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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. I would recommend still drinking water. The only benefit of not drinking water I can see is purely spiritual, like being more grateful or whatever. Otherwise, I'm not sure if it's that good for you. That's smart. The best time to go into a water fast is probably when your withdrawal period is over and you're in ketosis, so after about 4 days usually. Your body will have adapted to that sort of diet by then, so the water fast will be easier. It's good to start slowly with intermittent just to see how your body responds. Once you're comfortable with intermittent, you can probably go for a longer fast. Although, I personally have never done a water fast
  2. Muslims go for a month, it just depends on how committed you are. Try not to get malnourished, get a good meal in. Maybe take multivitamins if you want Hunger becomes much more tame once withdrawals are over. Initially, lots of hunger is normal because your body is used to eating 24/7. BTW, the headaches most likely happen because your body is not ready to use ketones as fuel, and it starts having low blood sugar, which causes headaches. It's basically just a withdrawal symptom. It should go away once you get into ketosis. IME, only about 4 days. Your body will start to adapt and it will become easy. don't think so Best foods are the ones that are high in fat and protein, the worst ones are high in carbs. (BTW, you can subtract fiber from total carbohydrates because your body does not digest fiber) I generally do a 16/8 intermittent fast, I eat at 8pm and stop eating at 4am. I'm not sure if there is a best time. You can have coffee, just cut the carbs/sugar. Coffee could even speed up the process because it boosts your metabolism Although, it wouldn't hurt to try and take a break from it
  3. There are quite a few benefits, you can look them up pretty easily Generally speaking, I would say once every week or more is the sweet spot I think it could be worth going 30 days just to see what happens. In the end, you gotta test it out for yourself and see what works for you. Ironically, when I went 30 days it actually helped me become more intimate with my sexuality instead of distancing me from it.
  4. dopamine detox, maybe through intermittent fasting
  5. it's time to summon the legendary cartoon
  6. What I meant is that it only exists as an illusion Acknowledging self-deception is against self-deception. The entire game of self-deception is that you are unaware of it.
  7. It's accurate to say it died, since change is against survival It's more accurate to say that part of survival is copying what other people identify with, because identity isn't something that actually exists. Once you identify with something, that identification now has to be maintained through methods such as self-deception. What do you think self-deception has to do with copying?
  8. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221444201930453X Could be low testosterone according to this. Time to weed out potential causes
  9. Copying others is just one method for survival, albeit a pretty significant one This is true, I was only talking about copying others
  10. Not true, most of your survival is unconscious. You're right in saying that copying others is unconscious to a large degree, but copying others is also a survival mechanism. A lot of your survival is based around self-deception actually. If you were conscious of how some of your survival strategies work, you would probably stop doing them. But, the ego prevents that of course. From an outside perspective, smoking seems stupid. But, the smoker has completely self-deceived himself to the point where he does it daily without even thinking about it. To him, smoking makes perfect sense. After a while, a lot of your survival gets shoved in the background and becomes habits you don't even think twice about. For example, when someone smokes, they don't often tell themselves: "I am smoking as an unhealthy coping mechanism to fill in the void left by my depression." In order for survival to work, the ego must hide this fact from you. So instead, the ego turns it into something like: "Smoking is just a small enjoyable activity I do when I feel like taking a break." Now, this sort of thinking is much more palatable and it will allow you to smoke without feeling guilty.
  11. Maybe they were depressed and sought to cope with it by smoking. Could be anything tbh. Apparently peer pressure also plays a big part.
  12. Runescape also taught me how to type extremely fast lol Although I'm not sure if I'd recommend it to anyone, I would only play for nostalgia I think
  13. It's actually a virtual identity which is trying to survive, AKA the ego. The ego does not have to pertain itself to just the physical body, people can identify with anything. The body is just a very common and primitive identification. Since the human mind is so complex, our identity can become heavily entangled with our environment and daily activities. For example, smoking keeps the ego comfortable and satisfied, and so it will do its best to perpetuate the cycle of smoking. The perpetuation of that cycle is survival. In this case, smoking is prioritized over the health of the body, and so the habit of smoking will be perpetuated by the ego. Ultimately, survival is just the maintenance of a specific form. Leo has a really good 2 part series on survival which explains this stuff in detail
  14. @Space damn that's really good
  15. I think it's just ego backlash Leo also responded to this before:
  16. It's a relative perspective, not a materialistic one
  17. @fridjonk Damn where was this during my no-fap streak? Would have prevented me from "self-raping" my "dangerous sin zone".
  18. You mentioned Light without thinking about L? lol
  19. Yeah, this is why I'm unsure about Leo talking with him or whatever. His thumbnails are so clearly for shock value, it just feels dirty.
  20. Yes, we're talking about the body. I said "your" body just out of habit and in order to convey my message. You can replace the word "your" with "this" if it makes it clearer for you. Otherwise, I don't see how ego being necessary for the body to survive proves that "you" are the body. I'm not too sure what your point here is actually. Is your question: "what separates memory from imagination?" There is no separation. It's just that memory is a specific type of imagination which is designed to make your reality seem consistent. It's just a story to explain how you got here, which is actually from nowhere. Don't forget, it's possible to have bad memory, memory which is inaccurate to what reality portrays. Usually, when this happens, people will say: "you must have imagined it." See the distinction that's being made between memory and imagination? The degree to which you trust your memory is in accordance with how accurately it represents reality. If you "remember" a chair being in your room and it is not there, then you wouldn't trust your memory. If it is there, then you would. But really, memory and imagination is just a false duality that is being created.
  21. Survival. The ego's entire game is to survive, it's not gonna be that easy to completely dismantle it. It's tough for people to quit simple addictions, yet you think you're gonna completely remove the ego just by realizing it is false? That is going to be extremely tough. Although, without any of the ego's survival mechanisms, I'm not sure how long your finite manifestation would last. I think some sort of balance between the two is needed. What if the entire universe was created last Thursday, along with all of your memories? What if it was created in the last hour? Or maybe it's all being created right now, in the present moment? Does it really matter?
  22. I think they're both actually the same thing, but karma seems to be referring to a more specific form of equivalent exchange where it only focuses on the human aspect of it. For example, if someone throws a ball into the air, you wouldn't normally call that karma even though it is an equivalent exchange of cause and effect. But, you might call it karma if the ball falls down and hits you in the head.
  23. For me, it is the concept of equivalent exchange. There is always a pay-off for things in life. You can cheat on a test, but what is the cost? What is the benefit of not cheating? Why is it possible that I can put in less work than other people and get a better mark by cheating? Where is the pay-off that allows this to happen? After a while you will start to see these equivalent pay-offs in pretty much all aspects of your life. Your coding problem was a pretty good example of this btw Your inner state will manifest itself physically. For example, a depressed person could become fat and infatuated with food as a by-product of their inner state, which is depression. And then, health problems and other such things will start to manifest and slowly become worse until they fix their state of mind. Once they fix their state of mind, their need for food and their obesity will also automatically fix themselves. It can also go the other way around, they can fix their need for food and their obesity and then that will also fix their mind in the process. The order doesn't really matter. So, you could say the uniqueness is proportional to what their level of development is and what they are struggling with. It is basically just karma/equivalent exchange playing itself out. It's like the Universe putting a splinter in your thumb to wake you up and make you realize that you can improve yourself. You can also have two different experiences which contain the same lesson, it doesn't have to be the exact same experience which teaches it.