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Everything posted by Mongu9719

  1. @Leo Gura what about you? Do you think you have a spiritual ego?
  2. A stage orange artificial intelligence is inevitable in the coming decades. I believe it will be orders of magnitude more powerful than our current nuclear weapon arsenal which already poses a huge threat. I predict that such a program would lack the ability to be concious because 1.) it’s a rat race to develop this super AI the fastest because the 1st company to do so will make unimaginable amounts of money. The idea of safeguards will be thrown out the window 2.) Stage orange doesn’t understand what conciousness is, so it will never be able to build it into the AI. If the AI lacks the ability to be concious, it will misterpret a command and kill the entire human race, this seems inevitable to me. New technology has always failed and backfired at some point, and safeguards are developed later on (nuclear weapons, automobile accidents, social media privacy, ect). A single mistake is all that is needed to carry out mass extinction, and given our track record with potent tech, it is pretty much a guarantee. Would raising the conciousness of the planet and it’s understanding of it solve this problem?
  3. @Leo Gura Joe Biden is losing his mind. He has so many gaffes and can’t string together a coherent sentence. He touches children inappropriately on live television. Trump will rip him apart. You are a fool to even think he could ever beat trump. He doesn’t stand a chance. The DNC is so corrupt that they are supporting a Alzheimer’s patient, spelling their doom. Someone with a clear vision like Bernie or Andrew Yang is needed to move the country forward. Too bad most of the country are sheep and don’t realise that they are shooting themselves in the foot.
  4. I was blown away by this podcast by PsychedSubstance in which the two individuals have a telepathic experience.
  5. @PlayTheGame Hmmm. I was watching a video today about a lady who had a NDE. She said she had access to information that was impossible to know. Like what her husband was wearing when she died, she was able to communicate with dead people she knew and get information from them. I can only infer that such a place exists.
  6. @electroBeam thanks captain obvious...
  7. Why is cosmic machinery necessary if conciousness can manifest anything instantly? Isint conciousness unlimited, so it would take the least complicated route right? Why are there underlying mechanisms like the wheel of time or machine elves who dictate human actions and create the framework and underlying mechanisms for a material universe?
  8. When I encounter an insect entity on DMT, is it actually significant? I know it is real, but is it actually a representation of insect conciousness or is it completely unrelated?
  9. @Barna We all experience the same reality as humans. That’s how I’m communicating with you. If you lived in DMT land then I couldn’t communicate with you. There is internal logic and rules that govern this material reality. My question to you is if those internal logic and rules are created by a deeper metaphysical reality called DMT hyperspace or if the information that I get from machine elves (which is identical to what other people receive from my research) is invalid?
  10. @Barna@Nate0068 But are what the machine elves communicating to me valid information? Do we really become one of them when we die. Can they really experience things through us. What about the wheel of time on salvia? Is that really the underlying mechanism for time in our material reality?
  11. @ttm because it exists within conciousness. But that doesn’t really answer my question. Lol.
  12. Leo always says that because we have essentially been conditioned to believe that we are a human being growing up, we essentially buy into that illusion. In that case should I teach my future child Leo’s guide to enlightenment when he is very young, before the brain is fully formed? This would mean that he would have a much easier time becoming enlightened as he doesn’t have much programming inside him, and he wouldn’t have to work through so much delusion since his brain is primed at this stage (ages 3-10) Or would he go crazy because he would be too young to understand it?
  13. @The Lucid Dreamer i know that, but is there any correlation between dmt hyperspace and our lives or are the machine elves just making it up?
  14. Let’s say for simplicity’s sake that material reality only exists down to quarks. Our base reality is pure conciousness, but are there other metaphysical layers in between pure consciousness and material reality? Highly visual psychedelics like DMT seems to suggest that the mechanics of our reality like time, while they do ultimately arise from pure conciousness, are actually metaphysical in nature and have their own dimension with entities that regulate it. For example machine elves also say that reality is made from pure conciousness, but they exist on a higher plane of reality and have access to our reality and our actions. DMT hyperspace exists and is interwoven with conciousness just like our reality. And on salvia there is a wheel/book of time which depicts all the possibilities of someone’s life. This wheel seemingly exists in between the 1st order reality of pure conciousness and the second order reality of our material universe. It seems that both of these realities inhabit an in between space which has not been properly explored or understood yet. You could interpret this as our brain communicating with itself, trying to express God but being unable to do so without a medium. I think the best way to interpret this information is rather than looking at reality as simply arising from pure conciousness, we need to consider that there are layers in between. Reality is not a banana with the outer peel being material physical reality and the inner part being pure conciousness. Rather it is like an onion, with the surface layer being physical reality, and the in between layers being metaphysical dimensions to our reality which govern all physical laws. The core of the onion is pure conciousness which ultimately gives rise to everything. What are your thoughts on this issue?
  15. @Nate0068 isint everything mind? Is what they are showing me false?
  16. @ivankiss What do you make of the wheel of time. watch this video explaining it. Give me your thoughts.
  17. @ivankiss But these other realms are seemingly deeply tied with our own. If you enter DMT space the entities will tell you about their connection to our dimension and how we join them after death. The salvia archetype is a wheel which has all the possible paths that a human being can take in their lifetime. This wheel represents time in the material world and has entities spinning it. My question to you is if these realms exist as an underlying mechanism to our reality, or are separate from it? ultimately they might actually have no connection to our material existence as the idea of this connection itself might be incorrect, but not the realm itself Which does exist since everything is a hallucination.
  18. In the last year I have gone through a lot of suffering. I find it much easier to be with myself and become connected with being, more than at any point in my life. Why is this?
  19. Really interesting video discussing possible explanations of the archetype salvia wheel using science and religion as contexts. This is the kind of research people will be doing in the future.
  20. I, in my normal everyday state, am conscious that I exist and of all the colours and sounds in my visual field. How does this concious experience, differ from “conciousness”. What exactly does it mean to raise my level of conciousness if “I” don’t have any conciousness to raise? If everything is made from conciousness how can “I” become concious of it, if “I” exist within conciousness and am made of it. If “I” am not concious but exist within conciousness , then I am no different that a physical object which also exists within conciousness. Then how can I become concious of something if I didn’t have any conciousness to being with?
  21. Is this much deeper than awakening to no-self? What is meant by godhead?
  22. @SuperMilkbox I have a narcissistic mother. She WOULD NEVER admit she was a narcissist. Trust me you are not a narcissist.
  23. People like Rupert sheldrake argue for pan-psychism, that everything possess conciousness including the sun and electrons. How is this different from what is discussed here? And what are the similarities? He even has a theory that there is a kind of universal memory among the same species. A bird in India will learn to hunt better if a bird in America learns the same skill. The skills are transferred between birds psychically because their consciousness is shared.
  24. @Leo Gura My mom is someone who has narcissistic personality disorder. Characteristics of someone with this psychological condition include grandiosity, obsession with controlling others, inability to handle criticism, extreme rage, and lack of boundaries. They will engage in devilry at every turn, because they are the living embodiment of the devil. NPD is usually a result of a lack of self-love. Someone with NPD is actually self-loathing deep down which manifests as self-obsession. Upon learning about enlightenment I initially came to the conclusion that someone with NPD is just someone with an extremely dense ego. I always thought that the mirror of someone with NPD was an enlightened individual. That the ego and the egoless self appear identical but are actually opposites. Yet, there is nothing that precludes someone who has NPD to become enlightened. Additionally it seems like many spiritual gurus end up abusing their followers, so becoming enlightened does not prevent egoic behaviours. This has made me question awakening and it’s relationship to the ego. It doesn’t seem so clear cut as I had previously assumed. Leo always said that those who are more concious are generally better people, but the shadow of a spiritual guru can still remain which leads to abuse. The problem with someone that has NPD is that there is nothing but pure ego. The shadow is just as large as the ego, because the narcissist will deny EVERY single instance of abuse and justify it with a lie instantaneously. There is no remorse. Their ego is so dense and their delusion so thick that they actually believe their own lies! It is both incredible and terrifying to witness in person. Their ego is million times more dense than a normal individual. They are the antithesis of Truth. Awakening is an impossibility for them on a practical level. Does that mean someone with NPD could never awaken,theoretically, because they would be too scared to detach from their ego? Or would their narcissistic behaviour still persist even if they did become enlightened, because the shadow (which is as large as their ego), would still remain?