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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. you can do it externally too, takes a bit of practice though
  2. Huh, I feel like I may have accidentally done this. I did experience an extended orgasm when I continued touching the frenulum during climax in masturbation.
  3. Probably the electrolytes/minerals. Reverse osmosis removes pretty much all of those, leaving you with distilled water which saps at your electrolytes.
  4. When I was watching this video, I thought that we aren't much different, we still worry about things that immediately threaten our survival. Replace honey, meat and water with taxes, money, looks, jobs, etc. It gave a very simple view of how we perceive problems, albeit their problems are much more primitive and simple as that is what their survival requires. It makes sense, though. No time to contemplate the meaning of life when you're living in the wild.
  5. I used to have the same problem as a kid, then someone showed me their nails where it had become super short and told me that's what happens when you bite your nails, and I stopped. Maybe it was easier for me to stop since I was still young, I don't remember how exactly It happened since it was so long ago. I suggest you maybe google images of dermatophagia and maybe take a look at the effect it can have, see if it motivates you to stop I do pick at my lips quite a bit though, I wonder if the habit has transferred somehow.
  6. Your body eventually adapts to it, to the point where you feel physically full 24/7
  7. I think you need to be properly developed when doing longer days of no fap. If you've been fapping daily for like 8 years and you jump straight into some regimen where you're not doing it for 30 days, you're probably gonna end up edging a lot and suppressing a lot of sexual urges, which could end up being a bad thing mentally and physically. I would recommend easing yourself into it. After my flatline from my first 30 days of no fap, I have developed very high control over my libido. Doing no fap has become 100x easier, because my urges are under control now. This was not achieved by just mentally suppressing it, something seems to have shifted in my psychology and body after the flatline which allows me to go many days without masturbating, without any urges popping up out of nowhere. My sexual urges only appear if I willingly do something sexually stimulating. The difference between no fap back then and no fap now is night and day. It's not a matter of mentally pushing through the urges with brute force, It's like I have a much more efficient state of mind for doing it now, where there are no more urges to suppress. I think getting into this state of mind before pursuing long periods of no fap is key, it just feels so much more natural rather than constantly suppressing sexual urges. Your prostate will produce more prostatic fluid when you are aroused, so do your best not to edge. If you are excessively edging you might as well just do it at that point instead of suppressing it. Just listen to your body, then. You're not gonna get problems at day 30 or around there if you're not edging or something. Your body is smart, it will try to release excess prostatic fluid through wet dreams or through urination. Pay attention to your body, over all. You will get pretty much all of those benefits after 30 days of no fap. IME, the benefits definitely cap at a certain point. I find that the energy benefits cap at around day 7, but a solid month of no fap was needed to rebuild my capacity for sexual pleasure. Pay attention to how you feel and whether the benefits are actually increasing or not. Keep in mind, if you have been fapping excessively for most of your life, it wouldn't be a bad idea to go for long periods to reset any sort of effect that might have had. It has been proven in rats that masturbating temporarily reduces androgen receptor density, and not to mention the dopaminergic effects doing it daily could have. Not a bad idea to give your body a break from all those processes.
  8. he talks pretty similarly if you watch his interview with Mizkif
  9. You need to fully realize its potential by excessively doing it. See everything it has to offer and then use that as reference for later. I remember forcing myself to masturbate every day for a whole month just to observe how it feels each time and what it is providing me. I also went 30 days without doing it several times, just to see how my libido escalates and how it feels when I finally decide to do it. I've basically seen everything these sort of regimens have to offer, and I have become comfortable with doing it or not doing it to any sort of degree because I already know exactly what it has to offer. Most of the time you experience a sort of mini FOMO, where you feel like you're missing out big time by not indulging in something. If you have decent reference for how indulging in that feels like, you realize that you've already experienced everything it has to offer, and that doing it right now won't really satisfy you or change anything in the big picture.
  10. How was your urine color on a dry fast? Are the kidneys something to be worried about on something like that? I am aware of metabolic water but I'm not sure on how effective it is in dealing with dehydration and kidney filtering. I have a feeling that your body becomes way more efficient at using water once you do it a lot, I have experienced something similar where I didn't feel thirsty all day. Have you experienced anything like that? It just seems like there is not much info on dry-fasting which is why I am asking you all these questions.
  11. Heavy metal brain fog is no joke. Getting rid of it can cure anger issues and mental/physical problems, along with feeling lighter and clearer in the head. Masturbating has never caused me any sort of problem, just a feeling of being calm and refreshed, although I definitely would not do it daily. I am aware of POIS. Perhaps it is a spectrum, and some of the reported negative effects are just a very mild form of it. Who knows. Not enough research into this stuff, unfortunately.
  12. Yeah, people are able to heal themselves through imagination, which is what placebo is. Pretty wild. Reminds me of that SpongeBob episode...
  13. So, lucid dreams? Yes. If you ever have sleep paralysis, you can use it as a gateway for very easy lucid dreaming, although unfortunately going through sleep paralysis is probably not the most healthiest method. But, I've probably had the most control over my dreams through using sleep paralysis. I think that all our dreams are induced by us, but we can do it consciously or unconsciously. When I am on the brink of falling asleep, I will sometimes catch myself thinking of certain thoughts and almost "entering" into them. Then, I will suddenly snap out of it and realize that my thoughts were making no sense at all. I think this is very similar, if not, the exact method through which dreams are created. I can confirm that this is also how a lucid dream is creating during sleep paralysis, you focus very hard on certain thoughts, and then imagine yourself "jumping" or "entering" into them. Other than that, I'm not really an expert, should probably look into it more. I'm sure there are various methods you can find. Some say dreams represent your subconscious trying to speak to you about real life problems, maybe resolving those could fix it. Something really practical you can do is to make sure that you are getting enough high quality sleep. If your sleep is low-quality or disturbed, you will dream more erratically.
  14. It could be an actual condition, POIS (Post-Orgasmic Illness Syndrome). I only know about it cause other members here seem to have it.
  15. Isn't change ultimately imaginary, similar to time? The only way for you to perceive change is to imagine a moment that is different from the present moment. If the present moment is all there is, then where is the reference for change?
  16. I think this is one of the first ones I watched, it's a pretty decent intro: His older stuff will be more tame and easier to get into, should look around there.
  17. I am convinced that fasting is a serious protocol for removal of accumulated toxins in the body. It puts your liver's detoxing mechanism into overdrive. After my 36 hour fast, my anger issues went away, I felt much more calmer and thankful for everything. I used to get angry over the tiniest and stupidest things before the fast. There was a very noticeable physical difference, my head clearly felt "lighter" after the fast. Also, my heart rate doesn't speed up erratically anymore. If I got scared by something, my heart-rate doesn't just shoot up to 200BPM out of nowhere like it used to before. Everything overall feels much more calmer and stable now. I have vomited during 2 of my fasts, one was intermittent 16/8 and the other was the 36 hour one I did. I don't believe it was because of low electrolytes, I think I was overloading my liver with the amount of toxins it was dealing with and I basically ended up poisoning myself with excess toxins in the bloodstream, which all ended up being vomited up as bile. Is this a good thing? Kind of. I don't think it is necessary to vomit, I think I rushed myself, but the benefits have been life-changing so I'm glad I got it over with. And also, of course, the more well known benefits, it is a great dopamine detox, it induces autophagy, etc. You know the rest. Very clear spiritual and physical benefits all around. Definitely something everyone should do. Doesn't have to be 36 hour, I do intermittent 16/8 for maintenance. I don't think we are meant to be eating food 24/7 as most people do.
  18. Where are you located in a dream? Why are you so easily able to adopt some dream character identity, and then immediately wake up and go back to believing that you are in the head? Your idea of "you" is so flexible. I am sure you experienced those 3 senses in your dreams as well, so which one are you? Your dream character, or the real life one? Let's say 90% of your reality you were stuck in a dream, and then the other 10% you would be in the waking state. Is this where you would decide that your "true identity" is the dream character?
  19. They might be introverts or reclusive
  20. "Live life as if everything is borrowed"
  21. Yes very true, let me know if you have any success
  22. Yes, there is no reason any other part of consciousness would behave differently in that sense. It all experiences itself, whether it is your hand or face. There is no observer, or rather, the observed is the observer.
  23. Yes, you are imagining a face, and also that you are unable to see that face. Look at your experience right now. Are you able to see your face? If not, then anything related to it must be imagined in the moment, or not the actual thing itself. When you go to a mirror and see your face, your experience is that you are seeing your face. Once you leave the mirror, "face" and "mirror", all these things turn into imagination until you experience them again. Also, imagination is not less than reality. It is also reality of course, but the key is recognizing that it is imagination and not something else.
  24. Yeah, you're imagining it, until you aren't. Once the experience is over, it turns into imagination. It couldn't be any other way. Even saying "the experience is over" is imagination. So many layers.