than everyone anymore. I have ascended the material plane of existence entirely and have merged with the truth completely. I exist in my own domain in the void, a task that no other human has accomplished. Leo Gura speaks of being awakened but he is actually not awakened at all. I have seen it for myself. I have consulted with the other cosmic beings and qw have concluded that Leo is completely deluded and egotistical and all his notions of awakening are completely false. The council has decided to send me to deliver this message as a warning. The reason you dont uderstand this message Leo and the reason you will ban me is because you and your followers are not fully awake. You will never in a million years be as concious as I am. Sorry Leo.
Mongu9719 replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nahm Stop asking me questions. I am more concious than you. You should listen to me. -
this is just further indoctrination into stage orange. He is teaching you to think rationally.
@Leo Gura You are wrong. Beings much more concious than you have explained that as humans we need to be connected to states of awe as much as possible and that any means which arent destructive like sex and sports are good for connecting with the source. They explain that in these physically intense moments we completely lose ourselves and are overcome with joy and love. Many have experienced these states in sports, it is more than just attaching meaning to actions. Machine elves explained to me and many others that this is the entire purpose of our existence and we should be in these states as much as possible. but i guess you arent as open-minded as you say and have a stick up your ass about sports. Ironic, considering how you claim to be so concious,
I was watching a couple of videos and made a very interesting connection that I would like to share In this video sadhguru talks about how snakes are extremely perceptive of higher dimensional realities and have a much stronger connection to realities beyond our own. He also states that if higher dimensional beings ever show themselves to you would probably take the form of snakes and that they are not an mere illusions. He says religious traditions all around the world depict snakes as being very important. This is extremely fascinating to me because sadhguru has never done DMT. In this video Dakota of the earth discusses how large numbers of people encounter cosmic serpent entities on DMT upon entering DMT realm, but doesnt understand why. In this video, 434 explains that machine elves basically take these forms like snakes because they need to in order to communicate with us. They explain that they basically take a part of our personality and mainfest themselves so that our human brains can comprehend them. This includes taking the form of cosmic serpents. This also ties in with Leo's video he posted on his vlog on how all understanding is metaphorical. He explains how mystical experiences are communicated to us in a way that our human brain can understand like through metaphors and symbols. This is how our brain operates and it is why someone who is deeply religious may experience a mystical vision with the gods or figures that they identify with, since the brain has to interpret the new information coming in into someting meaningful. this is why a christian might see jesus in a vision or a hindu might see ganesha. This is exactly what the machine elves also explained,. It seems like all of Leos recent teachings are exactly the same as what the machine elves teach, which validates a lot of his ideas even further.
I am a 22 year old male and have some questions regarding choosing a partner. I dated someone for the past 1 year who ended up being very self destructive. She ate fast food all the time, had an extremely messy apartment, and was addicted to social media. Her life philosophy is essential to be a successful doctor and make money and have a large house. She is also fairly negative and has a nihilistic attitude towards life, “that there is no point”. Her personality is what attracted me to her, but her self destructive habits and life goals have completely turned me off. I don’t really like to categorise people but she seems very “orange” on the spiral and whenever I bring up the idea of spirituality and Leo, she says that I’m in a cult and that all these things are just BS. I clean her room sometimes but she just makes it messy the next day. I was also going through some mental health issues and didn’t want to have sex, but she persistently kept asking to have sex with me even I wasn’t in the mood. She constantly chases pleasure and loves to shop. To me she seems like the average college student who is brainwashed by American consumerism and materialism. I don’t know if most people are like this but, I really don’t want to get into a situation like this again, and I was wondering if I could get some advice on how to find someone that has their life together and has similar values to me. Again I don’t want to label, but I would put myself at mostly Green on the spiral with some orange, and this transition from orange to mostly green took me about 5 years. It seems like finding a green person is really uncommon.
Mongu9719 replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@acidgoofy I don’t know who this “you” is. I am god. -
Sadhguru disapproves of psychedelics but in this video he talks about weed and other drugs, so he seems a bit confused about what psychedelics actually are. I wonder if he would change his mind about them if he tried them. It would be really interesting to see how they would affect a mystic such as himself.
Why is the concept of suffering so central to spiritual teachings. People say that suffering can lead to enlightenment which allows to escape suffering. This is a good example of a strange loop. The further you flee from suffering the more you suffer. This is an example of paradox. Are there any other aspects of suffering that should be discussed. I would like people’s thoughts on this issue.
If I take a hammer and damage your occipital lobe , then aspects of your conciousness Like sight will be affected. Why does this not prove that neurons are responsible for what we consider the “metaphysical brain”, since there is a direct link between my occipital lobe being damaged and my eyesight? For simplicities sake let’s say that our brain can be held in 1 neuron. If I smash that neuron, I will be brain dead. Doesn’t this prove that the neuron generates the brain?
@Shiva I don’t make the video. I made the 5leo dmt thread.
Oh hey that’s me! Lol. Glad it’s going mainstream. More people need to know about the cult.
Mongu9719 replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Mu_ but aren’t there physical correlates to conciousness like the default mode network? -
Mongu9719 replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@RendHeavenits a response to the video “Why Brains do not exist” -
Mongu9719 replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@TRUTHWITHCAPITALT it’s funny because you sound like the most brainwashed one of them all. -
Leo has left to pursue his millionth awakening by injecting drugs up his anus. I will also be leaving this cult after being banned for no good reason. Apparently it was because I called someone a sheep on the forum. My point has been proven time and time again. The majority of the people on this forum aren’t very smart. A few people came out of the woodworks to support me, but the rest dismissed my concerns. I wish you all the best on your spiritual journeys, and the one piece of advice I will give everyone is this; do not follow anyone blindly including Leo, and think twice before you take anybody’s suggestions. Do not get sucked into any traps and think critically. I think I have outgrown this forum and am ready to move on. Thanks to everyone for their advice and help. Godspeed gentlemen.
Mongu9719 replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Osaid or are you just avoiding the issue by claiming that my ego is getting in the way and that im getting angry. I am the most selfless person you will ever meet. It shouldn’t be too hard for you to accept that because Leo has made the exact claim himself. The sheep on this forum claim projection and ego whenever a valid issue is brought up. It’s hilarious at this point. -
Mongu9719 replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@SamueLSD You just ignored what I was trying to tell you. He is literally claiming godhood and superiority over all other humans and claiming that any other method besides 5meo will not work. He said all other spiritual teachers are scammers. His diet is extreme. He says all food except a raw diet are garbage. His audience is impressionable and he speaks with authority even if he doesn’t have any. What a joke. -
Mongu9719 replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@SamueLSD Didn’t you watch his most recent videos? Seriously you need to inform yourself before opening your mouth. He claims that 5meo is the only useful tool and if you do anything else you are wasting your time. In the same video he says he has major health problems and that injecting drugs up his anus will solve those issues. He claims that he is above all enlightened people on planet earth and says he will not stop pursuing awakening even though it is endless. His diet is just raw foods, and he tells viewers to eat the same way. He’s running expirements on himself and thinks he has a 100% success rate which is impossible. He won’t accept that he made a mistake and he spreads these ideas with absolute conviction even though they are tenuous at best. He has a young impressionable audience and he doesn’t understand what he’s doing. It’s seriously extreme and unhealthy. -
Mongu9719 replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
>Any claims made on this channel are meant to be verified by the viewer for him or her self without turning them into dogma. thats a dangerous thing to tell your viewers. They will pursue awakening full throttle as they have to verify if what he is saying is true. I can only imagine what damage that would cause to the sheep on this forum. Which most of the people here are. -
Mongu9719 replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Then just leave. Why do you gotta announce and try and justify your reasons. For attention? To show everyone how right you are? And now sticking around to argue with people who respond, before you stomp off? your just proving my point. It was a goodbye to all the people that helped me out and supported me. And a warning to those that still take Leo seriously. He’s a joke now. Watch his latest video. It has nothing to do with my ego. There’s no reason for me not to respond to you, since I’m just warning people.